The upbringing of Isaac, No Synopsis for now, this is the result of a writing blockage, I can't and won't promise updates. Would suggest you don't read for now if you are aiming for a long read which updates often. If you read the story and feel like writing a synopsis, you can share it in the comments. If I like it I might use it. Disclaimer: I don't own the characters and plot originating from the show, only my OCs and plot changes.
2020 A.D. Some hospital in New York, Another Dimension
Isaac Hemming, 27 years old, an orphan since birth, lay in one of the beds, attached to an oxygen mask and various machines. A small TV was placed on the wall straight in front of him, and a pile of books rested on his nightstand.
No one stood by his side as he struggled to breathe, taking a weak breath every once in a while. His eyes closed as he blinked one last time, and the machine let out a long beep, prompting a few nurses to run in his direction. Sadly, they were too late—he had already passed away.
Ever since he was young, Isaac had no family, almost no friends, or anyone who cared for him. Even at his deathbed, he was all alone. Growing up, he moved from house to house, stuck in a system that didn't seem to want him, with adoptive parents discarding him at the first sign of trouble.
At the age of 15, Isaac finally decided he had had enough of his current family, who were a particularly abusive one, and ran away on his birthday, settling into an abandoned apartment he found by mistake. Initially, he expected consequences, like the police coming to look for him.
However, he soon realized that his latest so-called adoptive family hadn't even reported his disappearance. They used the money meant for his care to improve their own lifestyle and as he kept going to school, no one even noticed anything happened.
After much contemplation, Isaac decided to accept the situation and focused on getting a job and finishing school, hoping for a chance at a better life. Despite finishing school with above-average scores in almost all subjects, when he applied, the criminal record he got for petty theft while trying to survive, ruined all his chances at getting any sort of scholarship.
With barley enough money to pay for food and his other necessities, paying tuition was out of the question, and in the manner of a month, the dream he worked so hard for, seemed to just collapse right in front of his eyes.
After a long string of attempts to convince various universities otherwise, just as Isaac was about to give up, his best friend in the whole world, Jamie, shared his plan to enlist. A few weeks later, they both joined the navy boot camp and eventually, after a very long and hard training, they both became navy seals.
Last year, at the end of December 2019, during a special covert operation, a bullet ruptured Jamie's parachute as they were diving from the chopper, leading to his tragic death. Isaac, shattered by this loss, returned home for the funeral and stayed in a small hotel in the city center. His commander granted him a month and a half to recover, knowing of their close friendship.
Unfortunately, by the start of February, Isaac fell ill, contracting Covid-19 in an unknown manner. Now, five months later, he passed away, not on the battlefield but in a hospital bed. He died alone in the closed quarters of a hospital wing designed to contain the virus. In his room, another young man in a similar condition weakly played with a Rubik's Cube, surrounded by family and friends in isolated suits.
As Isaac realized these were his final moments, he could only think of the few good things in his life: his friends in the army, his dog, Orion, whom he gave to a family before joining the army, and the better books and TV shows that passed the time during his last few months of helplessness.
He couldn't help but ponder, "What could I have done differently? What might have changed if I knew the story before it happened? If I could, I wouldn't want to die, or at least not be so helpless. I want to be strong... and never be at the mercy of anything. I would want to live forever."
Late Fall, 1001 A.D. Unknown Continent
"I'm in the Vampire Diaries universe?!" Isaac's eyes widened as his memories finally started to reorganize, regaining some semblance of order in his overwhelmed mind.
Rising slowly to his feet, Isaac's eyes looked straight at the sun. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt him as it would for most. With his enhanced sense of sight, he could clearly see the flying sphere of yellow flames burning at a far distance.
Looking back down, he took in a deep breath as he observed the tall trees all around him. The world seemed more vibrant than he could ever remember. He closed his eyes again with furrowed eyebrows, feeling his head spin as various fragments of memories passed through his mind like a whirling tornado.
For the following hours, he just stood there, eyes closed, occasionally taking in a single breath that sustained him for a long few minutes. It was only at sundown when he woke up to the sound of a familiar voice.
"So this is where you have been? I haven't seen you all day..." Kateri, dressed in a wild-looking fur coat, walked towards him with a slight smile. A strong wind blew, passing through her hair as she moved on her bare feet, her golden eyes shining with a wild glint under the magnificent light of the red-colored sky.
"Yeah..." He answered, speaking in an unnamed language native to his tribe in this world. It was the same language of the original tribe that chased the hollow. He had recalled some memories of 'The Originals,' which told her story. It fit perfectly with another memory of a story Aiyana told him when they spoke about his wolf.
All his memories were still there, but they felt so disconnected from one another, like he lost all sense of time. He remembered the events of his death in this world, only for some reason, although it clearly just happened, it felt like years had passed since then.
On the other hand, a certain penny that he found in his old world when he was only seven years old, after escaping school, seemed like a memory from just minutes ago.
His brain was in shambles, and with every try to find a certain memory, it was like he was thrown into a dark sea searching aimlessly for a single fish among thousands of them that kept moving around.
"You okay? You seem tired..." Kateri closed the distance as she stood next to him. They both stood right next to a slightly wet pile of ash where the campfire burned the night before.
Turning his head to the side, looking straight into her golden pupils, Isaac let out a sigh at the sight of her eyes that looked like deep, endless wells of gold. Over the last few hours, he had managed to make sense of only a few memories, and Kateri's help was one of them.
"I'm fine..." Isaac spoke in a not-so-convincing tone as he turned back to look at the sun setting over the tall trees far away. The colors washed over his eyes, but their color didn't compare to Kateri's gaze.
Kateri smiled at his slightly awkward response as she took another step towards him, her face barely reaching his chest, which was still bare from the night before, a little bit of dry blood staining his muscles.
Isaac lowered his face to look at hers. At that moment, his throat suddenly started throbbing. Looking at her slightly exposed shoulder and neck, he could clearly hear the blood pumping through her veins. And a single thought with various meanings echoed in his head, louder than any other...
Taking a few steps back, as he clutched his mouth with both his hands, Isaac's weak mind tried miserably to resist the urge that ran through him, washing over his mind. For most, it would just be a confusing sense of hunger, but he knew what it was the moment he felt it... He watched it on his TV many times.
Furthering himself away from Kateri, who looked at him with confusion, he tried to resist with all the will he could master. When suddenly, he felt his heart start to race. Like he was overdrive, the instincts took over him, a sharp pain suddenly coming from his hand, followed by a series of loud snaps.
"You... That's impossible...." Kateri took a few steps backwards as she watched Isaac falling to his knees, his all body changing rapidly... Only less than a minute passed when in his place, stood a tall black wolf, with wild, cold green eyes.
Totally drowned by his instincts, Isaac, now a gigantic, almost two meters tall, wolf. Arched his back as he howled so loudly his voice was head from miles. And before Kateri could move a muscle, he shot to the, disappearing into the infinite forest at an unimaginable speed.
At the same time, a few hundred kilometers to the south, two young men and one young woman left their house, rain washing on their head as they headed into a nearby forest.
After Niklaus Mikaelson killed his mother, he told his two closest siblings it was their father's doing, and with their other brothers the five chose to flee together, aiming to return to the old world. Where they believed their father wouldn't follow them, thinking the land to be cursed.
Heading towards where their clan left their ships, the three older brothers used their incredible strength to easily move the large ship back into the water. With the training of their father, two of them easily opened sail, setting their way into the open seas.
Rebekah, standing on the back of the ship, looked at the rising moon that had already climbed its way to the peak of the sky. The figure of a young green-eyed werewolf rose in her mind along with it. The day after she turned, she went out to search for him, only he was nowhere to be found. She searched the whole tribe, but nothing came up.
She was getting desperate, crying, when Aiyana told her that he ran after seeing them dead that night. She wanted to go after him, search the land until she found where he was, to tell him she was well. When she accidentally made her first kill, as she bled one of the tribe's girls dry by mistake.
Finally, she decided it was probably safer for him away from her, but he never left her heart, not even for a second. Watching the receding shore, she could swear she saw a large black wolf watching her, howling at the sky in pain.
She wanted to look for him, to be with him, but it was too dangerous for them both. A single tear slowly dropped down her cheek as a large hand was placed on her shoulder, aiming to comfort.
"As long as we are together, we will be okay..." Elijah let out a sigh as he stood right beside her, watching the shore. "I know you miss mother, but she would want you to be happy."
"Yeah..." Rebekah nodded at him weakly, only inside, she wanted to scream at him. 'How could I be happy when the one I love is not with me!'
As I wrote in the synopsis, and the last chap, this is just the result of a writing blockage regarding other stories, I don't know if I will ever write more than the five chapters, well that is unless I see extremely positive reviews.
At least for now I enjoy writing it...
I will not answer any questions regarding where the story is going behind that, as it not only bothers me, but I also don't want to tell you something that isn't decided yet. I might change my mind regarding anything unless I said otherwise.
If you want, in the future, you can give me other ideas regarding story name, things the MC might choose to learn or do in the following thousand years, and anything more you would like to share. I read everything though I will only use what I like...
Anyway, if you like this story, let me know, and I will take it into consideration when I have time to write in the future, and if you have any trouble understanding something I'm more than willing to answer questions regarding the existing plot.
I'm currently debating how the story vibe should be as I continue...Help me decide...
Would you rather the story follow a list of events until it get to the actual TVD timeline, or jump to the TVD timeline and have flashbacks too show Isaac's experiences as if they were in the past...
BTW, if you also read my other stories, than a little update...
Barney- currently in the middle of writing a new chapter, but I have a problem with my proof reader and also I'm not sure regarding a few things, so it might take a few days before the next update. After that it should be easier to continue...
HP: once a week, probably by Tuesday
FRIENDS: On halt, I didn't really enjoy writing it so I probably wont continue anytime soon...