
Truth & Consequences In My Life

According to Japan's recent study in 2020, the amount of citizens who is married is below 50%. So Japan made a new law, the legal age for marriage is 14 years-old. Students now can get engaged at the age of 10. To avoid adults taking advantage of this system, a minor (10-17 years old) can only engaged with other minors. While Early Adult (18-20 years old) can only engaged with other Early Adult. And anyone who reached their 20th birthday, will get assigned marriage partners by the government. The government won't assigns marriage partner if engaged or married. This law has increased the amount of citizens who is married to over 70%. With the existence of this law, over 30,000 cases of sexual harassment and abuse towards minors have been reported in Tokyo alone. Residents of Japan has been fighting for five years to decide whether this law should stay or not. In 2025, the Prime Minister of Japan has declared that the law should stay and the police association should take care of the cases. The fight has ended and the law has become part of daily life except for a 17 years-old student, Kurogane Shiro, who, in five years, never cared about this law. He only thinks about his safety and condition. He is really smart and merciless on the way he solves things. He would do anything to ensure his own safety. But on one fateful day, he met a woman that attract his attention.For the first time in his life, he found happiness. But he later found out that she is 19 years-old and about to get assigned marriage partner in a year. While running from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department for mysterious reason, he uncovers the truth about himself and his connection with the law while trying to marry the woman of his dreams.

hazzy_ · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
7 Chs

A Cliché Meeting

[Yukino's POV]

"Good morning! Welcome to Kizu High! Please consider taking this brochure about the school!"

This is such a pain, why does the Counseling Club has to do this anyway? I know the student council is in charge of the entrance ceremony. But I can't complain now, can't I? I am the president anyway.

"Good morning, Yukino. You have to give out brochures at the entrance, huh?"

"Ah, good morning, Shiori. Yeah, the counseling club has to take care of the brochure."

This is Fukayama Shiori. She is a good friend of mine. Shiori always rivals me in hair color because hers is ruby red while mine is emerald green. She has long hair going down to her back while I have a short hair.

"So how long do you have to stay here and give out brochures?"

"Well, either until the brochures ran out or until someone came to take over my place. The latter is most unlikely to happen though."

If you look at Shiori, she looks like a normal girl. But the truth is she is from a very wealthy family. My family, Yukinawa, owes them a lot, so that's why I'm very close to her.

"This seems awfully boring though, I can take over if you want. You should go to the entrance ceremony."

"No, it's okay. I don't have anything to do with the ceremony anyw-"

In the blink of an eye, a silhouette ran past me. I was shocked and stepped backwards towards Shiori


I bounce off Shiori and hit the silhoutte knocking both of us to the ground.

[Shiro's POV]

I was running towards the school at lightning speed. Once I see the gate, I decided to use the small grill door.

When I am inside I see two girls standing right beside it. Because of my slow reaction time, I hit one of the girl. She has a shiny emerald green hair. But her eyes is the most beautiful part, a combination of lavender and orchid purple, a perfect synergy.

Because of the momentum, I push her to the other girl, then she bounces back towards me, knocking me into the ground along with her.

Magically, I land on top her. Not even Albert Einstein can explain what just happen. She knocked me down but now I am on top of her. Ignoring that, my hand feels something squishy. I tried squeezing it to find out what it was.

I just realised something and it is not good. But I got the time so I'm guessing it is probably B-cup. I could be wrong thou-


She slaps me then kick me off with both of her legs. Glad she didn't punch me.

"W-W-Where do you think you were touching?!?"

She crosses her arms covering her chest. Her face is now bright red. And I made a bad decision trying to make a joke out of it.

"What? You got turned on or somethin-"

I tasted a UK size 5 shoe for the first time. And I tell you, it does not tastes good. But my joke made her back off.

"Did I just get molested on the 5th day of school?"

"Yukino, are you okay?"

"NO! I'M NOT!"

The other girl with ruby-red hair is trying to calm her down. The green-haired girl seems traumatized now. So I decided to slowly walk towards the school hall.

"WAIT! You think you could just walk away after touching a girl's chest like that?"

She grabs me by the back of my collar and lifts me off the ground a little bit. Wow, she's strong.

"Well, it is an acciden-"

"Like hell it is an accident, you squeeze'em like you are analyzing it."

"No, I didn't. I just don't know what is was."

Lies. Luckily she is not Fumiko.

"Well, at least apologize."

She drops me to the ground making kneel.

"Now, apologize while kneeling."

"I-I'm sorry for not looking where I was going and touching your chest."

"Good, but I'll never forgive you, pervert."

She then grabs her bag and ask the ruby red haired girl to go.

"Let's go, Shiori."

"But what about the brochures?"

"It's fine, no one is coming anymore."

Following her order, she grabs her bag and follow the emerald green haired girl towards the school hall.


I yelled telling her to stop for a moment.


"W-What is your name?

"Yukinawa, Yukinawa Yukino."

"Okay, see you later B-cup Yukino."

"W-WAIT! You DID analyze it, did you?!?"

I give her a small grin as I pick up my bag off the ground.


She tried to run back to me, but her friend grab her hand and drag her to the school hall.

"What a waste of a pair of beautiful eyes."

Anyway, if you don't know, I use the first few chapters to mainly introduce characters and their traits not much of the storyline. The actual story starts somewhere between chapter 5 -7. Maybe 8, I don't know. Actually I know

hazzy_creators' thoughts