
TWINKLE BELLE (impossible love)

Read fantasy through this book and discover many things on magical creatures no one thought about. "Why are males always favoured? Why are we females not allowed to dominate in this world? Why don't we mark them instead. Why did God give them muscle to carry heavy loads and females tears to cry? This is because their muscles serve as handkerchiefs to wipe our tears. Behind every successful Emperor is a soft hearted and intelligent Emperess who wasn't given a chance to rule by herself." Those were the thoughts of a little girl called Isabelle Mendel. While an Emperor tired of being betrayed went on hiding in a land filled with creatures who wants his head, went back to his land for his 200th birthday and found a rose which cost is priceless and sooner untouchable. Read and discover how Isabelle and Emperor Twilight meet up and unleash all thier secrets. The book cover isn't mine, screened shot it from Pinterest.

Prosperity_Bep · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Blood rain

Good morning, evening or afternoon, Isabelle has blacked out while Twilight is been burned, so for this episode, secret character POV.

In one of the Empiric gardens, the Emperor was been fired. Sooner when the fire got more intensified, the active vampire walk forward, making all the joyful expressions turn into fear.

"So you think this little blaze will harm me? haha haha haha " the Emperor laughed "Don't worry i will protect you all, the beast won't harm you" Julian said, having a trident on his hand.

"What a brave man""If only he was the Emperor "" Kill the beast!" the population said and then every one repeated "Kill the beast! " .

This was unbelievable for our beast, 'this little bats need a lesson' he thought "Julian stop acting like an angel, tell them what you did to Isabelle, tell them!" Twilight said, instantly teleporting himself to Julian and using his neck to take him up. Obviously, the new transformation of the Emperor made him taller and after the little fire, he became more taller.

"I don't recall doing anything to my wife, by the way, where is she?, have you eaten her?" Julian murmured, still trying to loosen up himself "Don't worry about her, she is save in my belly" what a liar the Emperor was.

I almost forgot, when Isabelle had kissed the Emperor, his tears of blood had stopped. looks like a kiss can solve some problems, if not all.

"So my dear Emperor, will you kill me and have the population hate you, or you will let me go and give me my wife" Julian said with a mighty smirk before piercing him with the trident, having all the population make some joyful noise. "Open your eyes, no one likes you.... Did my Isabelle tell you how she begged for my touch, I went dip inside her and deposited my fluid In her, then she screamed in pleasures and begged me to move faster, i went in and out of the door at my heart contentment... did you really thing I will end up licking the ass of that old lady, once I get married to her and take your place, i will give her to my dogs as breakfast" Julian said, making the grip on him tighten and just like that, the Emperor had let him fall ,releasing him.

"Now leave before I change my mind" the beast said.

Julian walked to the population, relieved he was still breathing but sang victory too quickly as on his 10th step, he exploded having blood and some organs spilled on every one.

The beast licked his finger, then spat "he didn't even taste good" he said before diverting his gaze to the high rank nobles "is anyone against my decision?" he asked looking at everyone like a predator, waiting for his prey to make a slide miscalculated move but no one in the crowd moved having our beast chuckle.

"I will have to deal with some matters first before becoming a proper Emperor, till then, see you soon" and the beast disappeared.

"Has anyone seen my Isabelle? " Isabelle' s dad asked. Chatters formed among the crowd and the inhabitants of SORIA gathered thier prince left overs while crying.

Vampires don't have hymen

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