
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

odaocer · วิดีโอเกม
40 Chs

Track 27 - Flashy Fallout

Now Playing...

Artist: Ototoxic


Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsVos3O6IHA

"WHAT A THRILLING CONCLUSION!" Mr. Sys declared. "The Circus has beaten Hololive! And man IT WAS CLOSE! Looks like nothing's gonna be changing in this arcade tonight! Thank you all for coming! Teams, shake hands!" Mr. Sys shouted to a cheering crowd.

As the two teams shook on it, you notice Ruv smirk for the first time. The shark girl and the one S sent crying were gone but otherwise Hololive accepted the defeat. When all was said and done Kapi announced the team would get refreshments in the lounge.

You followed, not making it far until you were stopped by Botan. With a wave she brought you back stage.

"Like I said. You're the leader. I saw how you looked at everyone."

You shrug. "Kapi's the leader."

She smiled. "Maybe for that team. But I can tell you got something greater than just those. You're like me. A guardian to them." Looking back at the stage, Botan continued. "My girls needed that. Maybe not what you did to Watame but it's good to remind them they aren't invincible."

She looked back to you. "You guys aren't invincible either. You make sure you watch over them. Whatever you're planning. Good luck on it." She held a hand to shake.

"Thanks." You shake back.

"We'll do a rematch one day." She said as she turned to leave.

A wave of tire washed over you, the effects of the night now wearing. It was time to pack it in. The agents appeared to determine the same as when you get back you see Ruv being arrested. Just as he was getting arrested, Whitty and Carol bolted, jumping off the ledge and running. Unexpected, you run to the ledge to hear something smash, someone shout and doors slam. Looking over you see Updike on the ground, glass shards everywhere, Carol and Whitty nowhere to be found. The others had no idea why Carol and Whitty ran.

Updike looked confused, then angry as he ran back out. Whatever the case, you shrug. You take a seat back in the lounge and finish the night with the "Circus". Updike took a few minutes to come back but when he did, the weatherman was furious. He didn't question you or the others about Whitty but shouted something angrily to the agents. He sounded pissed. Whatever the case he told the team to leave and that he would handle fallout.

It was a long, hard-fought night. You decide that NOW Operation Flashbang was concluded.

Eyes heavy and joints tired, you finally make it back home, easily falling asleep on your bed. Despite the sheer amount of things you went through your rest didn't stay long. The night was wrought with problems. You woke up a few times, constantly having the feeling of being watched. Unsure if it was the tiredness, paranoia or someone actually watching you couldn't shake it. The constant nightmares didn't help either. Giving in to the paranoia you get up and walk around the house.

Stopping in the living room you realize just how quiet it was now. Not that Tabi, Huggy or S ever made that much noise, but it made the house feel fuller. You take a seat on the couch, figuring the TV could lull you to sleep.

Only a single program goes on before Tabi texts you, apparently also suffering from the same restlessness.

A few texts back and forth turn into conversation and eventually, you two just have a call. The discussion started as what each other thought about the operation, then about the arcade, how you fought Hololive, how was Agoti doing, and eventually just devolved into talking about yourselves.

As soon as you got to the arcade, Tabi had a bunch of questions regarding Ruv. How he was doing, did he try to flirt with you, what did he play? You found it hilarious, even teasing Tabi about his jealously (which he refused to have). When you mentioned Botan he reacted even more jealous, instantly changing the subject to her.

"You know her?"

"She's big in Russia. And she just happened to be in the arcade? Tonight?" Tabi sounded sceptical.


"Hm. What is it with you and Russians?" Tabi asked rhetorically.

Since Ruv was so good at Tetris you wondered if Tabi was too. The conversation started to turn heavy as you two spoke as you and Tabi started speaking about life. Just wishing to hear the other speak. Tabi opened up more about his past, as you did yours. It was the most heartfelt thing you had heard Tabi speak about and you returned the favour, speaking of those final days with the cops, first day on the job, and very personal stuff you hadn't told anyone but direct family.

And finally, after it was clear both you and he were ready to rest, you each said a goodnight and hung up.

Morning came really late. You barely noticed when you wake up on the couch, DVR displaying 10:21AM. You felt refreshed, ready to go for another hardcore operation. You turn on the TV, excited to see if the operation made the news.

It did.

A massive attack on the Fulp Prison had occurred. There were two assailants.

They never mentioned Ruv by name, instead stating that a powerful Russian mafia member had been sprung free. It also mentioned that said Russian mafia member was caught and most of his supporters killed in car crash, the result of a steady police chase.

Updike already worked his magic.

There was no mention of you or Nikku's mess but Nikusa was mentioned, not by name. It stated that by a known terrorist accomplice broke into the prison, intending to cause a riot but failed when inmates flat out refused. The news displayed a crude drawing of Nikusa and Radi, though names not mentioned. It stated they were at large and encouraged the public to call police if spotted.

Agoti's 'death' saw no mention either as expected. He was 'officially' never in prison to begin with. There was no mention of any other people from the crew involved in the operation.

Grinning, you silently christen it a complete success.

Satisfied, you go about your day, cleaning up the house and seeing how everyone was going. You were curious how Theo was doing, recalling how the other day he was apparently attacked by a gang of children.

You shoot Blackjack a text, wishing to finish questioning him about hell. Updike mentioned before that having a demon that could control the gates would help plenty.

Blackjack being the sole demon you weren't on horrible terms with you start to head over. He already owed you a favour for 'saving the arcade'. May as well claim it. He was receptive to a sit down, meeting you just as the arcade opened for the day. With the sun in full bloom across a clear sky the arcade had windows and blinds open allowing for natural lighting. A stark contrast to the overbearing music and lights of last night you found it serene.

Blackjack wished you a good morning and brought you to his office. A rather basic one, nearly empty but you didn't hound him for it. He was new after all.

You kept a lot of details null, including your 'relations' to the Family. Introductions out of the way you asked him about 'hell's politics', specifically if he could seal the gateway, if only temporarily.

He poured a glass of whisky, handing it to you. You drank, though having not had alcohol in weeks, tasted caustic. Like cereal with rubbing alcohol mixed in. It didn't feel well, especially just before lunchtime.

"To do that you need an archdemon." He said, his voice as gravely as ever. "I'm not going to ask your purpose for shutting the gate but I must warn you. You may be able to keep it closed for a day at most. And even then, there will be repercussions. Likely from you-know-who."

"We only need a few hours at least. Just to cut off supply long enough to achieve our goal."

"That is a possible task. But alas, I am not that kind of demon and cannot assist in that way. And Kapi already asked."

You hinted at recruiting him but he saw through it, declining instantly. "I work alone and when I work with others I command. I'm sure you can understand that." You nod.

"Do you know any archdemons?"

"Why should I? I don't ask you if you know any sergeants, do I?"

"Well. I do though. I know a few."

"Hmm." Blackjack exhaled, a black smoke emitting from his mask. "What you want is an archdemon who would be willing to go against the grain. A rebellious sort." Blackjack paused.

You thought the window in Blackjack's office led outside but looking now it was a window to another room, light from that pouring in. It was bright, almost looking like the sunrise.

"I know of two demons that would be crazy enough to close the gate. One who even has the authority to do so. However, both are as you people would say, insane."

You couldn't believe your eyes when Blackjack pulled out a rolodex. A now-ancient device used to hold business cards. Appearing even more professional he started scrolling through.

"This demon also is one of the few I know isn't aligned with you-know-who. She has little loyalty outside of her band."

Blackjack grumbled. "It's not here." He moved the rolodex aside and interlocked his hands.

"The first one is R.S. That is who I recommend you seek."

"R.S? That's all you got?" It sounded fake.

Blackjack almost emitted a growl. Not because he was offended, just an unconscious movement. "Yes. His full name is RetroSpector. He is a gang-leader and vagrant. I don't know how you can get in touch, let alone convince him, but I believe he is your best option."

"Does he, uh, ever leave hell?"

"He prefers to work on the surface here but I've not heard anything from him in months. But I assure you. He is more than willing to piss them off. I did some..accounting for his gang, many years ago. He did not like those people one bit and will accept out of spite. But alas, I do not know how you can reach him."

"I'm sure we can work it out. I'll figure out a way."

"I am sure you will. It's not my place to judge what you are planning, nor is it to speculate." Blackjack took a sip of the whisky, drinking it through the filter on his mask. "But do know, if you do what I think you will, that you may find you have more support than you think."

Blackjack paused as he put the rolodex away. "At the very least. I will be in your debt."

"Who is the other demon?"

Blackjack took a deep breath. "Stolas. A prince in hell. A stickler for regality. I know he despises them much so. Recruiting him would be near impossible however. He has far too many...issues. Almost human-like with his attitude."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"It makes him weak. But never mind that." Blackjack took out a book. It appeared to be an accounting ledger. He started writing stuff in it. "I've had the displeasure of dealing with him before. Suffice to say. Never again.

If you could contact Stolas he might be just crazy enough to do it. The scandals I have heard from other 'royalty' indicate he would do this. He is a rebel in some ways though highly unpredictable."


"Personally, I do not believe you should pursue this. I cannot fathom a way you could even contact these demons. I propose stopping what is used to summon demons instead. In your case it would be a hell-gate, located somewhere on the premise. Destroy that and it should cut off supply for a few hours. It also will not put you in bad fervour with Hell's eyes."

"I'll have to think about it."

"Indeed. Should you need any assistance in other endeavours, such as 'washing money', you know where to find me."

You thank Blackjack, noting he may just join yet.

Elsewhere Solazar had pulled out all the stops. Pancakes, bacon, omelettes, bagels, blueberry muffins, sausages, orange juice, milk, toast and more. He made full English for everyone and for the first time in weeks, the Andromeda family ate together. Tabi felt a little out of place but not as much as he did before. Solazar made it clear he was a family member, even if there was no blood relation.

Sol had many questions for Agoti. Did anyone harm you? Did Ruv take care of you? What exactly did Springheel do? When are we going to kill Springheel? Did anyone recognize you? Do you know the names of each cop who attacked you? A lot of revenge-based questions followed to. When those were done Solazar made one thing clear.

Agoti would not be joining back. Sol and Amora both agreed on it, and, in a strange turn so did Tabi. "Tabi understands our logic, don't you?"

"Mrm." Tabi agreed with a mouthful.

It was decided that until the operation was over Agoti could not attend a meeting. Instead he would focus entirely on his music career, showing the 'public' that he wasn't a nuisance nor planning anything. Aldryx would take his spot.

When asked if he had a choice in the matter Solazar declined. He even added that Updike agreed too.

"Well at least let me take part in the epic finale. I'm not missing that for the world."

Nobody objected to that.

There was no meeting today, nor was Tabi expected to go to work. With an open schedule, Agoti recruited him for producing and the two ventured off to the studio, Sol following in tow.

Updike had only concluded his investigation around 6:00AM, not showing the least bit of tire. He was granted full clemency of the operation after TGG managed to catch Ruv. In an attempt to delay the operation, the guards left him at Pompom's farm, making it look as it Ruv escaped and got there on his own. All it took was for Ruv to pummel a car into nothing and 'lightly tap' a few guards.

As a favour to Pompom they stopped the 'search for Ruv' for a bit, allowing him to be used on the farm. And Ronan made sure he was put to work. Removing tree stumps, lifting the barn to fix the foundation, moving the silo back upright, anything he could get Ruv's insane strength for.

Ruv did it all without complaint, though the work made him miss his wife and kid. He hoped that he would at least see them soon. The farm inspired him, silently wishing it was Sarv and Sel he was lifting for.

When the time came Ruv accepted his arrest but mentioned he would like to see the outside world once in a while. Seeing Ruv work on the farm Updike agreed, stating they would find something to keep him busy. He also agreed to Ruv's demand to let him see Selever once in a while. Ruv added the request to have Sarventes transferred but he declined that sharply. "When the time comes she will too. Until then be glad with what I'm granting you." Updike said sternly.

And even though his face showed no emotion, he was happy.

While you had intended to take the day off today, it wasn't long until Rosie texted asking when you'd show up. After a brief back and forth you and her came to the conclusion you would be working from 'brunchtime' to the evening, starting tomorrow. Apparently she had expected you to start today. You had asked why she even working today after yesterday's events.

"We can't all take vacations like you." She messaged but then walked it back saying to come in tomorrow instead. Just for kicks you check her website and sure enough, a notice was posted that the cafe would be closing extremely early today. She must have been a workaholic.

Elsewhere others were active. TGG especially. Nevermind the ongoing 'manhunt' for Ruv. TGG enemy number one was at the front desk.

Surrounded by armed TGG guards stood Radi, Nikusa and a random employee. The employee just sat, petrified behind the desk, phone in hand, desperately wishing to not be a part of this. Nikusa just stood upright, smiling as she looked around. The employee dared not move, Nikusa already having threatened them. Radi stood hands out, glowing green ready to vaporize any who intervene.

Nikusa had one simple request.

"I believe Updike has an appointment with me." She said gleefully.

The employee already checked but barely had time to formulate a response when TGG tactical teams shut the place down. Now all they were waiting was for Updike to make an appearance. Nikusa, Radi and the armed guards knew better than to injure the employee, leaving the situation at a perfect standoff.

Across the floor elevator doors parted. Out came Updike, looking rather annoyed at the situation. Already briefed he walked past the guards and up to Nikusa. Stern expression, he had but one thing to say, "I was not expecting you would come so soon."

"Well, we work on our own clocks."

"Follow me. We shall go to my office."

With a wave of his hand, the guards were dismissed, resuming normal duties. The three made it to the elevator leaving an increasingly anxious lobby.

Not a word was said as they entered the top floor, Updike leading them to his office. Especially bright in here, the clear sky lit every corner.

Updike sat down, interlocking his fingers in front of him, leaning into his desk. "We had a deal. I am to look for a cure to your friend's ailment, correct?" He flipped through some papers, looking for Radi's.

Nikusa and Radi preferred to stand, Nikusa crossing her arms. "That is correct. Now, you gonna look at him or what?"

"I don't even know what kind of ailment he has. Tell me what his problem is and I shall see if it's remediable."

"It's this." Radi said. He held his hands out, making a glowing green liquid. "It's radioactive. My whole body is."

Updike pressed a button on his desk. "Please send up some radiologists, doctors and a physician please."

"You can stop now. I do not need any radiation poisoning."


"I would have requested Springheel but alas he cannot come." Updike said curtly. "Oh? Why's that? He scared of me? He better be after what he did to that boy." Nikusa said, mischievous grin getting wider.

"It's not so much you, rather what that boy's father and I did to him. He will be out of practice for a few months...to put it lightly." Updike said grimly.

"And you remember the other part of the deal?" Nikusa said happily. "You keep this private. I don't want some profile on Radi here."

"As I said. I won't be doing any of that." Updike smirked. "You really ought to have some faith in me. If I really felt like going after you I would have already."

"Hmph. Be a lot of dead soldiers to stop us."

"Perhaps, but I see no reason to go after allies. I'll honour our deal."

"Y-you can help me right?" Radi asked, interrupting the two's standoff. "I don't want to be like this. What they did..it's not fair."

Updike stood up. "I promise you we can cure this affliction of yours. Nikusa shall be by your side for all of the tests."

Nikusa nodded in agreement.

"The Greater Good is not the same organization it was when Nikusa and I had our little spat. Whatever she has told you has changed here."

Nikusa looked on sceptically but agreed, if only for the moment.

For you, the rest of the day flew smoothly. There were only two other sudden appearances. The first was a phone call from Updike. He cut right to the point.

"You recall that van that was trailing you a few days back?"

"I do."

"We've tracked down their owners. The car is currently under rent by a Mobius-based private detective agency."


"That is was my reaction too. I presume they are looking for S. As for why...well I can think of many reasons. Either way, stay vigilant. Mobians are a ruthless people. I wouldn't be surprised if they were sent by our 'friends' for something more than an investigation. You should ask S about it posthaste."

"I will."

"Indeed. I shall have agents watch your house tonight. Just in case. There is something else as well. Unrelated though you should know. I've told Solazar already." Updike added again.


"That 'crew' from last night. After you all left some demons tried to make a move on one of those girls. Specifically the demon girl."


"Well the remaining agents we had stationed intervened and saved her. They got a look at the demons too. They happen to be from the same clan as our 'friends'."

"Wha? Did they try to kill her?"

"No. Kidnap her. I don't know why yet I could think of a thousand reasons why. Either way I will be factoring this into my investigations. Something is abound."

"She okay at least?"

"She is fine. However, after some discussion, that 'crew' owes us a favour. I do not know if it will help us for our plans but we shall consider them."


As soon as Updike hung up, so did the next person show up. S.

"Hey Tails!" Tails, having become your nickname, though it made little sense to you. S had gone all this time without calling anyone nicknames. Why start now?

You asked him about a 'Mobian Detective Agency' and while he seemed knowledgeable about it said he was adamant he never contacted any Mobians. He was also insistent that no Mobians were even on the planet, further coming confused why you suddenly cared about Mobius.

Dropping the subject you allow S to ask whatever he wanted.

He had come to announce his 'moving-out' of your computer. He stated his intention that he would be moving into Nikku's computer, using yours as backup storage. "She gets me. No offense, but you can't even comprehend what I am!"

"Are you still on our side?"

"Well, duh. I am still bound to you."

You shrug. "All right. Have fun." Ultimately you didn't really care.

You warned him doing so would put him closer under Updike's eyes. He seemed unfazed by it, stating that if Updike touched either him or Nikku there would be hell to pay.

He then added that 'Starline' was acting nicer as of late. Starline, being S' nickname for Updike. It was a reference he cared little for, not knowing who the real Starline was. S tried to explain it but you couldn't bring yourself to listen. You guess that must have been one of the reasons he preferred Nikku. She seemed to have a tighter grasp on that stuff.

On your phone you saw S holding two briefcases, a tie and brown hat on. He was 'leaving'.

"See you around!" He cackled maniacally.


The next chapter will be called Unmarked Van.

Beta Notes

- Blackjack was originally going to suggest Teriyaki Yoko instead of RetroSpector. Since Operation Partycrasher got cut, Yoko doesn't appear. I don't even know if she has a mod lol.

odaocercreators' thoughts