
Truth & Consequences In My Life

According to Japan's recent study in 2020, the amount of citizens who is married is below 50%. So Japan made a new law, the legal age for marriage is 14 years-old. Students now can get engaged at the age of 10. To avoid adults taking advantage of this system, a minor (10-17 years old) can only engaged with other minors. While Early Adult (18-20 years old) can only engaged with other Early Adult. And anyone who reached their 20th birthday, will get assigned marriage partners by the government. The government won't assigns marriage partner if engaged or married. This law has increased the amount of citizens who is married to over 70%. With the existence of this law, over 30,000 cases of sexual harassment and abuse towards minors have been reported in Tokyo alone. Residents of Japan has been fighting for five years to decide whether this law should stay or not. In 2025, the Prime Minister of Japan has declared that the law should stay and the police association should take care of the cases. The fight has ended and the law has become part of daily life except for a 17 years-old student, Kurogane Shiro, who, in five years, never cared about this law. He only thinks about his safety and condition. He is really smart and merciless on the way he solves things. He would do anything to ensure his own safety. But on one fateful day, he met a woman that attract his attention.For the first time in his life, he found happiness. But he later found out that she is 19 years-old and about to get assigned marriage partner in a year. While running from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department for mysterious reason, he uncovers the truth about himself and his connection with the law while trying to marry the woman of his dreams.

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7 Chs

Childhood Friends

It's only morning and Takashida already tires me. Not only he tires me, I haven't slept for almost a day now. I was watching the television until morning so I'm exhausted right now. I hope I can get to class as fast as possible so that I can sleep.

"Hey! Shiro!"

Oh god, did he come back to get revenge already? That was so quick.

"Hey! It's me, wait up!"

Ah, it's just Takeshi. Miyoshi Takeshi, I've known him since elementary school, along with his current wife, Shirai Fumiko. They are my childhood friends, and one of my only friends I have. Takeshi is actually quite famous among the girls in my school even though he is married. Probably because of his shiny silver hair, navy blue colored eyes and his handsome face.

"Hey Takeshi. You are late today? I thought you are the model student."

"Haha, I overslept, so I take this route today because it's faster. Also I'm the model student because I am active in extracurricular activities not in waking up early in the morning."

"Anyway, is it okay though? What about Fumiko? Won't she get mad?"

"Ah, it's just for one day. Just because I'm her husband doesn't mean I have to walk with her to school every single da-"

His sentence was cut off by a high-pitched voice coming from behind me.

"Good morning, Shiro!"

Ah, It's Fumiko. Her voice is very familiar so I can recognize it easily. I turn around to face her and reply her greeting with a rather tired voice

"Good morning, Fumiko."

"Wait, you greet Shiro but not me? Even though I'm your husband?"

"Fumiko won't say good morning to a husband that won't walk with his wife to school. Hm."

This is Shirai Fumiko, she likes to refer herself in third person. And likes to call everyone by their first name. She is also quite famous among the guys in school, her crimson red eyes, garnet red colored hair, cute and innocent face, it would take seconds for a guy to fall for her.

"How do you find me anyway?"

"Fumiko always knows. smile"


Her words make Takeshi freezes for a few seconds. Even for me, that's really scary.

"Anyway, Shiro why do you sound like you have narcolepsy today?"

"Well, I'm a bit tired from doing work in the past 4 days."

"Lies. Fumiko can senses lies coming from you Shiro."

This is another specialty about Fumiko, she is really good at spotting a liar. She can read through a person like me who face don't make any expression.

Takeshi, after coming back from the ice dimension, finally spoke up.

"I bet you just watch television all day. And let me guess your reason, you want to catch up with the real world because your 'knowledge' seems to be left behind, but every news is about the thing you don't care the most is it?"


He got me there. That's all I've been doing this ten days of spring vacation. I've been watching the news and researching about something I don't know.

"Shiro, that's not good for your health. Even Fumiko is worried, y'know?"

"I know it's bad, but I got nothing else to do."

"Fumiko can smell lies..."

Damn it, they can't know about. I need to run.

"Okay see you guys at school"

I ran off to the school to avoid their question.

There! Chapter 2 done!

I know some of you might be thinking "It's already chapter 2 and he still didn't reach school yet, how long is it going to take for him to meet the girl?"

I know, I know, it's really slow but bare with it. It'll pick up the pace soon. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story so far! :D

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