
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

odaocer · Video Games
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40 Chs

Track 26 - Bully At Best

Blackjack was a natural commander, you had to give him that. Extremely perceptive too. Aside from knowing off the bat they were TGG agents despite you nor anyone else mentioning it to him, he had no issues in ordering them to key places in the arcade should anything happen.

It arose some suspicion how he was able to figure that out so fast but being that you and he were allies currently you saw no reason to investigate.

They were hidden well, so well in fact you almost guessed he dismissed them. You decide to have a one-on-one with him later. The carnival could use someone like him.

Currently you were seated at the back of the stage, giving you full view of the audience slowing gathering in. You had changed into your 'detective attire', brown trench coat and civvies.

Blackjack announced earlier that two teams would be engaging on the stage in 30 minutes, the crowd already excited.

In front stood the gaming stage, rows and rows of chairs in front of it. It was the same stage Kapi stood on before his 'assassination'. A neon-lit metal floor, two large arcade cabinets, chairs on top, facing each other. Each combatant would take a place at the arcade machine. Behind them and up in the air a huge screen depicting the whole match. Further tricked it out the screen had the faces of each combatant in the corner as well as various information.

A smaller monitor hung from the ceiling backstage you could see. It listed two combatants, Hololive and...the Carnival.

He didn't do it. You call Blackjack. Though nearby, you needed confirmation. He was standing at the bottom of the stage, speaking to the would-be announcer. He answered it.

"What do you need?"

"Why is Kapi's team name the Carnival?"

"How should I know the significance? It's what he picked."

You shake your head. Of all the things the team had done this has to be the most reckless.

"Change it to the Circus. Tell him I overrode it."

"Very well."

You watch as Blackjack placed another call. You go over to Kapi's side and step off the stage, waiting for him to arrive.

Blackjack gave you a brief rundown on the 'gang'. A group of hyper women, no set age range, dressed colourfully and apparently with a cult following. He himself didn't know much, only knowing what a cursory internet search gave him.

Hololive. And Kapi said they were big in Japan. Just based on the description it reminded you of Rosie's crew, though probably not as dangerous.

"You're the leader here aren't you." A sultry voice spoke, more as a statement than a question.

Standing in front of you was a woman, human, though with the lion ears poking out from long vanilla-grey coloured hair you weren't sure. They flicked, clearly not just some accessory. She was dressed stylishly, bronze-coloured necklace hung from her neck, her hair past down her shoulders, stylized in a messy way. Hanging off her shoulders, a black jacket, lots of white fur surrounding them. It hung just low enough to expose her shoulders and black shirt, white stripes covering the left, one on the right. A sachet hung in front of side, covering a grey skirt, a ribbon reading HOLOLIVE in metal lettering covering that. She wore one pant legging, ripped in parts, a second strap hanging just below the skirt.

She had a bemused look on her face.


"The Carnival. You're the ringleader. I can tell."

For a brief second you think she's referring to the whole crew, then remember that's what Kapi called his team. That idiot.

"Not really. Kapi's in charge here."

She shakes her head. "If that's what you think. Name's Botan."


"Good luck out there. You'll need it."

Still confused, you watch as she saunters away, making her way around the stage.

"Who was that (Y/N)?" Kapi asked, finally appearing at your side.

"I don't know."

"Oh! Are you gonna be helping us?" Nikku asked.

Blackjack rose the possibility to you earlier, but you declined. Much as you were willing to game, you still felt down from the operation.

"Probably not-"

"Uh, no you are helping. How else am I supposed to have a seat genius!?" S shouted from your phone.

"Huh, is that gonna be okay?" You ask.

"Of course it is! You are just my slave here. You bring me to the machine, and I BRING THE PAIN!" S declared.

Shrugging you just accept, becoming S' handler.

Looking at the team they appeared capable.

Kapi, Ruv, S, Nikku, who you guess was Loki and three people you'd never seen before. One did look familiar; you swore you saw him in a police document before.

He gave you a sideways look, instantly appearing suspicious of you.

"(Y/N), this is Loki, Whitty, Carol and Cyrix. Friends that are gonna help us."

"You a cop?" Whitty asked.

"Not for a while now. I do security now."

"I see." He walked right past you to the stage.

"So you're (Y/N)." Cyrix said, giving a wide grin. "Displo spoke highly of you."

"Oh? You and he were-"

"Brothers basically."

"Ah, I'm sorry for what happened." You add solemnly.

Cyrix doesn't react that way, instead grin going wider. "Heh, don't feel bad. If I know Displo that fiend's always got a way to come back. He won't die so easily."

Before you could ask what he meant the crowd started cheering, the rest of Hololive making its appearance. You make a mental note to ask him later.

After Ruv steps up you follow, taking a seat at the end. You watch as the Hololive team takes a seat at the opposing side, the crowd going wild as they do so. Some made no expense in flaunting themselves, clearly reveling in the attention.

Once the crowd died down the announcer entered the stage. He appeared human, though rather...low-poly. You at first thought him an abomination but from the way he talked he was clearly an animatronic of some sort. Human in appearance he had brown hair, wore a red tie, grey dress shirt and khakis. He looked completely out of place but with Blackjack's 'professional attire' he sort of fit...maybe.


Boss Card: Vs. Hololive - https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1757430526535688441

The crowd cheered on as Mr. Sys explained the rules.

Kapi's team would go first and select a game, anything in the arcade and then send up a player. Hololive would send one person against the player and the winner of the game would score the most points. Once all players had appeared once whoever had the most wins would be declared victor. Mr. Sys explained it in detail, adding in one final piece.


You shoot a worried look over to Blackjack who nods. He couldn't be serious...or he was just that confident. You look over your team. A walking bomb, voiceless alien, eldritch creature, Displo's 'brother', a Russian monster, Kapi and a girl. If Updike could see you now.

You glance over to the Hololive side. All women, though each dressed in bright colours each one different from the one beside it, like battling a bunch of pencil crayons. No shortage of strange clothing one was dressed in pajamas, one as a pirate, one with a nun's veil and...scythe, some others and Botan in the middle, still looking at you fiercely. You weren't sure what she was thinking but now guess her the leader of the team.

There were 7 in total, just like Kapi's team.

Unsure if that scythe was just for show, Botan's intense stare and the possibility of them knowing about the greater Carnival you text Updike. Something about her was off.

A reply happened instantly. Updike stated that he'd be on his way and will be hidden in the arcade. In a hastily typed response he explained Hololive as a 'cult of weak abominations, mostly following the law, something about generations and how they are mostly based in Japan.' You would've read it further but got interrupted, Mr. Sys' bellowing voice grabbing your attention.


Kapi rose his hand.


The crowd cheered, several of the employees shouting louder than the crowd. He was well liked here.

"And what game and player will you be picking, Circus master?"

Oozing with smugness Kapi said three letters. "DDR. And I'm going up."

A round of oohs and aahs from the crowd as employees came up to the stage and placed DDR pads in front of the machines.

There was brief murmur among Hololive picking who to send up. Botan stood up and ordered one of the girls up.

She was most normal looking of all of them, no ears, weapons or unusual clothing. She was dressed as an idol, shiny clothing, streaks of pink and silver, large red bow in her hair.

"Round 1 will be Kapi vs Kizuna in DDR!"

No idea who she was, the crowd seemed to, screaming the loudest so far.

With first pick Kapi was allowed to pick the song. No feeling of inadequacy, Kapi scrolled down the menu and selected 'GENRE: HARDCORE EDM'.

Now Playing...

Artist: Peaches the Wale

Song: Magical Girl

 Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOQyOKZe1RE

Drums hitting off a breakbeat it got started instantly. Kapi held the back of the bars and ripped through it, not missing a single note. He each arrow perfectly, sneakers landing on it, bouncing to the next one predicted several notes in ahead.

You still didn't believe he never wanted to go into the operations. He had insane speed clearly.

It lasted briefly, Kizuna not able to land them either as fast or as accurate as Kapi. As soon as the song concluded Kapi struck a pose, landing just on the last note as it passed the gate.

With how loud the crowd went for Kizuna you got a little worried how the crowd would react to her lose. But as Kizuna got eliminated, the crowd cheered for Kapi, aforementioned employees practically throwing stuff as he struck that pose.


Strutting back, Kapi took a seat, a complete aura of superiority to his mood.


"We'll send up Mori." She declared. There were some murmurs from the crowd, some unfamiliar with this person.

One of the girls stood up, pink hair, black tiara and most of all, large scythe. She left the scythe behind but the way she was dressed, like a dark priestess looked intimidating. She appeared calm and collected as she stepped up to the arcade, black cape flowing behind her.

"You'll pay for what you did to did to Kizuna." She said quietly as she pointed at Kapi's team.

"And what game shall you be selecting?" Mr. Sys asked.

"Guilty Gear." A few interested gasps from the crowd and you swore you heard someone mention how she'd kill you all. Next was for Kapi to select. S volunteered though Kapi ordered Nikku. She claimed she was ready, able to win at a fighting game.

Mori moved quickly, selecting her character, a sailor girl with a huge anchor, while Nikku looked over, unsure who to select. with her comlink still in, S ordered her to pick the guy with the luscious brown hair, since it reminded him of Sonic.

With the match started Mori moved fast.

Roman cancelling is the ability of being able to cancel the ending of a move in place of other moves, allowing the player to effectively combo without any cooldown, combining moves with others into brand new combos and methods. Mori knew this well doing it with such speed and precision the crowd went silent to watch.

Nikku was demolished in the first round and had her confidence shattered in the second when Mori defeated her without Nikku landing a single hit.

At the same time it took Kizuna to lose it took Mori to demolish Nikku. She just looked down in defeat, S cheering her up that they were going to do some insane practicing later, and maybe even bomb the Hololive HQ, at least till S found out it was in Japan.

With the teams tied it could still go anywhere. You look at the team. Other than Nikku everyone was still amped.

Mr. Sys voice again cuts your focus. "Kapi send up your next combatant."

"I'm up." S said grimly. "Gonna show them who's boss." Kapi looked to you and nodded. You get up, holding your phone.

"As I understand it you are merely the servant of our next combatant is that right?"

"Handler." You add and put the phone to Mr. Sys' microphone.

"I'm in control here. I'm gonna show you what happens when people tick me off." S growled.

"And what game will you pick."

"Fall Guys." S growled.

"Alright! Let's have it for S and his slave!"

S warped out of your phone onto the screen above, giving a bow to the audience. You never really paid much attention to S' travels on the web, but at the very least had some kind of online following. With the screams that erupted you figure S really made a name for himself.

A young girl walks up to the opposing arcade. Ram horns, long blonde hair and a harp. You vaguely make out her name being Watame. You were more surprised at the fact she was so young. Your first thought is more of astonishment. How could they send up a child? Such a thought is shattered at the mere reminder that Pompom was on your team.

You also notice some of the crowd shouting to Hololive not to send her against S. Whatever. This wasn't your battle. You take a seat and watch as S warps into the game.

It was some cutesy game with humanoid blob figures running through an obstacle course. At first thought you wonder why S would pick such an innocent game. Though knowing S you weren't surprised at what he did. Did it constitute cheating? When you looked back Nikku wore a revenge-soaked grin.

S transfigured the game, adding gore, distortion and glitches to the game. He broke the music sending it off key, warping the sky so as to rain blood and setting everything a blaze. A large red blob in the distance swallowed the sun, blotting out the game's light.

All this happened fast and shocking enough that the Watame girl ran away screaming and crying. It allowed for S to just walk right up and win, securing the victory.

Wondering if it were even legal you looked closer at the game. It was 'Fall Guys.exe', some knockoff or something, probably of S' creation. Mr. Sys shot the Circus a wicked grin, even complimenting S' gravitas.

The crowd was split between S supporters, Hololive supporters, people claiming it was a legit win and those claiming it not. Mr. Sys ruled in favour of the Circus, awarding S a point. "That's for Nikku!" S shouted.

You felt miserable, not for what S did but worried people would blame you.

"What a surprising twist!" Mr. Sys shouted into the mic.

Mr. Sys didn't need to ask Hololive as Botan stepped up, a furious look on her face. Slightly embarrassed you take a seat.

Botan ordered an FPS as the next game. You didn't hear the name over S' gloating but at least heard that Kapi sent up Whitty.

Botan was pissed, starring daggers at you, but as she ordered the game and Whitty stepped up, she disappeared behind the cabinet. Whitty looked excited, mentioning to Carol this would be easy.

You missed the name of the game but watched from the side screens as Whitty and Botan took up places at opposing sides of a dusty map. Armed with sniper rifles, knives and machineguns they walked around the map looking for each other.

It didn't take long for Botan to find him. All you saw from Whitty's cam was the kill screen, Botan hitting him through a door. She didn't waste a single bullet and took him down in a headshot. Thoroughly annoyed he took a different path, shooting at any door he deemed suspicious.

This continued on, Botan continuously getting kills on Whitty. She shouted as she got each kill, thoroughly humiliating the bomb-headed guy each time. 10 shots later, not a single death for Botan and the game ringing 'DOMINATED' Whitty was out. He slammed the arcade machine and left, begrudgingly taking his seat.

"Please do not damage the equipment folks!" Mr. Sys said to the crowd.

Carol couldn't help but giggle as Whitty fumed in his seat.

They were winning now, but half the team still had to go up.

To soothe Whitty, Carol volunteered to go next, choosing some kind of golf game as she stepped up.

A simple goal, hit golf balls within the rhythm to score points. The more in rhythm you were the higher the points. While DDR relied on focus, this relied on concentration.

"Ugh." Ruv said, speaking for the first time since the tournament started. He looked disgusted at the person Hololive sent up.

Two small horns poked out of her head. An Oni mask hung from her head. Behind her and strapped to her back were two katanas. Coupled with her black, red and eastern inspired jacket and shorts you guess her a demon. Would certainly explain why Ruv didn't like her....Even though Sarventes was a demon, you guess it more complicated than that. Or maybe he didn't like katanas.

"What?" Ruv asked, noticing your staring.

"Uh, nothing."

Whatever got Ruv disgusted also got Carol riled as well. The Hololive girl went to shake on it, Carol ignoring the offer, getting to the game. You nearly catch the name "Nakiri".

"Some saucy competition tonight! Looks like we got angel versus demon! Let this holy war commence!" Mr. Sys bellowed.

Looking over to Botan she retained a smug look on her face, proud at her pick. No idea how she could've known Carol was an angel she just smiled back at you.

It was looking more and more that while the Hololive members appeared young that Botan, being the oldest was by default the leader. You looked at her occasionally during the matches, noting that she would talk to the other girls, giving encouraging words and strategies. Like a mother to them. It didn't seem like a typical leader system either. It reminded you of how the Carnival was run.

The two kicked off, both with perfect scores in perfect rhythm. In sheer awe, the crowd cheered watching as both scores were in harmony with each other, going up at the same pace, at the same time.

You watched as Botan got up and whispered something to Mr. Sys. Whatever it was he nodded, allowing Botan to get up and whisper something to Ayame. Whatever she said, was apparently hilarious as Ayame started to giggle. Botan kept whispering and the chuckles turn into uncontrollable laughter. Despite this Ayame kept her perfect score, in-tune with the BPM.

"SHUT UP!" Carol shouted to them, sufficiently annoyed by Ayame's squeals. Satisfied, Botan walked away.

"Omg, STOP LAUGH-" And in that instant, Carol missed one note, ending what would have been a perfect score.

The game hit a conclusion, Carol one point below Nakiri's. But instead of gloating Ayame kept laughing. She continued hitting the key within rhythm, not even realizing the song end.

"What's so funny?" Carol demanded.

"B-botan said I'll get a golfbar after this, I can put it in my my driver seat with my nine-i-iron horsep-" Ayame couldn't continue, still giggling. She needed to breathe.

Carol said nothing, just walking back to her seat, head down in shame. Whitty put an arm around her and considered saying something smug but didn't. Kapi stared on in disbelief, as did the other team members.

"What a shocking conclusion to that! Guess we can't all be eagle-eyed can we?" Mr. Sys said, trying his own at a golf pun.

Ayame continued to laugh, leaving with one of the other girls to calm herself.

They had the lead now. With only two people left on the team things were getting close, closer than you wished. Despite this, Blackjack looked perfectly fine. You estimate he had some kind of backup plan in place. There was no way he was just going to give up if Kapi lost.

"..deus.." Carol mumbled something. "W-whoa, easy babe. No need for magic." Whitty whispered to Carol. "N-no need for magic here."

"I got this!" Cyrix said, standing up.

"We got some enthusiasm from the Circus after those two embarrassing losses! What a diverse team! Well, Hololive. What game can we expect and who shall be sent up?!"

You barely make out 'Gawr' before the crowd completely loses it. Some young girl wearing shark pajamas, complete with shark hood stepped up, throwing up some pose on the stage.

Whoever she was elicited the most vibrant response from the crowd. The shortest of the team members so far, leading you to guess she couldn't be older than 13 years old.

Age aside she enthusiastically picked something drowned out by the crowd. Whatever it was caused as reaction in Botan who stood up and ordered her not to. Gawr disagreed and with a tongue shout shouted something about 'boing', breasts and Botan not knowing. Whatever she said caused Botan to shake her head before sitting down.

You shoot a quick text to Blackjack asking if he had headphones. The crowd was too loud.

A racing game came on the screen as the shark girl eagerly picked some underwater racing track. "Let's go computer head!" The shark girl shouted.

Cyrix made a comment about shark fin soup that got drowned out in the crowd but otherwise looked confident. He selected a racer and the two kicked off.

Knowing absolutely nothing about Cyrix you didn't know what to expect. All you knew was that he knew Displo and probably Static too. Well Displo was technically the driver during Blindside. Maybe Cyrix could drive?

The match started off as you expected. Both races neck and neck, hitting each other with power-ups. When one hit the other with slow, the other would catch up and hit them with a punch. 1st and 2nd place were fluid, constantly switching between them. The music grew intense as they fought for first. Cyrix maintained calm, or at least appeared so. Gawr got increasingly agitated at the game, the crowd cheering her on to focus.

It started off intense though Gawr stopped randomly. Cyrix ignored it, focusing far too intently on the race at hand. The first distracted her. The stage hazards, the ruins and the power-ups. It was as if in a second she forgot there was a race.

Hitting the final lap, Cyrix charged forth and caught up to Gawr having lapped her. He stopped to look at what got her so interested this time. A series of ruins she remarked looked like her home or something. Just as Cyrix was about to say something encouraging she hit him with an ink powerup causing him to go slow. She declared he had fallen for her trick, and she could win now. As soon as Cyrix was able he charged forth, just as Gawr hit the finish line. Of course, hot realizing he had lapped her already when he hit the line seconds later he won. This was obvious to most viewing the match...at least you thought so. There were quite a few in the crowd who didn't realize what Cyrix had done, calling BS on the win.

Calling BS as well, Gawr jumped atop the arcade cabinet and lunched at Cyrix, attempting to bite his TV head. Screaming, she started punching him. You were up fast, cop instinct kicking in as you physically grab her back and throw her off. Botan too, grabbing Gawr and with one other member helping her offstage.

"Yo, Cy, you okay?" Whitty asked as he ran up to him.

"Yeah, but the hell was that. Did she throw the match?"

"Quite the feisty one!" Mr. Sys shouted.

The Circus had caught up and tied but it could still go any way. With two team members left and the choice back on Kapi's team, Loki stood up. He had a smug look on his face, the same one Kapi had earlier. It has his turn to pick his game.

Before he swaggered up to the stage he whispered to Kapi, "get a picture of Blackjack for me." Curious you glance over to him, Blackjack just staring at Loki annoyed.

"Well, Loki! What game will you challenge with today?" Mr. Sys asked.


Now Playing...

Artist: DJ Charlie Work

Song: Jimmy the Euphoric Dolphin

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8BdhkkuuC4

One of the Hololive members stood up immediately. Even in vain, Botan tried to stop her, but that member was instantly at the cabinet. She shouted "Pekora" at her to come back but it was no use. Blue and white hair curled into long ponytails each ponytail had a carrot lodged in it in addition to her large bunny ears atop her head. With leggings and black gloves it was like she was dressed as a casino bunny if not for the puffy white dress on top of it all.

There were a few groans and worried mumbles in the audience. Apparently having this girl going up could go either way, you gleam from the audience.

"Well I certainly don't need to explain how Poker works do I?"

Both Loki and Pekora were ready. With the audience unable to see either one hands everyone grew tense. A few rounds passed, both Loki and Pekora trying to get a mental picture of the other. Loki had a good poker face, concealing what he thought about his hand from the crowd.

The mood turned quiet as people watched with bated breath. A few rounds passed, cards placed down, bets held, both playing cautiously, waiting for the right move.

Not everyone cared much, quite a few in the crowd growing bored.

Finally, after what seemed like hours back and forth, Loki went all in. Drawing bated breath from the crowd, they watched as Pekora went all in too, a devilish grin on her face.

Going first Loki laid down a flush, an entire hand of the same suit. Still smirking, Pekora put down a full house, 3 cards of the same and 2 of another kind.

Your team was predictably upset, though as Loki looked on his expression didn't falter. Just as Pekora was declared the winner she got up to shake Loki's hand. Still smug, he said the words no gambling addict should hear.

"Double or nothing." Loki said. "I wager the next round."

"You're on!" Pekora shouted, running back to the cabinet, ready for another go.

"No! What are you-" Kapi stood up, ready to stop Loki but a firm hand on his shoulder stopped that. It was Blackjack.

"Let him go." He said, Kapi instantly sitting down.

Unsure if what Loki was proposed was legal, Mr. Sys looked back to Blackjack who nodded.

Kapi wasn't the only one alarmed. You looked on to see Botan too, worried at the result. Pekora had effectively put the entire game back on the balance. She tried to stop Pekora, but Mr. Sys interrupted her.

"WELL THEN! Quite unprecedented but the Circus will be waging a SECOND POINT. Put the cards up players! Here's a DOUBLE OR NOTHING round!"

With even higher stakes now, Pekora and Loki exchanged cards, both playing conservatively as possible. To allow for better seeing each arcade cabinet displayed the opponent's face in the corner allowing to see their expression. Not that it mattered much, both couldn't read each other, both practically seasoned veterans.

And a few rounds later, Loki went all in. It drew the same surprise from the crowd, many figuring a repeat of the previous round. Kapi too, groaned that Loki might've cost them the whole game.

Pekora, confident as ever went all in too, that same devilish grin on her face. Both players put their cards down at the same time, one going horrified at what they say.

Pekora placed down a flush.

Loki, still smiling put down a royal flush, 5 of the highest cards.

Chaos rose as Loki gleefully took his two points, Pekora claiming triple or nothing. Loki refused, knowing when to quit. The Hololive supporters in the crowd weren't happy as well calling it rigged, BS calling Loki out and so on. Botan too, protested the outcome stating that she never agreed to send Pekora up, that it was a technicality, and so on.

Calming everyone down, Mr. Sys made a ruling. "Since you both won that game, and we can't agree we'll count this as a tie!"

While it calmed the crowd, your team wasn't that happy. "Stupid." Kapi muttered. "BS. We shoulda won there."

Teams were tied again with one final player left up. It wasn't looking good. Tied, one member left up for each. It could go any way if they did another round. It was time to play the trump card.

Botan announced the final member who gleefully walked up to the stage. Dressed as a pirate, complete with a shipmaster's coat, black pirate hat and an eyepatch. Her name was declared as Marine as she proudly requested Puyo Puyo.

"Wait!" Kapi shouted. "Can we change it to Puyo Tetris?"

"Tetris?" Marine asked. "Haha, you'll be at a disadvantage but sure." She winked.

Kapi motioned for Ruv to come over.

"How do I do this Puyo Tetris?" He asked flatly.

"Just pick Tetris when they ask and then beat her."

"Get a higher score?"

"No. If you clear lines it makes it harder for her to play."

"Really? I should be able to win this." He mumbled.

Before Kapi could leave, Ruv stopped him. "She is Japanese?"

"Y-yeah. I think so."

"Hmph." Ruv hummed. Gulping, Kapi left Ruv as he took his place as the arcade machine.

Blackjack watched as Ruv stepped up. Though he kept it hidden he found himself intimidated by Ruv's presence. Something about him screamed violence, he could detect his righteousness.

With a few cables switched, the workers set up Puyo Puyo Tetris, a game in which two players would engage in bricklaying or drops, seeing who could force the other player to lose.

Kapi watched uneasily as the crowd went crazy as Marine stepped up, dressed in a pirate's coat, wearing a pirate's hat and eyepatch, the crowd knew instantly this was her game.

"What will you pick?" Mr. Sys asked.


"Pft." Marine spat. "Tetris? Gonna be an easy win, clearly." She said sarcastically. "I'll go Puyo! Let's do this!"

Ruv had no response, not finding it worthy of one. He just muttered. "Revenge for Portsmouth."

"What was that Ruv? Any last comments?" The announcer asked.

"Revenge for Portsmouth." Ruv said louder.

"Sure! Revenge for Port Mouth!" The announcer repeated, not understanding the significance behind it.

Ruv took his place at the cabinet, looking over the screen. Two columns. One for him and another for Marine.

Flash and full of colour, this one screamed modern. A nameplate at the bottom listed Ruv, as the one opposite listed Marine.

With the game ready Ruv studied the UI. More advanced than the one he was used to, this one showed where the piece would eventually land. He found it fancier than the other one he played. He also found that, unlike the other Tetris this game listed what pieces he would get next and several places up. Fascinating, Ruv thought.

As the game started the crowd went wild, many cheering on Marine and quite a few cheering on Ruv. You realized now this was a completely horrible idea. Ruv was technically a wanted criminal and fugitive. With him making such a huge public appearance the chance of him getting arrested skyrocketed.

It looked to be completely random the way Marine placed her pieces. Just all over the place, some blobs linked with others, but her board was filling up. You didn't get it. It didn't make sense. She didn't have a single point yet.

Ruv too, filling up his board. He took one glance at Marine's board and decided he didn't care what she did. He just muttered one word. "1905."

As both boards filled up Marine placed one final piece before stepping back, content her in actions. It cleared a set of 3 blobs, creating more space. As the remaining pieces fell down they hit others, creating a combo. You finally see what her plan was.

A series of grey blocks appeared above Ruv's board as his piece came down. It cleared a few lines and the warped onto Ruv's board pushing his blocks all the way to the top.

He flinched slightly, not expecting that outcome. Regardless he started placing pieces more carefully. With only 1 row he played a piece and cleared a line, lining up the next piece to clear a line.

He worked fast, now fully understanding how this worked. He continued clearing line after line, the character at the bottom of the screen going crazy. He only paid attention to the next pieces coming up, not looking at the amount of damage he was reeling up for Marine.

In pure curiosity S ported to the game, watching silently, and taking notes. Even when watching Kapi he never saw this level of construction and playing close to the edge.

Botan shouted at Marine to get back to the game as she saw Ruv defeating the onslaught of grey bricks. Marine started played fast, trying to line up combos and blobs again. But, as Ruv missed the next line his retribution was executed. Tens of grey bricks rained onto Marine's board filling 80% of the spaces. It became impossible to counter-act and she shouted in anger as her blobs came. Hitting the ceiling the board crashed, declaring Ruv the winner.

"It is done."


The next chapter will be called Flashy Fallout.

Since I added this chapter in recently it makes it the most recent chapter I wrote.

The beta notes would just be that this event never happened, though I did have some minor things changed.

- Couldn't decide between Fall Guys and Sonic Racing. Felt Sonic would be too on-the-nose.

- Couldn't decide between the announcer being Mr. Sys or Spamton. Mr. Sys is more underrated imo.

If you want a video explanation as to what happened with Ruv watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey0CVtp8UcU

odaocercreators' thoughts