
New beginning

Alex open his eyes and found himself in a hospital room.Soon his old and new memories merge into one with a massive headache.When his mind cleared memories of his parents cause him to ache in his heart.He is not possessing this young body he was born in this world and experience his parent's love he also understand if this world go with orginal flow he would have died along with his parentsl

"you are awake " voice of a nurse bring him out of his thoughts."I will call the doctor"


It's been week since he was released from hospital.Doctors and nurses always talked about how miraculous he was able to survived the accident.Now he is living with his uncle Theodore creed.

'Hmm..other than bathing sunlight and goin school again what I can do,maybe I should try Boxing or Karate. I can't be a someone only know how to punch like certain spandex hero' Alex thought .

"I should start training if I want use my gift to full potential"


It's been twenty years since his parents died and his gifts activated.After university he became a PE teacher and when he apply for a transfer he never thought he will get a job on Forks Highschool.Because of the health reasons former PE teacher of Fork High decided to move to a more sunny place.

"Is it fate that I have to go there same time as Bella or Old man god pulling some strings to make things interesting for him...sigh...whatever it's not like I never have a fight with a vampire "


New York city one of the headquarters of human economy but once sun goes down, from the dark corners of the city predators crawl out

That moonless night a beautiful woman ran through a dark alleyway.A shadowy figure following her like a Lion after little deer

" Help me....please someone save me ....help"

"Ha ha ha.. scram little more it's always fun this way, I gona enjoy you_"

"I don't think so"

Shadowy figure now looks like a handsome young man with red eyes looks at his interrupter who was another young man.The newcomer clearly looks strong. His muscular body cannot be hidden under his clothes.He release the aura of strength and power.

" Please, help me. "The woman quickly ran towards the newcomer and hide behind his back.

"This is none of your business.Get the fu** out of here before I make you" angered red eyed man said.

"Look you cannot.." The newcomer started talk but only to stoped by a claws slashed across his back.

"Ha ha ha...Darling, I told you role playing is so much fun."The young women said with a lunatic smile on her face.

"Yah it's fun to watch another fool who comes to save the beauty becomes our dinner"

"Are you two done? Because your flirting is gross" The lovers were shocked to find their prey still standing unharmed.

"I know you two are vampires.Because I didn't hear your heartbeats"after saying that Alex disappeared from view and appeared infront of young woman.

"Good bye"

Alex opend his mouth and the crimson flames came out of his mouth directly hit the woman turning her into ashes.

" Julia..no...I will kill you."The red eyed man try to punch Alex's face but Alex dodge it easily.

"Too slow even for a vampire"

Alex's fist contacted with vampire's body 'Bang' and vampire was thrown into a nearby wall.Without wasting time alex breathed fire on vampire's body.

"sigh..I should chenge my name into Van Helsing and they are weak"Alex said to himself.

-----Flashback ends-------

While Alex is not a hero he isn't going to look away if something happened infront of him.In past decade he hunted few vampires.He also understood that unlike big blue his abilities easy to control and master.

'I can flay to Forks myself but I don't want to people to think me as a bird or airplane' Alex thought while going to airport.

"I thought I can stay away from all the drama looks like not" Alex mumbled.