
9.First day

It is finally a day when Naruto, Ying and Min will attend there first class. When they arrived to the class the only the class had just one person who was sleeping. As Naruto looked at his brother and said telepathicly " We are to early. The time we have to arrive here is 8:00 and now is just 7:10. I already said that we should sleep longer."

Ying and Min looked at Naruto but didn't replied to him as they are looking around as we they are in some kind of museum. They were so happy that Naruto didn't want to interfere in their way so he came closer to the sleeping person and tried to talk to him.

Naruto" Hey Shikamaru!!!" then he remembered that in this time he didn't introduced himself to him so he didn't know him. Naruto was to used to call him as he was his adviser when he was Hokage. So it have become a habit to call his friend. When he looked at Shikamaru at the same time he was looking back

Shikamaru" Do I know you?"

Naruto " No, but I know you. As I saw you a lot of time in the playground with Choji. It was one day when I was training my running skill I saw your parents call you so I remembered because you had some strange haircut. HAHAHAHA. So as I came to class I saw you lying there and wanted to introduce myself s I already know your name. So nice to meet you. My name is Naruto Uzumaki the future Hokage.( Naruto tried to came up with some lame excuse as he didn't know how to evade this misunderstanding. He tried to remember if he ever met Shikamaru in this time. hanks god that he once trained outside and had seen him or else he wouldn't know what to say to him)

Shikamaru looked at Naruto and tried to remember if he ever saw this blond guy. He was thinking................................. ............... ................... ........................... ....... ............ ......... ......... ........ " Oh I remember you are that crazy guy who was running around playground all day. Okay Naruto its nice to meet you.My name is Shikamaru Nara. When he looked at Naruto face what he saw was that there are 2 more Naruto behind him. those two had the same face as Naruto but different hair color. So he asked " Naruto is they are your brothers?"

Naruto looked behind him as he jumped from fright as he didn't see when they came behind him.When Naruto calmed down he started to introducing them " Yes they are. he one with orange Hair is my younger brother Ying. As the red haired boy is Min he is the youngest."

Shikamaru " Are you are triplets?"

Naruto, Ying and Min "YES!!!"

Shikamaru"Okay . Nice to meet you to. But if you excuse me as I am sleepy." He laid his head on the table and continued sleeping.

he time passed and one after another students were gathering. When Ying and Min saw those famous characters they eyes were sparkling like stars. They wanted to ask their autograph but knew if they do that they would look strange so they hold it in. As they wanted to be friends with them.

Finally the lesson had started as Iruka Umino came in to the class.

Iruka" Nice to meet you all.My name is Iruka Umino. Please call me Iruka-sensei." Iruka looked at triplets side as he already met them when he was at Ichiraku ramen. He knew that Naruto and Ying were the Jinchuriki of Nine tails. At first he didn't want to teach them as he knew they were containers of that monster that killed his parents. He hated Nine tails. But when he met them in person he was surprised as they were just innocent children who suffered from all villagers as they hated them as they were the source of theirs misery. But they didn't do that. They were just children which parent made the hard decision and made them jinchurikis to save all of them. But what Village saw in them was a monster and the reason their family had died. As the fox was inprisoned in them what they saw in them was the same monster and not children. Iruka understood when he met them that they are not a monster so he agreed to teach them in his mind. As they are not the one who killed his parents. He knew it was hard to grow when you don't have parents. But they were living a bogger hell then him as they were hated and abused. They were frown out of orphanage. No one loved them. They were from the start all alone in this world. He started to pity them and become good friend with them. As when he meet with them at Ichiraku Ramen he sometimes would buy them a bowl of ramen. He sometimes saw them running around the village. He thought that they were just playing but when he asked they said that they were training. He pitied them even more as they have to suffer even from their childhood. Poor kids.

Iruka started his lesson. It was about Shinobi Organisational System. Irukas asked " As anyone knows how many Shinobis rank there are?"

A pink haired girl raised her hand and answered " here are 5 ranks: genin, chūnin, tokubetsu jōnin, and jōnin. Iruka looked at the pink haired girl and said " You are right. He began to start teaching about it:

Academy Student make up form the student of the Academy, where they are trained and prepared for life as a shinobi. They are not an actual part of the shinobi force, as they are still in the process of mastering the very basics of the ninja lifestyle. However, they can be conscripted as part of the war potential in times of emergency.

Genin are the lowest level of ninja and also the ones that display the most difference in power. When they become genin, ninja start to do their bit for their village's economy – being sent on missions that the village gets paid for. They are typically sent either on D-rank missions, which are almost entirely risk-free jobs of manual labour, or, rarely, on C-rank missions, which are a cut above that and begin to verge on real "ninja" work that have a very low possibility of risk to the ninja involved. When Konohagakure was short-handed on upper-level ninja because of the war, the village had to occasionally send genin on higher-ranked missions.

Chūnin are ninja who have reached a level of maturity and ability that primarily consists of leadership skills and tactical prowess. Chūnin are typically sent on C-rank or B-rank missions. Some chūnin, like Iruka Umino and Shino Aburame, move on to become Academy teachers.

Tokubetsu Jōnin are ninja who, rather than having all-around jōnin skills, only excel in a specific area, much like warrant officers in real-world militaries. For example, Ibiki Morino can completely understand the workings of the human mind, making him an expert in interrogation.

Jōnin are generally highly experienced and highly skilled shinobi who serve as military captains. Jōnin are generally able to use at least two types of elemental chakra. It is not unusual for jōnin to go on missions alone. They are often sent on A-rank missions, and if experienced enough, S-rank missions as well (which are considered to be the greatest difficulty).

Kage is a title reserved for the leader of one of the Five Great Shinobi Countries' hidden villages. They are collectively known as the Five Kage. A Kage oversees the activities of their village, from sending ninja on missions to making the hard decisions regarding the safety of their people. A village's Kage is generally acknowledged as its most powerful ninja."

The day in Academy was finally over as Naruto, Ying and Min began to run at home. As their enemy would't wait for them to get stronger.

The time passed and Nruto and his brother got know whit all the characters they wanted to meet. they didn't really liked Sasuke as he was to prideful to even to talk to them.

Years passed and it was finally time to start theirs Genin exam. As they would finally become a true ninjas.