
Truck Kun: IPD (Isekai Placement Department)

Truck kun, a leading field agent in the Isekai Placement Department, gets assigned a fluffy little paw-tner to help out on a tricky assignment. A never before seen phenomenon and an unexpected encounter leaves him spinning his wheels. Join as he and a motley crew go on a dumb adventure!

MukomaTJ · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Lunch Break Encounter

The midday sun beat down on Tokyo, transforming the city into a shimmering mirage. Its relentless rays glinted off Truck-kun's pristine white paint job, a stark contrast to the grimy, exhaust-choked streets below. Today, he wasn't in his usual hulking semi-truck form, a titan of the highways. Instead, he was a nimble kei truck, perfectly suited for navigating the labyrinthine alleyways that snaked through the city's heart.

This time, failure wasn't an option. Three times already, Truck-kun had fumbled the isekai of Suzuki Ichiro, a man now whispered about in hushed tones throughout the department. Ichiro, they said, had cheated death more times than there were lives in a cat. Each failed attempt had been a bureaucratic nightmare, a mountain of paperwork demanding explanations and justifications and now it was on him. The pressure was on – Truck-kun's engine could practically feel the weight of IPD Chief Tanaka's scrutinizing gaze.

For this fourth attempt, the Isekai Placement Department had pulled out the big guns – Nyan Nyan. Perched precariously on the dashboard, the grumpy Persian looked like a storm cloud condensed into a kitten-sized package. His fur bristled with static, and heterochromic gold and blue eyes gleamed with a mixture of annoyance and grudging respect.

"Look, hotshot," Nyan Nyan grumbled, his surprisingly gruff voice barely audible over the rhythmic thrum of Truck-kun's engine. "If this forty-year-old office drone dodges you one more time," he rasped, tiny claws digging into the sweet custom leather dashboard, "I'm clawing your paint job off on principle."

Truck-kun's engine rumbled in amusement, a low, throaty chuckle that resonated through the metal frame. Nyan Nyan, back in his prime, had been a legend in the field – a loose cannon with an unorthodox approach and a penchant for theatrics. His presence here was a calculated gamble by IPD Chief Tanaka, a bet on the power of cuteness overload as a last resort.

As Truck-kun idled quietly, their target, Suzuki Ichiro, emerged from a ramen shop, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. A toothpick dangled precariously from the corner of his mouth, and he hummed an off-key rendition of what could have possibly been an anime theme song.

"Look alive, Sparky," Nyan Nyan hissed, his gaze sharpening like a cat spotting a particularly plump sparrow. "The target is on the move."

Truck-kun's engine revved gently, a purr of anticipation. This was it. Operation Isekai: Ichiro Edition, Round Four. The plan was as simple as a tire blowout could be – a staged malfunction, a calculated spin, and then – boom! Isekai, mother trucker! Just another day at the (not-so-normal) office for Truck-kun, the vehicular harbinger of interdimensional travel.

Suddenly, Ichiro stopped dead in his tracks, his head cocking back slightly as if sensing something unseen. The toothpick tumbled from his lips, clattering harmlessly to the sidewalk. In a flash, his carefree demeanour vanished, replaced by a look of raw determination. He gritted his teeth and bolted, his legs pumping furiously as if pursued by a pack of ravenous demons.

"Damnit, he made us?!" Nyan Nyan shrieked, his claws digging furrows into the dashboard leather. "Step on it, kid!"

Truck-kun lurched forward with a surge of power that surprised passersby. Tires shrieked in protest as he slammed on the accelerator, the world blurring into a kaleidoscope of signs and frantic pedestrians.

"I've never actually seen this before," Nyan Nyan hissed, struggling to hold onto the rapidly accelerating dashboard. He braced himself against the g-force, his tiny body pressed flat against the leather. "This guy might actually be aware!"

It was an unprecedented development. In the long and storied history of the Isekai Placement Department, not a single target had ever truly seen them coming. Sure, there were always the paranoids, the ones who suspected everything and everyone, and the overly imaginative who saw conspiracies lurking behind every corner. But no one, not a single soul, had ever possessed the kind of awareness to their intent that Ichiro now displayed. This wasn't just a case of bad luck or a particularly bad day at the office. This was something entirely different, and a shiver of unease ran through Truck-kun's engine block.

Slight panic, a cold dread that he hadn't experienced in ages, shot through Truck-kun's engine and harness. This had never happened before. In his countless chases and near-misses, Truck-kun had always been the one in control, the hidden harbinger of isekai destiny. But now, a chilling uncertainty gripped his metallic core. Had Ichiro, the man who danced with death like a waltz partner, somehow glimpsed the fabric of reality itself? Had he, by some freak occurrence, developed a sixth sense for the otherworldly, for the subtle tremors that heralded Truck-kun's arrival?

Suddenly, the rhythmic rumble of Truck-kun's engine was pierced by a high-pitched roar, a mechanical shriek that sent shivers down his chassis. A blur of black closed in on his side, a sleek motorcycle oozing menace as it rocketed towards Ichiro. The rider, clad head-to-toe in black leather, was a dark silhouette against the afternoon sun. In their hand, a katana gleamed wickedly, reflecting the city's vibrant chaos in its polished surface.

"Damn it, someone's after our mark!" Nyan Nyan shrieked, his voice a frantic counterpoint to the escalating chaos. Truck-kun, despite his internal turmoil, reacted with the instincts honed by countless chases and near-misses. He was a seasoned stunt driver in a world of isekai bureaucracy, and his engine roared back to life with a surge of defiance. Slamming on the brakes with a force that sent a jolt through his entire frame, Truck-kun initiated a controlled slide. It was a desperate maneuver, a gamble born out of necessity. Tires shrieked in protest as they carved scorched lines into the already sweltering asphalt, laying down a thick plume of burnt rubber that momentarily obscured the scene.

The sudden shift in gravity sent Nyan Nyan flying. With a disgruntled yowl that could have curdled milk, the grumpy feline launched himself off the dashboard like a furry projectile. He landed with a painful thud on the passenger side, his tiny head having connected with the windshield with a sickening crack on the way down. Stars danced in his vision as he flailed his claws in a desperate attempt to regain his footing. The world tilted around them in a sickening ballet of asphalt, sky, and the distorted image of Ichiro sprinting for his life.

Truck-kun, ignoring the world spinning around him and the throbbing heat in his breaks, jerked the steering wheel with a violence that would have made a seasoned rally driver wince. His goal was simple – to cut off the pursuing motorcycle. Ichiro would get away for a moment, but it was a risky manoeuvre, one that could potentially lead to a multi-vehicle pileup in the middle of a crowded Tokyo street. But the stakes were high. If Ichiro died by any other means besides them, the IPD would have no claim on his soul!

The motorcycle rider, their face obscured by a black helmet, reacted with astonishing reflexes that mirrored Truck-kun's own desperation. The front wheel of the bike swerved violently, sparks erupting in a shower as it scraped against a nearby wall. The rider, teeth gritted in a silent snarl, fought for control, gunning the engine in a last-ditch effort to thread the needle between Truck-kun's bulk and the storefront ahead.

It was a close call. The bike shot through the gap, the rider barely managing to stay upright as they wrestled the machine back under control. The metallic clang of the katana scraping against the storefront A-frame signs echoed through the street, punctuated by the frustrated roar of the engine and the screams of startled pedestrians. The black blur sped away, weaving through traffic like a phantom, leaving behind a trail of bewildered onlookers and a sense of unease that settled heavily over Truck-kun's engine.

Truck-kun, with a surge of power that threatened to stall his engine, slammed the steering wheel and initiated a harrowing turn. Rear-wheel steering, a rarely used flashy maneuver reserved for most tricky situations, kicked in with a screech of protesting tires. Ignoring the symphony of honking horns and panicked shouts from pedestrians, Truck-kun lurched forward, entering a narrow alley with a clearance that seemed impossibly tight.

Inside the cramped space, the world became a blur of overflowing trash bins, precariously parked scooters, and the occasional stray cat giving them the stink-eye. Tires shrieked in protest as they scraped against the uneven pavement, sending a jolt through Truck-kun's entire frame. Nyan Nyan, who had somehow found himself hanging upside down from the headliner, managed hang on, body swaying and fur bristling with indignation.

"Easy there, hotshot!" he shrieked, his voice strained with the G-forces. "This alley's barely wider than me and you're driving it like a Formula One race!"

The shortcut, thankfully, wasn't long. With another screech and a plume of exhaust fumes, Truck-kun burst back onto the main street, rejoining the flow of traffic. The motorcycle, a black blur just moments ago, was now visible a few cars ahead, trapped in the growing gridlock.

"That damned Ichiro!" Nyan Nyan hissed, his voice laced with frustration. "He's like a greased watermelon – impossible to pin down!"

He quickly got back on the dash and scanned the street, his gaze sharpening like a predator locking onto its prey. "Forget him for now, Truck-kun. Focus on the bike! Something doesn't smell right about them." A tremor of unease ran through his voice, a stark contrast to his usual swagger. Nyan Nyan had a sixth sense for these things, honed over centuries of dealing with the bizarre and the otherworldly. And right now, that sense was tingling like a live wire.

The motorcycle, a sleek sportbike built more for speed than agility, come to a halt in the growing traffic jam. Wisely, the rider opted to turn into an alley after signalling the IPD duo to follow. The rider, their movements smooth and practiced, dismounted and approached the edge of the road. With a flick of the wrist, the helmet came off, revealing a long braid of inky black hair that cascaded down their back like a waterfall of midnight.

Truck-kun came to a stop a few feet behind the motorcycle, engine idling with a nervous hum. As Nyan Nyan scrambled out of the passenger door, his eyes narrowed at the figure approaching. The rider's face was pale, almost gaunt, with hollow cheeks and eyes that seemed to hold the swirling colors of twilight. It wasn't just the weariness etched onto their features, or the way they moved with a practiced grace that spoke of countless battles fought. There was an otherworldly aura clinging to them, a presence that sent a shiver down Nyan Nyan's spine.

"A shinigami," he hissed, the word leaving his mouth with a bitter taste.

Truck-kun's engine coughed in disbelief. A shinigami? He'd heard legends, of course, whispered tales of these grim reapers from this plane whose job it was to usher souls to the next world. But to actually encounter one? In the middle of a Tokyo street chase, no less? This entire isekai operation was taking a turn for the bizarre, and Truck-kun, wasn't entirely sure he liked it.

The shinigami, a woman who looked as though she couldn't have been older than twenty despite the ageless wisdom in her twilight-hued eyes, glared daggers at them. Her voice, though youthful, held the icy weight of countless souls ushered into the afterlife. "Nyan Nyan, you old furball," she spat, the playful moniker laced with venom. "Of course it would be you, the IPD's most notorious nuisance, trying to snatch one of ours. You Isekai Placement Department goons really should learn to mind your own interdimensional business."

Nyan Nyan, however, remained unfazed. A throaty chuckle rumbled from his chest, shaking the whiskers on his little cute face. "Ho ho ho! Well, well, well, if it isn't little Madoka herself! It's been centuries since we last tangled. How's the ever-patient Lord Izanagi holding up these days?" he rasped, his voice a dry counterpoint to the shinigami's icy fury. Truck-kun could practically feel the air crackle with the unspoken animosity between them. These two were no ordinary beings; theirs was a dance older than time, a clash of cosmic principles.

"Shut it, Nyan Nyan," the shinigami snarled, her youthful face contorting in a grimace that spoke of eons spent witnessing the finality of death. "You IPD buffoons know you're messing with the delicate balance of this world's cosmic order, right? Take your bright-eyed little friend here and tell your Chief that Suzuki Ichiro is not on your menu."

"Cosmic order?" Nyan Nyan scoffed, feigning innocence as he raised a delicate paw. "We're merely offering a curated selection of afterlives for a select few that wished for it! A sprinkle of variety in the monotonous cycle of reincarnation, wouldn't you agree? Besides, their numbers are a drop in the bucket compared to your workload, a rounding error at worst."

The shinigami snorted, a sound devoid of humour. "Wished for? Variety? You call dumping souls into monster-infested fantasy worlds or magical school nightmares 'variety'? None of those souls would have made that wish if they knew what they were really getting into. Props to your propaganda department, but you guys ultimately create nothing short of chaos! The Isekai Placement Department shouldn't have even been granted its own department! You lot steal souls from our natural cycle of reincarnation for the amusement of… well, who knows who at this point!" Her voice rose a notch, her frustration echoing the whispers Truck-kun had overheard around the Department water cooler – whispers about the whole operation being a front for some unknown, higher power's entertainment. The weight of that unspoken truth hung heavy in the air, as heavy as the silence that followed the shinigami's outburst.

"Now, now, Madoka," Nyan Nyan soothed, a hint of a warning edge creeping into his voice. "We both know there are certain truths best left unsaid." He paused, his gaze flickering between the shinigami and back at Truck-kun's watchful headlights. "Here's a proposition," he purred, a devious glint in his golden eye. "I'll relay your… concerns to the Chief, perhaps nudge them towards renegotiating the celestial pact. In return, you grant us one last attempt at Ichiro. Whether or not we get him, you get to adjust this world's quota for IPD placements. Worst case scenario, one less soul gets recycled into the same old grind."

The shinigami considered the offer, then her eyelids fluttered as though she were communing with some distant entity. Moments later, her eyes opened, gaze locked as though looking into the very fabric of Nyan Nyan and Truck-Kun's being. It was a rare opportunity, a chance to disrupt the status quo, but still, the further disrupting the delicate balance she swore to uphold continue though at a reduced rate. Truck-kun, caught in the middle of this cosmic tug-of-war, held his breath, his engine ticking in nervous anticipation. If things went bad, the IPD could be kicked out of this realm altogether.

The shinigami stood there for a long moment, her gaze roving between Truck-kun and the defiant Nyan Nyan. The afternoon sun glinted off her twilight-hued eyes, casting an indecisive shimmer that mirrored the turmoil within as she waited for a decision. Finally, she broke the gaze with a sigh and she spoke.

"Fine," Madoka conceded, her voice laced with a reluctant acceptance. "One more shot. But consider this your last warning, furball. If your Department boss doesn't reach out to mine with a serious renegotiation of that infernal pact, there will be consequences. And trust me, Nyan Nyan," she added, her voice hardening like tempered steel, "you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of those."

With a flick of her wrist, Madoka half unsheathed her katana. The polished metal gleamed ominously in the combined light of the sun and Truck-kun's headlights, grim shimmering illusions sending a shiver down the truck's chassis. It was a silent threat, a reminder of the power she wielded and the deadly consequences of any misstep.

Relief, thick and syrupy, washed over Truck-kun the moment Madoka sheathed her blade, put on her helmet and roared off on her bike. It felt like a fresh coat of paint, a temporary respite from the existential dread that had gripped him moments ago. The mission to isekai Ichiro was back on, a precarious truce forged in the heart of Tokyo. But a nagging unease lingered. Would it be so simple this time, with a celestial watchdog keeping a watchful eye?

"Let's go, kid," Nyan Nyan announced, hopping back into the passenger seat with a surprising agility that belied his diminutive stature. Despite the momentary victory, his voice held a hint of concern. "We've got our work cut out for us on this one. We need to plan a decisive hit, maybe call in a ball specialist"

Truck-kun thrummed forward with a low hum, tires whispering against the asphalt as they sped off to regroup. The encounter with the shinigami had left a lingering taste of battery acid in his metaphorical mouth. The whispers around the water cooler suddenly felt all too real – the Isekai Placement Department, a mere pawn in a cosmic game far grander than they could ever comprehend.

Meanwhile, not too far away, a hidden Ichiro watched as the dust settled from the dramatic chase. The monstrous truck and the sleek motorcycle had vanished around a corner, leaving him breathless and bewildered in their wake.

"I can finally see them clearly for what they are!" He thought back to his lonesome New Year's party four months ago, the memory vivid despite the drunken depressing chaos of the day. The cryptic fortune cookie message echoed in his mind – "Fear not the white death; it leads to the stars."

"Fear not my ass!" he cursed under his breath. Ever since he'd cracked open that stupid cookie, a creeping sense of dread had begun to fester within him, an unwelcome premonition of impending doom. It soon manifested into a sort of awareness, almost like a sixth sense that had seen him narrowly miss death more times that he cared to count. But it was only today, when faced with the surreal spectacle of a homicidal kitty and a truck chase, that he could finally see! The auras around those three repulsed him to his very core of his existence!

He clenched his left fist, the grip on his suitcase making the leather handle creak in his right hand. A surge of defiance coursed through him, pushing back the terror that threatened to engulf him. "Trying to isekai me? Humph! I won't go without a fight!"

"Oh shi…" A frantic glance at his watch jolted him back to reality. The hands were inching closer to the end of his lunch break. The thought of his mundane office job, the soul-crushing reports, and the fluorescent-lit monotony was a strange comfort in this moment of mind-bending chaos. He couldn't be late again.

With a deep breath, Ichiro sprinted off, shoving the existential dread aside for the moment. The battle for his existence could wait. But his boss? Not a chance!

Another 'Fine, I'll do it myself' project! My fragile heart was broken when this idea was rejected from an online writting community I lurked in so now, just under a year later, I humbley bring this 'opus' to you all! Enjoy!

MukomaTJcreators' thoughts