
TWD: The walker slayer

Ashley_Ketchum44 · ภาพยนตร์
2 Chs

Chapter 1

- Year 2079

Explosions could be heard from all sides. Aircrafts flying overhead as they throw bombs on the allied forces attempting to cross enemy lines in a last ditch effort to end this war. Among those soldiers was a young man of asian decent, no older than twenty and was sent to the front lines during the third world war. He had cropped red hair, a masculine yet soft face that had been covered in scars during the initial attacks. He was 1.8 m tall and had a bulky physique.

The third war had been going on for nearly ten years now. It started based on a stupid decision made by those in power who simply wanted even more power and thought that the best way to get it was by starting to bomb Syria. This didnt sit well with the other world leaders, so they decided the best course of action was to help retaliate. One thing led to the next, and now its basically every country for itself. The war escalated soon after and they started to draft those from the age of fifteen to make up for the loss in soldiers. The young man, Himura Alex, was one of these young men.

- Alex POV.

It has been five years since I entered the army in hope of defending our country. There has been so many friends, families and comrades dying in this war that I have simply become numb to death.

I was currently deployed on the border between Germany and Denmark fighting a losing battle. The germans had gotten their hands on more advanced weaponry than our own american forces and were currently using them in such a way that we barely have any time to retaliate. Even though we were being mowed down by the enemy, we still received the order to march behind enemy lines. I couldnt help but believe that we were being used as a distraction.

I ran and ran, not looking back at my fallen comrades. I was hit multiple times by bullets finding their mark, but I grit my teeth and kept going forward. I had nearly reached the other side of the field when I noticed multiple of the younger boys with no experience being attacked from multiple sides and decided to help them. They put their heads down and hid in one of the smaller trenches, presumably waiting for their deaths as they had seen many others receive before them. However, that was not to be as out of nowhere I had jumped over them and started to shoot at the surrounding enemy. From the corner of my vision, I could see the boys looking at me thankfully as they started to join in on the killing. I felt my body being riddled with holes and started to feel my end coming for me. The last thing I see being the end of the enemies gun.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I woke with a start, sitting up from the bed that I was on. I looked around for my weapon, but only found what looked to be a huge sword on the wall. However, in my struggles to locate my guns, I noticed that I no longer was on the battlefield. There were no dead soldiers laying around my feet, no enemies rushing towards me while pointing their gun at me, and certainly no explosions were going off around me.

I managed to take a deep breath to calm myself and started to analyze the situation I was currently in. I started to have some small flashes in my mind from a life that I never lived, of weapons I never used and of a peaceful world that was barely affected by the occasional war in other countries. I was still in America.

I found out from my memories that I lived in King County, Georgia. I was a former soldier who was called slayer because of the use of a greatsword instead of guns in the field. After being discharged with honours, I settled down here in an apartement in Georgia and started to search for work, though I was apparently not very successfull. But before I could comprehend more of the memories I heard a mechanical sound in my head.

"(DING) Welcome to your next life. You might have noticed the new memories and a different location from what you remember, but do not be concerned. You have currently been transmigrated into the world of the tv-show The Walking Dead. You were chosen as a candidate to live a new life in this world on the account of saving multiple people which resulted in your death."

"Uhhh...." I couldnt say anything.

"We have registered you attempting to speak to the system, which is unadvisable since this is only an introductory message."

"I see...."

"You are currently located in King county, Georgia approximately one month before the outbreak. This time and location was chosen as the most optimal starting point. You were also given gifts upon your transmigration."

"Gifts? What are my gifts?" I wondered to myself.

"First you should know that your physical appearence have been changed. You can check this later."

"First gift you received is the skill: weapon mastery. This skill gives you near instant mastery of any weapon you pick up."

"Second gift are the skills and the favored weapon of the person whos look you currently possess. This information will also be given at the end of this message."

Hearing the second gift, I look at the sword hanging on my wall and wonder how anyone can possibly lift it.

"Final gift are survival abilities. You will have knowledge of how to survive to the best of your abilities. The rest is up to you. A final message from the one who sent you to this world: Hello Alex. I know you might be confused, but let me give you a tip in your new life. Make sure to live as you want. This is your life and us above the rest have absolutely no ability to interfere with that world until its time to bring you back to the afterlife. Have fun. -TOAA. Message ended. Goodluck and goodbye."

This was the final thing I heard before the mechanical voice left my head. I sat on the edge of my bed and started to digest all the information that I had received, both from the memories, but also from that voice. I sat there for nearly two hours reliving the life of the person he had become, who coincidentally also had the name Himura Alex, like him. He also gained all the fighting experience from the person who he looked like. And holy shit he fought a lot.

After finally accumulating the experience and somewhat coming to terms with my new situation, I stood up and headed for the bathroom to get a look at the new me. Standing in front of the mirror, I realized something. I was a tall, around 2.4 m, muscular man, with short, spiked, black hair in a crew cut with a white fringe. I am missing my left forearm and right eye. I am covered head-to-toe in scars from a lifetime of battles, with the most notable being a lacerated scar on my nose. Also notable is a large, horizontal scar on my chest. To be honest, I looked like a beast.

- Timeskip one month.

In the month since my awakening I made many preperations for the inevitable outbreak. I started off with familiarizing myself with the weapons that I could find in my apartement. There was the huge sword, a couple of Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0 Compact Pistols, a 44. magnum revolver, a pump action shotgun and an m16. So there were a few things to try.

Next I took out a loan, considering there wouldnt be a bank to pay back to, and bought myself a semi-truck that I could use as a transport, temporary base and storage when shit hits the fan. I had already stocked the trailer with non-perishable food, drinks such as alcohol, juice and more. I had stocked up on cigarettes and much more. Finally I had stored my weapons, a bed, a small kitchen and had put in ventilation systems so that I could actually breathe inside. After all, knowing that an apocalypse would start, you tend to make sure you wont miss anything.

Finally I had scouted out the sheriffs departement that I knew contained guns from the show and made sure that I knew how many worked there. Well minus one since I knew that Rick Grimes was currently in the hospital and would wake up in two months. This meant that the only ones I needed to look out for would be Morgan and his son when they arrived.

But the day finally arrived when the outbreak would happen. How do I know this? Well thats because of the panicking people outside as well as all the helicopters flying over the town. There was also an announcement on the radio telling us to evacuate to the safe zones, but knowing what would happen, I went out to my truck and locked myself in the trailer until it was time.

- Two weeks later.

It has been two weeks since I locked myself into the trailer and I feel that it is finally time to start my plan. I grabbed my sword and opened the doors before jumping out. I quickly turned around and locked it again before finally looking at my surroundings. The place was desolate with no person in sight. I felt that enough time has passed for me to finally pick up the weapons and grab more supplies before I hit the road.