
TVD: The Tribrid Legacy

Following my death, I was convinced that my story had reached its final chapter – game over, if you will. Yet, fate had something truly extraordinary in reserve for me. I was granted a second chance, a rebirth that felt like a cosmic reset button had been pressed. I found myself in a new existence, taking on the role of Bonnie Bennett's older brother. Kevin Williamson Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. All rights belong to them, except my original Characters.

ParadiseHeights · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
56 Chs

Chapter 1.32

Orion is quite the planner, and he takes it seriously. He's all about setting up the perfect blueprint for things to unfold just how he wants them to.

As Klaus was messing with the Scooby gang, Orion convinced Bonnie to join him on a trip to the Pickett Mausoleum, where he planned to retrieve Mikael Mikaelson. As they strolled through the eerie cemetery, Bonnie couldn't help but voice her unease, saying, "What are we even doing here? I'm getting major heebie-jeebies from this place."

Orion responded calmly, "We're here for a vampire desiccated for quite some time."

Why?" Bonnie asked, puzzled. "Don't you feel it, the familiar magic?" Orion said. Bonnie took a moment and sensed the magic surrounding the body. Her expression shifted to one of heartbreak, and a few tears welled up in her eyes. "Mom," she said, her voice trembling, "she's the one who cast the spell."

Orion nodded in understanding, his expression grave. "Yep,"

Bonnie and Orion exchanged somber glances, with this revelation settling upon them. The realization that their mother had played a pivotal role in the desiccation.

Bonnie wiped away her tears, her determination resurfacing. "We need to get her back to Mystic Falls," she said firmly.

Orion led them to a mysterious mausoleum. With a determined expression, he opened it and revealed a cement coffin inside. Upon opening it, they found a vampire lying within.

Orion examined the vampire and declared, "Alright, let's get out of here." He carefully lifted the body, carried it back to the car, and placed it in the trunk before driving back to Mystic Falls.


With Mikael's body in tow, Orion headed over to the witch's house, the kind of joint where you'd find more ancient spells than furniture. After a little hocus-pocus, he put a spell on Mikael to keep him incognito.

Orion wasted no time and sent a succinct message to Klaus: "Come to the old witch's house. I have your father's body." He kept it brief, knowing that time was of the essence.

About 20 minutes later, the creaking of the door announced Klaus's arrival. He stormed into the room with an air of menace, demanding, "Where is he?" His eyes burned with a dangerous intensity as he cornered Orion against the wall.

But before Klaus could inflict any harm, an unexpected wave of agony overcame him. He collapsed to the floor in excruciating pain, writhing in torment. Orion looked down at Klaus and said, "The witches of this house don't take kindly to those who attack one of their own."

Klaus had been writhing in agony, but when Orion ordered the witches of the house to stop, the pain subsided. Slowly, he regained his composure and stood up, albeit with a lingering glare in his eyes. He followed Orion to the basement of the witch's house, expecting to find something significant.

However, to Klaus's frustration, the basement appeared empty. His impatience boiled over, and he snapped at Orion, "Are you trying to make a fool of me?" His temper flared, and the veins under his eyes bulged and pulsed with anger.

Unfazed by Klaus's outburst, Orion replied calmly yet assertively, "Don't get your knickers in a twist." He incanted a spell with those words, uttering "revelare." Instantly, the concealment spell surrounding Mikael's body dissipated, revealing the lifeless form of Klaus's father.

Klaus's anger quickly shifted to suspicion as he looked at his father's body. "What's your game plan, huh?" he asked with a sharp edge. "Are you using this as leverage to save the doppelganger?"

Orion couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh at the accusation. Klaus looked both surprised and furious at the unexpected response. "You've got it all wrong," Orion replied, still chuckling. "I couldn't care less about the doppelganger. Drain her dry for all I care."

Klaus's anger simmered down a bit, replaced by a growing sense of curiosity mixed with skepticism. He couldn't deny the strangeness of the situation. "So, what's your angle then?" Klaus asked, his suspicion still lingering.

Orion's amusement faded as he met Klaus's gaze with a serious expression. "My angle," he began.

"Do you know how your father was desiccated in the first place, Klaus?" Orion inquired, his tone carrying a sense of gravitas.

Klaus shook his head, admitting, "No, I don't."

Orion proceeded to provide insight into the dark chapter of Mikael's past. "Well, it was around Bonnie's fourth birthday," he began, "and Mikael was seen around town. When he spotted Elena, he realized he had to kill her before you could break your curse."

As Klaus listened intently, Orion continued, "The town council caught wind of his plan and forced my mother to desiccate him, which resulted in her using black magic and losing her connection to magic, or at least weakening it."

Klaus took a moment to absorb the information, his mind racing with thoughts about his family's tumultuous history. "Well, isn't that something," he mused, a hint of a smirk forming on his lips. "Seems like we've all got a closet full of skeletons, don't we?"

Orion chuckled in agreement. "Indeed, Klaus."

Orion casually reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the white oak stake, revealing it to Klaus. Instantly, Klaus, seeing the weapon, couldn't contain his anger and rushed toward Orion, ready to strike. However, an invisible force slammed him against the wall before he could lay a finger on him, leaving him pinned and fuming.

With a smirk, Orion quipped, "Didn't I tell you, Klaus? Not the best idea to throw punches in this place."

Now more frustrated than ever, Klaus unleashed a torrent of threats and curses at Orion and his family. "You think you can just waltz in here with that damned stake and expect me to trust you?" Klaus growled. "I'll tear you limb from limb, and your family too, if you cross me!"

After Klaus had vented his anger, Orion decided to extend an olive branch. "Look, Klaus," he said, his tone more conciliatory, "if I wanted you dead, you'd be gone by now." He held out the white oak stake as a peace offering."Take this as a sign that I'd rather we not be enemies but friends. One hybrid to another, soon-to-be hybrid."

Orion's green eyes flashed with mystery as Klaus pressed him further. "How?" Klaus asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

Orion smiled and replied, "The 'how' is a bit of a long story, one for a later time, perhaps over a drink."

With a mixture of emotions, Klaus approached his father's desiccated body. He wiped away a few tears that welled up in his eyes and then, with a determined resolve, he staked Mikael right in the heart.

Mikael's body immediately went up in flames, and Klaus stood there, watching as his father screamed in pain until he turned to ash.

Orion observed in silence, acknowledging the release of years of anger and resentment in that fiery spectacle. Klaus had taken matters into his own hands,

Klaus's smirk grew, and he locked eyes with Orion. "That's a lot better, don't you think, Klaus?" he agreed, genuinely appreciative. "I thank you, mate. Anyone else would have used him as leverage, but you didn't. So, for that, I say my thanks."

Klaus raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Orion's abilities. "Elijah tells me you're a seer," he remarked. "Care to take a crack at predicting my future?"

Orion considered the request for a moment before replying, "Not at this moment."

Klaus, determined to utilize Orion's skills, then made a more direct request. "Fair enough," he said. "But I have another proposition. Will you assist me in performing the ritual to break my curse?"

Orion couldn't help but smirk at Klaus's proposition. "Sure thing," he agreed, "but let's make a deal. In return for helping you break your curse, I get to come up with something that I want."

Klaus took a moment to think it over, hesitating briefly before finally nodding in agreement. Orion, always prepared, pulled out a contract and handed it to Klaus.

With a wry smile, Klaus quipped, "I hope this doesn't involve me owing you my firstborn." He then signed the contract with his own blood, sealing the deal in a decidedly casual manner.


1400 words

What do you guys think??

Would you rather be a Siren or psychics?

- I would be a Siren !!