The story is about a Chris who gets put in Twilight but he doesn't have much knowledge of the world, because he didn't see the movies... how will he survive in the world of Twilight.
I was still in the hospital with Cat, I had sent Bella and others. I was sitting outside and I fell asleep. I was floating in space. I had no body… I sighed what does he want now?
He appeared and said "That's rude."
I said "What do you want, Lucien?"
He looked at me and said "Now, is that anyway to talk to your friend?"
I sighed and said "I don't want to do this right now Lucien."
He said "Just trying to cheer up an old chap." He looked at me and asked "How are you holding up?"
I sighed and said "I am… angry. I just want to kill that motherffucker… I want to rip him apart. I want to do it now… but I have my sister to think about."
He looked at me and said "Chris let me ask you. What do you plan to do?"
I looked at him and said "I just told you… what do you mean?"
He shrugged his shoulders and said "No, that's obvious. I am talking like in terms of your father? What are you going to do about him? He had seen Riley and the wolves and to be quite honest he is smart…"
I sighed and said "I don't know… Carlisle said that he might not be able to walk ever."
He said "You know you can just turn him."
I looked at him and he said "Think about it. He will be able to walk and he will be able to help you… you will have someone else as well."
I shook my head and said "No, no I can't, I can't do that to him."
He looked at me and said "What greater purpose can a man serve than to protect his family Chris? Think about it Chris you won't have to worry about him anymore he will be powerful enough to protect Bella."
I woke up and my head was in Cat's lap. I opened my eyes and Bella Edward was with her. She said "Chris."
She looked at me and said "You both should go home now, take some rest. You have been here the whole night."
I got up and said to Bella "Call me if he wakes up or if you need anything alright?" She nodded. I looked at Edward and he nodded.
Cat and I walked out of the hospital and then we went to my home. We entered the house and Cat said "I am going to take a shower? You want something?"
I shook my head and said "No, I am good." She nodded and went to take a shower. I went to my room and crashed on my bed. I was thinking about what Lucien had said to me. Is it really in Charlie's best interest for me to turn him?
As I was trying to sleep, someone knocked on my door. Cat said "Can you get that? I am in the shower?"
I said, "Yeah." I went to check on who it was and I was shocked to see these two together. It was Esme and Leah. They both had food. I said "Come on in."
Leah said "Maybe I should come back later?"
I sighed and said "Come on it's fine."
They both entered and Leah asked "How is Charlie?"
I sighed and said "Well, Carlisle said that he is stable but he said that… he may never be able to walk."
Leah looked down and said "Oh, I am sorry."
I said "You can put these on the table."
They both went to the kitchen and Esme was making coffee and she asked "How are you holding up?"
I sighed and said "I am just worried about Bella and I still have to figure out how to keep mom away from here."
Leah asked "You still haven't talked to her?"
I said "I have to come up with a good lie first, then maybe." Esme gave me a cup of coffee.
She said "Everything is going to be alright."
I asked Leah "Is there any trace of him in our town?"
She said "No, after what happened all of us are working on it. Jacob and some others are at the Hospital as well."
I sat down and said "Thank you for that."
Esme said "You should eat something?"
I said "I will but right now I am not hungry. I just want to rest for a minute."
Leah said "So go and sleep, we both can take care of the house for a while."
I put down the cup and said "Thank you, both of you." I got up and Esme said "Here are Cat's clothes. I went upstairs and Cat was done showering. I put the bag on the bed and said "Esme has sent some clothes."
She said "You should go and take a shower then we'll sleep."
I went ahead and took a long shower. After I was done. I went to my bed and I sat on my bed and Cat said "Come let's sleep."
I laid on the bed and she laid next to me and hugged me and placed her head on my chest. She whispered "Everything will be fine. Just rest for now."
I kissed her forehead and I rested my eyes for a while. I slept for a while. When I woke up it was 7. Cat woke me up and said "Come, Bella needs some rest now. We have to go to the hospital."
I nodded, I went ahead and wore a tank top and shorts, then went downstairs and ate some food that was left by Esme. She was still here. She gave us some food for the night and some coffee in a thermos.
We got in the car and left for Hospital. We parked and I saw Jacob outside. Cat said "I'll go and talk to Carlisle if there is any update… you should see what he wants to say." I nodded and we got out of the car.
Cat went ahead and I walked up to Jacob and he said "We have put up a perimeter just in case though we don't think he is going to show up."
I nodded and I asked "How is Bella doing?"
He said "She is fine… she is next to Charlie, waiting for him to wake up." He sighed and asked "How are you holding up?"
I sighed and said "I am doing well."
He sighed and asked "How is Charlie going to be?" I looked at him and he said "I know that Carlisle is not telling Bella something but I am sure he told you. What is it?"
I looked at him and said "Carlie may never be able to walk again."
He looked at me and said "You going to tell her?"
I shook my head and said "Once he wakes up, right now she is not that stable." I sighed and said "I should have been there that night."
He looked at me and said "Hey, you could not have known."
I said "But I should have anticipated it… I should have stayed at home until all this got over or something."
He looked at me and said "You can't always be there to protect them, Chris you know it. That's why you came to us."
I sighed and said "I think that I should have told him, then maybe he could have."
He said "Come on Chris, what could have he done? He is normal, he is not like us… even if he did know he couldn't possibly do anything."
I looked at him and said "All this happened and I don't know what to do now. I am lost."
He hesitated and put his hand on my shoulder and said "You are strong Chris. Just do what you can do. Protect the ones you love." He let go of me and then said "I'll see you tomorrow…" He then went home.
I went inside the hospital and went to see Bella. She was sitting next to Charlie, who was sleeping, Edward was sitting in the chair and Cat was outside talking to Charlisle. I went inside the room and I said to Bella "You can go home now, Cat and I are here."
She nodded and got up, she hugged me and Edward and Bella went away.
I sat next to Charlie and I held his hand and tears started to fall down. I looked at him and I just couldn't see him like this. Cat came and stood next to me and put her hand on my shoulder.