
Truth & Consequences In My Life

According to Japan's recent study in 2020, the amount of citizens who is married is below 50%. So Japan made a new law, the legal age for marriage is 14 years-old. Students now can get engaged at the age of 10. To avoid adults taking advantage of this system, a minor (10-17 years old) can only engaged with other minors. While Early Adult (18-20 years old) can only engaged with other Early Adult. And anyone who reached their 20th birthday, will get assigned marriage partners by the government. The government won't assigns marriage partner if engaged or married. This law has increased the amount of citizens who is married to over 70%. With the existence of this law, over 30,000 cases of sexual harassment and abuse towards minors have been reported in Tokyo alone. Residents of Japan has been fighting for five years to decide whether this law should stay or not. In 2025, the Prime Minister of Japan has declared that the law should stay and the police association should take care of the cases. The fight has ended and the law has become part of daily life except for a 17 years-old student, Kurogane Shiro, who, in five years, never cared about this law. He only thinks about his safety and condition. He is really smart and merciless on the way he solves things. He would do anything to ensure his own safety. But on one fateful day, he met a woman that attract his attention.For the first time in his life, he found happiness. But he later found out that she is 19 years-old and about to get assigned marriage partner in a year. While running from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department for mysterious reason, he uncovers the truth about himself and his connection with the law while trying to marry the woman of his dreams.

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7 Chs

Hard Life

[Miya's POV]

The entrance ceremony got delayed for four days. I heard that there were technical difficulties with the microphones and speakers. I didn't expect it to be delayed for more than one day though.

The principal is giving her speech right now. Even though she is very beautiful, her speech is not so much. It's really boring and can make anyone feel sleepy. It goes on for more than a half an hour.

"Hey, you are Saromi Miya, right?

A girl with long caramel-brown hair and black eyes who sits next to me asked.

"Y-Yes, I am Saromi Miya, and you are?"

"I am Nagano Fujiko, you don't remember me, Miya?"


I take off my glasses and start wiping the glass with my sleeves. Then, I wear them back and start staring at Fujiko.

"Oh, you are Fujiko from middle school, right?

"Yes, I am. It's only been a year and you forget me already?"

"Haha, I didn't recognize you at first. You look like just another stranger at the corner of my eyes.

"And you are not, rose pink hair, navy blue eyes, glasses with red frame, your bangs covering your left eye, you are so easy to recognize."

She is being so descriptive right now, but all of it is true. I look unique but no one wants to go out me because of my personality. I'm really shy and nerdy. Most of the guys in middle school said that I'm cute but too boring to hang out with.

"So what class are you in Miya?"

"I'm in 1-B, and you Fujiko?

"Wow, you are so smart! I'm only in 1-D."

This is Nagano Fujiko, a friend of mine back in middle school. She loves to hang out with her friends and her boyfriend. Fujiko and I sat next to each other in every class in middle school. She is one of the only friends I had in school.

"So how was your first four days in high school, Miya?"

"G-Good... I guess..."

Sorry, Fujiko. I had to lie to you.

"That's great! Have you made any friends?"

"Yeah, a few."

Then, there's an awkward silence between us. There was never a moment as awkward as this in my life ever. Both of us just stayed quiet until the principal's speech is over.

[Third Person Perspective]

"You are his homeroom teacher, right? You should have more information about him!"

"I am his homeroom teacher but..."


"This Kurogane Shiro kid... I don't how to put it."

"What do you mean?"

"The truth is... Even the school does not have much about him. I only have his contact information and address, that is all."

"This can't be right."


"Even in the database, Kurogane Shiro... does not exist."

"Wait, are you sure?"

"Yes, there is no trace of him in the main database at all, no family, no relatives."

"Is that the reason why Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department conduct a secret investigation for the last four days?"

"That is the main reason, yes."

"Well, I can't help much, Inspector."

"It can't be helped then, we'll just arrest him."

"Woah, woah, you can't just arrest a kid because he doesn't have any identity."

"Actually, we can."

The inspector shows the teacher a piece of paper saying he has the rights to do so.

"I won't let you. Even if he has no identity, he still is a student at this school."

"I really hope that we can get along but,,, We follow orders, whether he is innocent or not, we are going to arrest him soon."

"I'd like to see you try."

The teacher pulls out a cigarette and starts smoking,

"Aren't you gonna be late for the entrance ceremony?"

"And don't you have anything else to do other than bothering me?"

"You are very cold even for a female teacher."

The teacher release a sigh of relieve as the inspector leaves.

"You hear that Shiro-kun?"

"Yes, but do I have to hide in the cupboard the whole time?"

"You are the one that want to hide in my personal room to skip the entrance ceremony, right."

"Yes, but..."

"Listen, Kurogane-kun, your life will be a little hard from now on. I will try to help but I can't do much, you need to solve this yourself."

"Yes, I understand, Sae-sensei"

"You took the risk, and now you have to face the consequences. But I will give you one piece of advice, gain as much info as you can on their investigation."

"You know something will get wrong, right?"

"But you don't have any choice. Just find as much information as you can."

"By all means necessary?"

"If you want to lead a peaceful life, by all means necessary."

"Well, if you say so."

"But I don't want anyone to be harmed."

"That will be hard then."

"That's all I want, you can do anything else."

"I guess I'll start with her then."

"The first year? How do you know about the first year? The information is classified."

"I have my ways."

"Your ways?"


Third Person Perspective

"Man, the entrance ceremony was so long. I'm glad it's over."

"That's what you said last year too, Yukino."

"It can't be helped, I slept all the way through except for when the student council president is giving his speech. He is like the prince charming."

"I guess you already forgot the incident this morning, huh?

Suddenly, Yukino grabs Shiori's collar and stare into her eyes

"How can I forgot the most indecent thing that has ever happen in my life!"

Suddenly, a boy with dark brown hair enters the classroom. His appearance makes Yukino shocked and suddenly yell. (A/N: Yes, Shiro's hair is dark brown)

"WAIT! You are the guy from this morning right!?!"

"I think you are mistaken."

"There's no way in hell I could be mistaken!"

"There, there, sit down everyone."

The teacher's appearance makes everyone quiet and sit down at their own seats except for Yukino.

"You think you could jus-"

"Sit down at your place, Yukino!"

"Okay, teacher."

"Good morning, everyone. Today, the student that has been absent for four days finally decided to come to school. So this is Kurogane Shiro."