
1. dummy

I rushed into my English class as soon as the bell rang, everyone settled into their seats and got their things out, as I did too. Mrs. Min walks into the classroom 2 minutes late, she excuses herself and apologized. This isn't the first time she's done something like this, but no one really notices except for me.

"Okay welcome back! I got your progress reports done finally!" she chirped as she held up a stack of papers. Groans and deep sighs were let out by the class, including me. "I'll just start passing these out and you guys can start on your notes already on the board."

I get a piece of paper from my binder to start the notes, I search for a pencil but couldn't find one. I quietly sighed and checked my backpack for one but I saw none. I must've forgotten to put some in my bag this morning. Mrs. Min has a thing for pencils, she always wants things written in pencil and never ink. I sighed to myself realizing that I don't have a writing utensil.

"Here." I heard a voice say besides me, I turn and see a dark brown haired boy with a pencil in his hand lending the pencil my way. I obliged and took the pencil, "Thanks."

"Mhm." I heard him hummed as he continued his notes, I peaked and his page was almost full, god he works fast. I quickly began on my notes and as soon as I started, Mrs. Min handed me my progress report.

I looked at it with excitement, hoping that I'm passing with at least a B. The excitement quickly went away when I say that I'm barely passing this class with D-. A frown grew on my face as I scrunched my nose at the view of the paper.

" Miyeon,you're a good student but you just need to work harder or something...maybe a tutor will help?" Mrs. Min asked me with concerned highly in her voice. I felt imitated by the tone of her voice; as if she was trying to call me dumb?

"Uh, I'll think about it." I slowly replied back to her irresolute with each word I said.

"I don't think you have any alternative, either you get a tutor or I'm gonna have to fail you, Ms. Park ."

I sighed and finally gave in since she gave me no choice. "Great, we'll talk more about this after class." Mrs. Min assured with a grin on her face before continuing to pass out the papers.

I let out a groan, "fuck." I muttered under my breath.

I felt a tap on my shoulder in the same direction as last time. I turn and see it's the same boy who gave me the pencil.

"What?" I whispered as I got a good look at his face. He had soft brown eyes and really dark brown hair. His lips were a rosy tint color and he had a really good posture when he sits.

"Sooo, a tutor?" he trailed off not finishing his sentence but he handed me his progress card to prove a point. It did though, it left me speechless. This guy is passing his class with a 120%, I didn't know that was even possible.

"Yeah..what about it?" I asked him handing him back his paper.

"I can help you out if you want." He offered.

"No thanks"

"Why? Are you some type of dummy?"

I looked at him with shock and scoffed at what he said.

"I'm not a dummy."

"Then why do you need a tutor?" he shot back at me.


"You're a dummy."

"I'm not." I felt myself getting a little irritated at bickering back and forth with this random dark-haired dork.

"Whatever you say." He cheekily said as he packed his progress report into his binder, "My name is Namjoon if you change your mind."