
TWINKLE BELLE (impossible love)

Read fantasy through this book and discover many things on magical creatures no one thought about. "Why are males always favoured? Why are we females not allowed to dominate in this world? Why don't we mark them instead. Why did God give them muscle to carry heavy loads and females tears to cry? This is because their muscles serve as handkerchiefs to wipe our tears. Behind every successful Emperor is a soft hearted and intelligent Emperess who wasn't given a chance to rule by herself." Those were the thoughts of a little girl called Isabelle Mendel. While an Emperor tired of being betrayed went on hiding in a land filled with creatures who wants his head, went back to his land for his 200th birthday and found a rose which cost is priceless and sooner untouchable. Read and discover how Isabelle and Emperor Twilight meet up and unleash all thier secrets. The book cover isn't mine, screened shot it from Pinterest.

Prosperity_Bep · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Prey for a predator

I stood up and tried to defend myself but in no time, I saw my sword fly away.

He looked down at me with a predator look and pointed his sword towards me, straight to my heart.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the unbearable pain.

"I don't have any reason to execute you, you weren't my property back then. Now Isabelle run away as fast

as possible. Don't look back" the angry man spoke with a cold tone which melted my heart.

I was totally confused, i didn't know why he brought me here and began that fight nor why he told me to run away.

"Tell me, did I do something wrong?, I confirm, when I first saw you, i wasn't ready to give myself to you but I

deduce that if I have this mark....is surely destiny" I said , slowly removing the sword from his hand. (prevention is better than cure). As the clicking sound of the sword was heard, the man standing infront me held my shoulders tight and pushed me to a statue pillar, not letting me go as he moved forward while I moved backward and kissed.

His kiss was like hot chocolate during a cold winter but suddenly, his tender kiss had become wild.

"My Emperor" I tried to speak beneath him as his fangs were piercing my lips and he was soaking my blood. "Twilight" I tried to call out once more.

After some minutes of soaking, he pulled back and looked at me with those irresistible eyes of his.

"Isabelle I told you to run away but you didn't listen, now you are gonna bare the consequences" he said and intended to continue as I halted him with my words.

"Wouldn't it be right to do this after the wedding?" I asked and his light up face completely turned sour as

I deduced he had recall some bad memories.

"Isabelle is coming, run" he said but I stood there looking at him. "Run!" he screamed making me shiver.

He took some steps backward and closed his face with his hands, as if he was hiding something from me. "Isabelle run!!" he screamed again but this time louder before falling on his kneels and started ripping off his top.

What was I assisting to?,his smooth skin suddenly became more hairy with a white fur and white bat wings which had some vien linings of red and indigo, grew from his back, his golden long well cut neck level hair became feet level long with the top as white as snow and the bottom goldish.

Something in me told me to run as fast as possible but i wasn't going to hear it cause my husband needed me.Minutes later, he stopped moving and stood up with his back facing me.

when he turned and advanced himself, i felt like my bones were crushed by something and fear bombarded me having my body involuntarily move backward but 'oh no the statue behind me' I thought.

The white part of his eyes had turned blood red while his blue became indigo, though his chest and back had fur, the other parts of his body were of a white skin colour.

When he approached himself more, i noticed he was crying but not ordinary tears, he was crying blood,his lips had turned indigo too.

Finally death was salivating on me as he stood close to me having saliva drop on my chest "Am so hungry, didn't I tell you to run?" the handsome beast said with groans. I noticed his fangs were longer and his other teeth had become sharper and longer too.