
True Beast: I Am Reincarnated As A White Wolf

[Nature is brutal, Only the strongest survives] A world where innocence is a distant memory, a pure soul is given a second chance. A child's life is cut short after witnessing unimaginable evil, but fate intervenes, offering a new beginning. Reborn as a wolf pup, this innocent spirit must navigate a treacherous new world, confronting the darkness that haunts it. Will its pure heart be enough to overcome the shadows, or will the weight of its past crush its hope for a brighter future? DING! [EVOLUTION COMPLETE] DING! [YOU ARE NOW THE TRUE BEAST]

Shadowwarrior_007 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 4: Moonlit Judgment

On the center of the light, a figure appeared, its presence commanding attention. Its eyes burned with an ethereal intensity, piercing through the darkness. "Your kind deserves no mercy," it declared, its voice like thunder. "Your souls will be trapped in the light of the moon, never to see the dawn again."

The figure raised its hand, and the light enveloped the attackers, immobilizing them. Their screams echoed through the room as they realized their fate.

The figure's gaze turned to the lifeless bodies of Selene and Malakai. For a moment, it seemed to regard them with a hint of sorrow. Then, in a breathtaking transformation, their bodies began to shimmer and dissolve into golden sand.

The sand swirled and danced in the air, defying the absence of wind. It was as if the very fabric of reality had been manipulated to erase all traces of their existence. The sand particles dispersed, vanishing into nothingness, leaving behind only the faintest glimmer of their presence.

The room was silent once more, the only remnants of the carnage being the lifeless bodies of the thugs. The figure's judgment had been swift and merciless, its power awe-inspiring. The darkness that followed was oppressive, a reminder that some chapters in life were better left closed.

And so, the scene faded to black, the moonlit judgment casting a long shadow over the fate of the guilty.

In a light blue and white space, reminiscent of a celestial canvas, stars twinkled like diamonds scattered across the fabric of the universe. Amidst this serene backdrop, Malakai floated, his slender form suspended in mid-air, his eyes closed as if lost in a deep slumber. The atmosphere was tranquil, a testament to the respect afforded to his prolonged repose.

As his eyes fluttered open, the stars seemed to align in a celestial welcome, their soft sparkle bathing his face in an ethereal glow. Malakai's gaze wandered, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings, his mind struggling to reconcile the beauty around him with the horrors he had endured. His voice was barely audible, a whisper born of trepidation, as he called out, "Hello?"

The response was immediate, an enchanting voice that harmonized with the very essence of the stars. "You are awake, child." The voice was like a gentle breeze on a summer's day, soothing and reassuring. "A terrible wrong was done to you, but you are safe now."

Malakai's gaze darted about, attempting to locate the source of the voice, but his disorientation hindered his efforts. With a surge of determination, he managed to turn his body, his eyes widening as they settled upon the vision before him.

The woman's beauty was arresting, her silver hair cascading down her back like a river of moonlight. Her eyes, pools of shimmering silver, sparkled with warmth and kindness. The white dress, adorned with intricate blue lines, seemed to shimmer in harmony with the stars, as if woven from the very fabric of the cosmos.

Malakai's cheeks flushed with a gentle blush, his 12-year-old heart skipping a beat as he stuttered, "N-no, you're beautiful." The woman's smile was a work of art, her lips curving upward in a gentle, reassuring arc. "Why do you stare, am I scary?" she teased, her voice a melodious blend of laughter and music.

Malakai's blush deepened, his eyes fixed upon her radiance. "N-no, you're...you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen," he stammered, his words tumbling out in a rush of sincerity. The woman's chuckle was a symphony of delight, her eyes shining with pleasure. "It is always uplifting to hear a compliment from a child, they rarely lie," she said, her voice dripping with warmth. As she drew closer, her presence enveloped Malakai, a comforting embrace that soothed his battered soul.

Malakai's head throbbed, a piercing pain that threatened to shatter his skull. Memories burst forth like a dam breaking, flooding his mind with the horrors he had endured. His voice shattered as he screamed, the sound echoing through the celestial expanse like a mournful cry.

"Mama, mama, mama..." he whispered, the words tumbling out in a desperate litany. Tears burst forth, but they were not ordinary tears. They were blood tears, a manifestation of the anguish that ravaged his soul.

The woman's embrace enveloped him, a soft and gentle encirclement that seemed to envelop his very essence. Her voice whispered sweet nothings, a soothing melody that strove to calm the tempest within him. "Shhh, hush child, it is in the past now. Your mother lives on through you."

As if her words had triggered a dam, Malakai's cries intensified. His voice cracked, the sound tearing through the air like a ragged sob. The woman held him closer, her touch imbuing him with a sense of safety, of comfort. Her scent, a subtle blend of rose and vanilla, enveloped him, a reassuring aroma that seemed to whisper, "You are not alone."

The stars above seemed to twinkle in sympathy, their soft sparkle a reminder that even in the darkest moments, beauty still existed. The woman's hair, a cascade of silver silk, brushed against Malakai's face, its softness a balm to his battered soul.

As the woman held him, her warmth seeped into his being, a gentle heat that thawed the frost that had encased his heart. His tears, still tinged with blood, slowed to a trickle, and his sobs gradually subsided into ragged gasps.

In this embrace, surrounded by the celestial beauty of the stars, Malakai found solace. The woman's love and compassion enveloped him, a reminder that even in the darkest depths of despair, hope still flickered, a beacon guiding him towards healing and redemption.

The woman's lips, soft and gentle, pressed against Malakai's forehead, imparting a sense of security and peace. Her kiss was a benediction, a promise that the terrors he had faced were now relegated to the past. As her lips made contact with his skin, a calming sensation spread through Malakai's body, his tense muscles relaxing, his breathing slowing.

His eyes, heavy with exhaustion and emotional turmoil, began to close, the lids drooping like petals surrendering to the gentle caress of a summer breeze. The woman's embrace cradled him, a haven of safety and comfort, as his body succumbed to the allure of slumber.

Just as Malakai's eyes fluttered shut, another woman materialized, her presence a whisper of concern. "Are you sure about this, once you do it, there is no turning back," she queried, her voice laced with a hint of trepidation.

The silver-haired woman's gaze never wavered from Malakai's peaceful face, her eyes shining with a deep sadness. "I have to think of his future," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "He is..." Her sentence hung in the air, unfinished, yet pregnant with meaning.

The silence that followed was oppressive, heavy with the weight of unspoken thoughts and unmade decisions. The stars above seemed to twinkle in anticipation, as if the very fabric of destiny was being woven in this moment. The two women stood frozen, their gazes locked on the sleeping Malakai, their hearts bound by a shared secret, a secret that would forever alter the course of his life.

The other woman's gaze held a deep understanding, her eyes locked onto the silver-haired woman with a piercing intensity. "I understand that you are a divine, and you have certain responsibilities," she acknowledged, her voice laced with a hint of reverence. "But is it necessary to burden such a young boy with a treacherous land?" she queried, her tone softening with concern.

The silver-haired woman's expression remained resolute, her jaw set in a determined line. "I have no choice, Rosy-fingered," she responded, her voice firm but laced with a hint of sorrow.

The other woman's face scrunched up in distaste, her lips puckering into a petulant pout. "Hey, I told you that nickname is not for you to use," she protested, her voice laced with a hint of playfulness.

The silver-haired woman's gaze never wavered, her eyes shining with a deep understanding. "Sister, I don't believe you care, but you are right," she conceded, her voice softening. "I should at least make something easy for him."

As she spoke, her gaze drifted to Malakai, her eyes lingering on his peaceful form. His body floated, suspended in mid-air, his chest rising and falling in a slow, rhythmic motion. His face, still streaked with tears, seemed almost serene, his features relaxed in a deep slumber.

The silver-haired woman's expression softened, her eyes filling with a deep compassion. "He has endured so much already," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I must ensure his path forward is not unduly fraught."

The silver-haired woman's eyes softened, a warm smile spreading across her face. "You were always a sucker for kids," the pink-haired goddess said, her voice tinged with a hint of teasing. "You can't resist those big eyes and innocent faces."

The silver-haired woman chuckled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Guilty as charged," she admitted, her voice filled with a gentle warmth. "There's something about young souls that just melts my heart. Their innocence, their curiosity, their resilience... it's all so precious to me."

The pink-haired woman nodded, her expression softening. "I know exactly what you mean," she said. "There's something special about young souls that just draws us in, isn't there?"