
True Beast: I Am Reincarnated As A White Wolf

[Nature is brutal, Only the strongest survives] A world where innocence is a distant memory, a pure soul is given a second chance. A child's life is cut short after witnessing unimaginable evil, but fate intervenes, offering a new beginning. Reborn as a wolf pup, this innocent spirit must navigate a treacherous new world, confronting the darkness that haunts it. Will its pure heart be enough to overcome the shadows, or will the weight of its past crush its hope for a brighter future? DING! [EVOLUTION COMPLETE] DING! [YOU ARE NOW THE TRUE BEAST]

Shadowwarrior_007 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 5: A New Path Unfolds

After what felt like an eternity, the silver-haired woman finally stirred, her movements graceful and deliberate. "It's time," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

With a gentle smile, she glided towards the floating Malakai, her eyes fixed on his peaceful face. As she approached, a shimmering portal materialized behind him, its edges blurry and indistinct.

Without hesitation, the silver-haired woman reached out and gently pushed Malakai through the portal. As he disappeared into its depths, she watched with a soft smile, her eyes shining with a deep affection.

The portal closed with a soft whoosh, leaving behind only a faint trace of its existence. The silver-haired woman's smile lingered, her eyes still fixed on the spot where Malakai had vanished.

"Let's hope you understand my actions," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "May the road rise up to meet you, young one."

With a gentle sigh, the silver-haired woman's form began to dissolve into light particles, her body dispersing into the air like mist in the morning sun. Her smile remained, a lingering imprint of her presence, as she vanished into the unknown.

The room was left empty, the only sound the soft hum of the stars above. But in the distance, a new journey had begun, one that would shape the destiny of a young soul forever.


In the vast, snowy plane, a large white wolf could be seen walking, her paws leaving gentle impressions in the fresh powder. Her gait was labored, her movements slow and deliberate, as if she was struggling against an invisible force. And indeed, she was - for not only was she hurt, a deep gash visible on her neck, but she was also heavy with pregnancy.

As she walked, her eyes fixed on some distant point, her determination evident in every step. She was returning to her den, her safe haven, where she could rest and tend to her wounds. The snow-covered landscape stretched out before her, a seemingly endless expanse of white, but she pressed on, driven by a fierce instinct to protect herself and her unborn pups.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the wolf arrived at the entrance to her den, a small opening in the side of a hill that led to a cozy cave within. She slipped inside, her body disappearing from view as she made her way into the warm darkness within. And as she lay down on the soft fur and leaves that lined the den, she let out a soft sigh, her exhausted body relaxing into the warmth and safety of her sanctuary.

As the wolf lay down, her exhausted body relaxed into the warm embrace of the den. She let out a soft whine, a gentle whimper that echoed off the cave walls. Her eyes closed, and her chest heaved with a deep breath, as if she was willing herself to muster the strength to care for her soon-to-arrive pups.

The den, a cozy sanctuary, was lined with soft fur and leaves, a testament to the wolf's meticulous preparation for her litter. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and the faint tang of blood from the nearby boar carcass.

As she lay there, her paws twitched, and her tail wagged weakly, as if beckoning her unborn pups to hurry and arrive. Her neck wound, a jagged gash, oozed blood, staining the fur around it a deep crimson.

With a faint groan, the wolf shifted her position, her eyes flickering open to gaze at the dark recesses of the cave. She let out a soft growl, a low rumble that seemed to vibrate through the air, as if summoning the strength to face the challenges ahead.

Suddenly, her body tensed, and she let out a sharp yelp. Her eyes snapped open, and she panted, her chest heaving with a newfound urgency. The sound of tiny whimpering cries filled the den, and the wolf's ears perked up, her tail wagging with renewed energy.

With a final push, the wolf gave birth to a litter of squirming, mewling pups, their tiny bodies wriggling in the darkness. The mother wolf's eyes shone with a fierce joy, her exhausted body forgotten in the face of her new role as a mother. She nuzzled her pups, her tongue licking their fur, as they nuzzled her back, their tiny mouths seeking the warmth and comfort of her body.

As the wolf continued to nuzzle and lick her pups, they began to respond, their tiny mouths searching for the warmth and comfort of her body. She gently guided them to her nipples, and they latched on, their small bodies relaxing into the warmth and security of their mother's embrace.

The wolf's eyes shone with a deep contentment, her exhaustion forgotten in the joy of this moment. She had done it, she had brought new life into the world, and now she would do everything in her power to keep them safe and healthy.

As the pups nursed, the wolf's tongue continued to lick and groom them, her gentle movements soothing and comforting. She was a devoted mother, and she would stop at nothing to ensure the survival of her precious pups.

The den was quiet, the only sound the soft suckling of the pups and the occasional soft whimper or snuffle. The wolf's heart swelled with love and pride as she watched her pups grow stronger with each passing moment.

She knew that the road ahead would be difficult, that the harsh environment and scarce resources would make it a struggle to raise her pups. But she was determined, and she knew that she would do whatever it took to give them the best chance at life.

As the pups finished nursing, the wolf settled down beside them, her body curled protectively around theirs. She closed her eyes, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that she had done everything she could to prepare for this moment, and now she would rest and let her pups grow strong.

In this cozy den, surrounded by the warmth and darkness, the wolf and her pups were a family, bound together by the strongest of bonds. They were a testament to the power of love and nurturing, a reminder that even in the harshest of environments, there was always hope and always beauty to be found.

Two weeks had passed since the mother wolf had given birth to her precious pups. She had been diligently feeding them every day, and they were growing rapidly. The male pup, in particular, was larger than average, even bigger than his sister. As their eyes and ears began to open, they started to crawl around, exploring their surroundings.

The mother wolf would come to feed them, chewing the food first to make it easier for them to digest. She watched with pride as they grew stronger and more curious by the day. Another four weeks went by, and the pups started to socialize with each other. They would play-fight, tumble, and fall, but always got back up, wagging their tails.

One day, the male pup began to cry out in distress. His mother was out hunting, and his sister was the only one nearby. She tilted her head, concerned, and walked closer to her brother. The male pup was unaware that he had reincarnated as a pup, and he thought he was still dreaming, having a nightmare. He had witnessed his mother's death and was stuck in a strange, unfamiliar world.

As he opened his eyes, he saw everything through a new, distorted lens. His vision was blurry, and he couldn't see things the way he used to as a human. Panic set in, and he cried out, flailing his paws wildly. Suddenly, he felt a touch on his side, and he turned to see a small, white dog nudging him gently.

The male pup was taken aback by how close she was, and he tried to move away, but his legs wouldn't cooperate. He looked down and saw paws instead of hands and feet, and his mind reeled in confusion. He tried to look at his body, but it was hard to see, and he stumbled and fell.

The female pup thought he was playing and jumped on him, giving him gentle nibbles. The male pup screamed in his mind, "Aghh, don't eat me!" but he realized that the nibbles didn't hurt. He thought to himself, "Am I a dog? No, I don't want to be a dog, I want to be a Lion!" His whimpers were loud in his mind, but all that came out were pup noises, unintelligible to anyone but himself.

A week passed, and Malakai was still struggling to come to terms with his reincarnation. He didn't know what it was, but he knew it was weird. He didn't know why, but when he thought about his mother's death, he didn't feel sad or angry. It was as if those emotions didn't exist. He didn't get a chance to think more, because a voice filled with love and compassion sounded in his head, "Follow me, my young ones." His ears perked up, and he felt a tingling sensation in his fur.

He looked to his sister, and her furry ears were perked up too, as if she had heard the same voice. He sat up, and his walking was no longer stumbling. As he walked, he was busy pushing his sister, who was excitement personified. They got out of the cave, and all they saw was white - a blanket of snow that stretched out before them. And there, standing in the distance, was a white wolf, her fur glistening in the sunlight. She seemed to be waiting for them.

His sister began getting excited, yelping and whining, her tail wagging furiously. But Malakai? He tilted his head, his ears still ringing with the sound of the voice. The mother saw the strange behavior of her son and spoke in his mind, "Mmh, you are strange, little one." Malakai looked at his wolf mother, and he was sure that this wolf was talking to him. He stepped back, his paws sinking into the snow.

The mother began coming closer, her eyes fixed on Malakai. He wanted to run, but he couldn't outrun his mother. When he was caught, unlike his expectations of being straight-up eaten, his mother put him in her mouth and then put him down, beginning to nuzzle and nibble him. Malakai felt a surge of fear, but it was quickly replaced by a sense of calm. He smelled his mother's scent, a mix of fur and earth and milk, and it was comforting.

As his mother nuzzled him, he felt her warm breath on his fur, and her teeth gently scraping against his skin. He heard her soft whimpers, a soothing sound that seemed to vibrate through his body. He saw her eyes, warm and loving, and her fur, soft and white. And he felt her touch, her tongue licking his fur, her paws holding him in place.

It was a sensory overload, but in a good way. Malakai felt like he was melting into his mother's embrace, like he was becoming one with her. And in that moment, he knew that he was home, that he was where he belonged.