
Chapter 7

Walking toward the front of the house, Arthur first looked through the almost fully cracked window, checking to see if anyone was nearby.

He had to be cautious of every single person in Forks, after all the small population made it so that rumors spread as fast as a forest fire.

'Clear' Arthur thought before walking outside of the house and onto the streets.

He was heading toward the local library.

'Let's see if its that old hag or if it's that new employee' Arthur thought as he walked through the cold streets.

The wind was cold and fast, hitting his face forcefully and ingraining the cold even further into his body which was clothed in what could only barely be considered winter clothes.

The snow wasn't doing him any favors either as it had started melting once more today and thus it had turned into a disgusting slush just like it had been on Friday.

Around half an hour of walking later, Arthur finally arrived close to his destination.

It was in downtown Forks, on his left side was a small grocery store and further down the road stood the small library building.

Arthur wouldn't be able to buy any books however that didn't mean that he couldn't 'Borrow' them.

It was at this moment as he was walking past the grocery store that he heard someone call his name.

"Arthur is that you?" 

Hearing the now familiar voice call his name, Arthur turned around to face the store and just as he had dreaded, there she was.

Alice Cullen in all her majestic glory stood next to a silver Volvo.

'Is she stalking me? No, she has no reason to do so, she already has a mate.' Arthur thought as he gave the girl a nod, trying to move on as quickly as he could.

Nothing good would come from talking with the Cullen's. It would at best be a neutral conversation and at worst it would cause immense trouble for a human like Arthur.

Seeing the girl start walking toward him instantly, Arthur stopped himself from turning around and walking away right that instant.

'Why am I even staying here and having a conversation with her when I could just ignore her all together.' Arthur thought, confused at his own choices however it was already too late, Alice was standing before him and right behind her was a tall man with short brown hair and dark amber eyes.

'Edward Cullen.' Arthur thought before completely focusing on Alice.

"We've been meeting so much these days," Alice said as her lips curled up into a smile, her face seeming to almost radiate as she looked at Arthur.

"Yeah, anyway it was nice meeting you again Alice, I'm heading to the library to steal some books." Arthur said as he gave her and Edward a nod of his head.

For a moment the two Cullen's seemed to freeze as they processed what Arthur had just said.

'Hmm, what book should I steal?' Arthur thought as he walked further and further away from the two vampires.

"Did he just stay steal or are my ears not working correctly Edward?" Alice murmured as she stared at Arthur's back whilst he got further and further away.

"No, he's even thinking about what book to steal right now," Edward replied as he similarly stood still whilst gazing at Arthur's disappearing figure.

"Wow, I know I like to joke around sometimes and do some light pranks but he's actually going stealing and talking about it as if its his usual Sunday activity." Alice murmured once more, her tone clearly showing how confused she was at the situation.

'I knew you were different, but first Hunting in the middle of the forest in the winter outside of hunting season, and now telling both me and my brother that you're going to steal?' Alice thought before lightly shaking her head.

"He goes hunting in the forest?" Edward questioned as he turned around starting to walk back toward the silver Volvo.

Alice followed him a split moment later.

"Yeah, Jasper and I found him in the forest behind the abandoned house, you know the one that people are calling haunted these days," Alice replied, nodding her head quickly as she practically skipped her way to the Volvo.

"He's quite the interesting guy, I'll give him that much," Edward said before hopping into the silver Volvo.

"I think we got everything Esme asked for right? Did we get the right cookbook?" Alice asked as she hopped into the front passenger seat.

"Yeah, this should be it," Edward said before turning the ignition key.

Meanwhile at the end of the street, inside the small library building Arthur was walking through rows of book shelfs that went up the the ceiling and were brimming with all kinds of books.

Be it Science and History or science-fiction and mythology.

'Maybe some mythology book? Considering that I know for sure that mythological creatures exist in this world then maybe I'll be able to find some information about them?' Arthur thought as he headed to the mythological section of the library.

This section seemed to be quite smaller than the others, in fact it was only about one fourth the size of the others and one tenth the size of the romance section.

'That old hag sure likes romance doesn't she?' Arthur thought as he lifted his eyes from the books in front of him and turned his gaze towards the counter, behind which an old woman appearing to be older than seventy by Arthur's estimates sat.

Even now, the old woman was reading a romance novel.


Releasing a soft sigh that was unheard from the woman, Arthur turned his gaze away.

'If only she had good taste in romance, if only…' Arthur thought as the disturbing image appeared in his mind, it was an image that had been ingrained in his mind since the day that he had decided to see what the woman would recommend him to read.


Here's the second chapter of the day, I'll only be posting one chapter tomorrow, around 14 to 15 hours from now.

As always, thank you all for the immense support!

Check out my Patreon at: Patreon.com/WhiteAuthor

This book I've been writing much more carefully, I've made so many mistakes during the last two twilight books that I don't want to repeat. Even now I can remember each and every mistake that I made and sometimes I feel like I should hide in a hole somewhere to save myself from the embarrassment.

Lots of Love

White Author