
Truth & Consequences In My Life

According to Japan's recent study in 2020, the amount of citizens who is married is below 50%. So Japan made a new law, the legal age for marriage is 14 years-old. Students now can get engaged at the age of 10. To avoid adults taking advantage of this system, a minor (10-17 years old) can only engaged with other minors. While Early Adult (18-20 years old) can only engaged with other Early Adult. And anyone who reached their 20th birthday, will get assigned marriage partners by the government. The government won't assigns marriage partner if engaged or married. This law has increased the amount of citizens who is married to over 70%. With the existence of this law, over 30,000 cases of sexual harassment and abuse towards minors have been reported in Tokyo alone. Residents of Japan has been fighting for five years to decide whether this law should stay or not. In 2025, the Prime Minister of Japan has declared that the law should stay and the police association should take care of the cases. The fight has ended and the law has become part of daily life except for a 17 years-old student, Kurogane Shiro, who, in five years, never cared about this law. He only thinks about his safety and condition. He is really smart and merciless on the way he solves things. He would do anything to ensure his own safety. But on one fateful day, he met a woman that attract his attention.For the first time in his life, he found happiness. But he later found out that she is 19 years-old and about to get assigned marriage partner in a year. While running from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department for mysterious reason, he uncovers the truth about himself and his connection with the law while trying to marry the woman of his dreams.

hazzy_ · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
7 Chs

Takeshi & Fumiko

[Takeshi's POV]

"What's up with Shiro today?"

"You mean what's up with Shiro in general, Takeshi."

A little cruel of her to say that, but I can't blame her. Shiro has always been like that since the first time we met. He always seems traumatized about being naive in anyway.

"Fumiko, do you think he will be okay?"


So she is still mad about it, huh? Maybe I shouldn't have abandoned her. It was my bad so I think I should redeem myself.

"Hey, Fumiko. Are you busy after school today?"

"...? I don't have any plans..."

"That's great! I want to bring you to the new cafe that just opened."


"Mm. If I'm not mistaken it's called Salon Du Chocolat. My friends said the coffee there is really good. I want to try it with you. Don't worry it's my treat."

I hope this works, otherwise, she would be mad for the whole day. And she would avoid me for the entire day as well.

"So is it like a date? Is it only the two of us?"

"Yeah! It will be great fun!"

"Then... I'll go then if you insist."

She touches her index finger together and started blushing. I just noticed how cute she is when she is embarrassed.

"Then, let's get going, otherwise we would be late."


I give her a pat on the head. Her face keeps on getting redder.

Anyway, I really hope that Shiro don't get in trouble. Maybe I'm overthinking it. He'll be just fine.

[In the meantime]



Takeshi, where are you? Save me.

A little addition to chapter 3.

Just want to show a little bit more of Takeshi and Fumiko action. They are my favourite couple in this story in my opinion anyway. But we'll see, maybe after writing the actual story I might like the main couple more. But from the rough story I have in my head. Takeshi x Fumiko is the best. XD

hazzy_creators' thoughts