
2. dinner

"Miyeon! You're failing English?!" My mom shouted at me across the dinner table, embarrassing me in front of my sister and my dad. "Your teacher called me saying that you need a tutor and everything." my mom continued nagging before she took a bite out of the macaroni and cheese off her plate.

I didn't have any words for how she's acting towards this whole thing, I thought she would be understanding and actually willing to help me but I guess not.

"You better already have a tutor, or else I'm stripping  away every single electronic of yours." she threatened me giving me the death glare. She stabbed her fork into her chicken before bringing it to her mouth, keeping her eyes on me while doing so.

"I have one already." I lied to her while I poked at my food nervously at how furious she is. I know my father is upset with me but he isn't gonna yell at me in front of the family like my mother is.  I know my brother wants to laugh his ass off right now but he knows that wouldn't be appropriate, especially since he is failing Science.  I had to lie to my mom so I can get him off my dick about the whole situation.

"Oh really? Who is this person?" My mom curiously asked while her eyes are staring at me. Tension starts to build up at the table because I didn't know what to say.

"Namjoon." I blurted out without thinking.

fuck, why did I just say that?

"Oh really? When can we meet this 'Namjoon' guy?" My mom kept interrogating me about this whole thing, I know this isn't gonna go anywhere except in an argument so I just stopped her. "I got this mom, let me handle this on my own. The last thing I need is you yelling at me." I scoffed before leaving the table and going upstairs to my room.

I lay on my bed looking at the ceiling, why did i say that? i am so dumb.


Moments later i hear knocks on my door, "go away!" I yell knowing that it's my annoying sibling.

Of course, he doesn't listen.

The door opens and i see his face have a devious smirk on his face, he closes the door behind him and crosses his arms across his chest. "I know you don't have a tutor Miyeon." he says plainly into the air as if it would effect me.

i know my mom doesn't believe i have a tutor either.

"So? what if I do have one Jimin, what does that have anything to do with you?" i sit up and replicated the same position he was in, but in defense mode.

"Oh nothing, just don't let it catch up with you. The last thing I need to do is clean up after you again." Jimin retorts before opening the door to exit.

That sentence alone almost made me wanna tackle that small framed boy out my room, he does not know half the things I have done for him not to get caught up from our parents. I contained my annoyance though with a small smile.

"Jimin?" I call out the blonde, he turns around looking at me waiting for my next choice of words.


"Your fly is down."