
10. Ninja exam

Before the exam Naruto, Ying and Min are talking about how they should act. As in TV show Naruto didn't pass exam. He passed the exam because of Mizuki duped Naruto Uzumaki into stealing Konoha's Scroll of Seals for him. Originally, Mizuki had the plan set up to have Naruto as a scapegoat and kill him to hide the truth of his deception and secretly leave the village with the scroll in his possession. However, Mizuki's plan is derailed when Iruka found Naruto first and decided to reveal Naruto's identity as the Nine-Tails's jinchūriki to ensure he runs off disillusioned. However, overhearing Iruka standing up for him, Naruto comes to his teacher's aid and uses the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique he had learned from the scroll to beat Mizuki unconscious for harming Iruka.

So that why they have to fail the exam. But not all of them have to fail as they were talking they conclude that Min should pass exam as he can do Clone Technique. For this technique, users create one or more afterimages of themselves to move alongside them. Unlike most other clone techniques, these afterimages have no substance and thus are incapable of damaging opponents. Because of this, it is only useful for confusing enemies while other attacks are prepared.

As for Naruto and Ying they could't do this technique even now because of Nine tails overflowing chakra. As they had to much chakra and clone couldn't hold it all that why they always fails. As for Min it doesn't matter that he has a Nine tails sealing fox cub as he has both Ying and Yang sides of fox he has no side effects and he has perfect control over chakra.

When they begin to walk to Academy they saw a lot of children walking in the same direction. They all looked happy as they believed that they can pass the exam and become Ninjas. When they detected the three brothers all of them had a looked of anger and disgust as they parents said that those brothers are monsters. They are the ones who are responsible for accident that happened 12 years ago when The Nine tails killed their family. And now the fox are hiding in those brothers. When children heard this they were angry and disgust as how the Hokage and Council could let those monsters study together with them.

When Naruto, Ying and Min saw those faces they ignored. As they got used to it. When they arrived at the class they all saw all their classmates were here. And the test was about to begin as Naruto and Ying still wanted to pass but a bit latter. So they had to pass writing test, Taijutsu test and handling of ninja weapons and tools which they passed easily. But when it come to Clone jutsu they failed and didn't pass exam. As for Min he easily created a Clone and passed the exam. He was given a forehead protector. Those who passed the test were told to come there tomorrow morning as they would be put in the teams and will meat their Jonin-sensei.

When Naruto and Ying came out of the class they tried to act as if they were very sad and wanted to cry. When they were on the swing waiting for Min as he was hold in class as he passed the test. But what they were truly waiting was not Min but for Mizuki to show up. They were the only who failed as their parents were waiting for their children they were talking about them of how good that they didn't pass.

When they saw that fake teacher was coming closer to them they both were holding their face as if they were crying but what they were really were holding their laughters as they could not believe how everything going according their plan.

When Mizuki came closer he started to talk" Iruka sensei is tough but not against you."

Naruto " But why me?"

Mizuki" He wants you to be strong with all his heart but that will never happened if he will go easy on you. He is like both of you. No parents, no family."

Naruto and Ying " But we wanted to graduated together with Min."

Mizuki" Then I ques I have to tell you..... Is the secret but I am gonna let you in on it"

At Iruka's apartment....

Iruka was lying in the bed and was thinking about what Hokage told him today.

Hokage " Iruka! "

Iruka " What is it Lord Hokage?"

Hokage " I know how you feel to grew uo just like those brothers without knowing the love of the mother or father, the warm of the family."

Iruka remembered how he saw his parents for the last time. When suddenly he heard Mizuki's voice.

Mizuki "Iruka wake up !"

Iruka" What? What is it?"

Mizuki" You need to come to Lord Hokage's right away!!!.Its Naruto and Ying they stole a secret scroll!!!"

Iruka" You mean the scroll of sealing. No!!!"

In the forest.....

Naruto and Ying were holding a secret scroll as they started reading it.

But no one knew that they were pretending as they already knew this technique. What they were really doing was communicate telepathicaly.

Naruto" Ying we have to do everything as in the show. So I was reading this scroll until Iruka has showed up. As I saw in TVshow The Hokage was looking at me from his crystal ball. So we have to be careful as to not show our true power!"

Ying looked at Naruto and said telepathicly" I know as we are not strong enough to beat Hokage. But Naruto don't forget that we should look shocked when we heard about Nine tails sealed in us. And I don't really think you could watch how Iruka gets hurt!"

Naruto" You right. I don't want Iruka to get hurt." He looked at his brother hoping that he had some plan.

Ying didn't want to dissapoint his brother saw he started to retell his plan" Naruto as you know me and Min weren't in show and we are unknown of our future as the story was following you and we didn't exsist at that time that means. You have to act like you acted in your past life. As for me I will try to interfere where I can."

Naruto was happy that his brother has plan. As he said " Oh Brother I almost forget. Min told us to activate this scroll when we had this Sealing scroll as he was puling out some small scroll from his pocket.

When he activated what appeared was Min. Naruto and Ying were shocked how they brother appeared from nowhere.

Min" Hey guys!!!"

In Hokage's office....

Hokage was shocked as to how Min appeared there. As Ambu didn't found anything as to who taught Funjutsu to Min. And now Min some how appeared out of nowhere?

Back to forest....

Min" Hey guys!!!"

Then he started to talk telepathicly to his brothers" Naruto, Ying I came here to look at Sealing scroll as I have way to remember everything what I read. This way we could learn more techniques and get stronger faster." As he moved closer and started to read this scroll time passed and finally Iruka showed up.

Min telepaticly said " I have to go as I shouldn't be here." When he said that he dissapered in a puff of smoke.

When Iruka found Naruto and Ying breathing hard as if they were training and said. " Its all over!!!" When Naruto saw Iruka he just laughed as for Ying he just looked at Iruka.

Iruka" Hmmm..?"

Naruto" Cough me already not bad. You quick sensei I already had time to learn one technique."

Iruka in his thought" He been here together with his brother practicing I can tell from how hard theu were working."

Naruto" listen Iruka-sense I and Ying gonna show you this amazing jutsu that we learned. And you will let us graduate and everything gonna be okay. Thats way works right? Everyone who learn from the scroll passes.?"

Iruka" Where did you get this idea?"

Naruto" Mizuki-sensei told me about it. Believe it he told where to find this scroll and this place.

Iruka thinking" Huhh Mizuki?" When suddenly he felt attack was coming from behind. He tried to push the brothers but he didn't get a chance as Ying pushed them first and deflected attack with his kunai.

When Iruka saw this he was shocked how could one of his student could deflect that attack frown by chunin.

Mizuki " I see you foun our hide away!"

Iruka" So thats the way it is huh... I should have known."

Mizuki" Naruto give me the scroll now!"

Naruto " Wait a minute. Whats going on here?" As he was watching both of his sensei waiting for the answer.

Iruka" Naruto, Ying don't let Mizuki get the scroll it contains forbidden jutsu that can put this village in great danger. Mizuki used you and your brother to get the scroll for himself for his own power."

Naruto got angry at Mizuki as for Ying he was just watching this situation unfold and didn't involved himself in there.He wanted to stay in shadows as he had a mission to save Iruka from leathal attacks from Mizuki.

Mizuki" Naruto Iruka just trying to scare you as he doesn't want you to have the scroll."

Naruto" Huh..." As he looked at Iruka.

Iruka" Stop lying Mizuki. Don't let him trick you Naruto."

Mizuki started to laugh and started talking " I will tell you who is really lying."

Iruka" No Mizuki!!!"

Mizuki" They been lying to you and your brother your hole life Naruto and Ying since the decree of 12 years ago."

Naruto " What decree?"

Mizuki" Everyone knows except you and your brothers. Iruka is trying to hide from you even now. He do anything to shut me down."

Naruto" What is this decree?Why everyone nows about it?"

Iruka" Don't tell him is forbidden!!!"

Mizuki" The decree is no one can tell you that Nine Tails is inside you and Ying.

Naruto shocked "Huh,,"

Mizuki" The fox spirit that killed Iruka's parents and destroyed our village is taken over your body. You and your brother are Nine Tail fox as the Forth Hokage split The Nine tail into two parts one is in you and anotger is in your brother Ying."

Iruka " Stop it !!!"

Mizuki " They were all sneaking around hiding things for all your life. Didn't you think it was strange how they treated you and your brothers like dirt like they hated you and your brothers for just being alive."

Naruto" NO no no no"

Iruka" Naruto!"

Mizuki" Thats way you and your brothers will never be excepted in this village. Even your beloved sensei hates your guts.

As Iruka watched this scene he remembered Hokage's words:

Hokage" Iruka Naruto and his brothers never had a mother or a father to care for him they shut out everything and doesn't know why most people wouldn't even look at them. How would you feel if everywhere you went people turn backs on you? That why those brothers stay close to each other and stay at home for a long time. They may not show but they always thinking about the family they doesn't have. They hurting inside but the brother bond is the thing that holds them strong."

At taht moment Mizuki" Shouted " Die Naruto!!!" As he throw Fūma Shuriken at him.

Naruto tried to run on full four but he couldn't run away in time so Iruka tried to defend Naruto with his body. Some time passsed but Iruka didn't felt anything. When he looked back he saw two Fūma Shuriken were lying on the ground. Behind them stood Ying as he was holding his kunai to defend them.

Then Ying said " Naruto I think its time to end it!"

Naruto looked at his brother and stood up. They both stood near each other when they both maid some signs and shouted: Shadow clone jutsu and hundreds of Naruto and Ying appeared. They started to get closer to Mizuki.

Iruka stood behind as he watched those two brothers " Naruto, Ying those are not illiusions they are solid clones. They mastered extremely advanced jutsu.

Mizuki started to panic " HUH HUH HUH.....What is this? NO no"

Naruto and Ying " If you aren't coming then we gonna come after you!!!" All clones started to beat Mizuki until he lost his conscious.

Naruto looked at Iruka-sensei and said " Sorry we kind of got carried away. You okay Iruka-sensei?"

Iruka" Ye... Naruto, Ying come here a minute I got something I want to give to you both." Iruka unleashed his forehead protector and said to them to give him one of their hands. When they did tht they felt that something was in their hands.

Iruka " Congratulations to both of you as you both graduate. And to selebrate I have a surprise we going out for ramen tonight."

Naruto was happy as he jumped on Iruka from his joy. At that moment Ying was standing behind the tree he was also smiling as his brother was really happy.

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