
the first clue to a greater disaster

Dr Sano was a renamed physician in Tokonosu for his skills. Due to his excellent result, the man had grown his customer contact list for those among the city's wealthiest. With his cabinet's success and his arrangement, he had become the defacto physician one call at every hour, when you had the wealth to do.

That is why Dr Sano was rushing to the bedside of one Takagi SAya, after being called on his personal line. The Takagi helped established himself when he arrived thirty years ago. It was the now passed away patriarch of the much less important family, as Soichirou was still a child.

Hearing that the third generation oft he Takagi he learned to know was down for a severe bout of fever that suddenly struck, he immediatly left the more regular consultation to his intern. He exited his cabinet just in time to see a car send by the Takagi to fetch him.

'It must be dreadful if they don't want to waste any minutes.' Frowned him while thinking of the lasts knows the case of a similar symptom. 'Could it be this? It could; both parents had suffered from a mild crisis, not three weeks before, and Ojou-sama was still in school at the time. She could have contracted it when back.'

Thinking of the last worldwide outbreak of a new virus that surprised everyone, Dr Sano was unwilling to rule out the hypotheses. Thankfully the outbreak had been short and died under three weeks of the first discovered patients, but its brief appearance had marked the spirit of all, as around a thousandth of the global population had been sent to death door.

Most of the victims who succumbed already weaken peoples from severe illness, cancers, or chronic severe diseases. The death' total hadn't been much more than the once influenza was making each year, but its sudden apparition on viciousness had been a subject of concern for the medical world.

He knows for a fact that the OMS was still working on some of the available strains, just in case they had assisted at the birth of a new recurrent virus.

While most of the pandemic had passed, people still contract it worldwide, while more or fewer symptoms.

Arriving at the Takagi Estate grid, he was surprised to be welcomed by Takagi Soichirou himself.


"Thank you for coming this rapidly, sensei, that way." Bowed Saya father respectfully before leading Dr Sano thought the house after a jeep had rapidly brought them to the mansion doorstep.

When the physician put his eyes on the lightly perspiring and difficulty breathing girl, his suspicion grew. Rapidly processing to a generic examen, he spotted the evident signs recorded as symptoms of the virus.

Sighing, he raised, turning to the three present in the room.

"Ojou-sama seems to have contracted the same virus that put you two unwell for a few days, three weeks before. Only her symptoms are must harsher. For now, I can't do much. Make sure to keep her hydrated and feed her nutritious food. If her state stays the same in two days, contact the nearest hospital and ask for a transfer, it shouldn't need, but better be cautious that not take this seriously; it is not a common cold.

Useless contact from your part, I will return in three days to look at her state once again; from there, we will see what need to be done."

Both Parents thanked the physician while escorting to the door of the mansion. Left alone with Saya, Alex pensive mind was interrupted by CS.

-Look at her vitals; I think the situation is not entirely mundane.- Hearing the serious tone of CS, Alex didn't consider asking a question and did what he was asked. Taking out his grimoire, he rapidly leafs through the thick tome to look for a medial spell as those weren't the ones he was the most familiar with.

Founding the one he needs, he looked at the spell, imprinting it in his mind, before sending the grimoire back and trying the spell in his mouth several times; Alex spelt Saya when he felt that he have it.

As expected, her vital where slightly off, with the temperature already a worrying 39°. If it weren't for CS initial aim, Alex would have missed the magical ailment plaguing Saya with how unfamiliar he was with the spell.

Alex immediatly took the grimoire out again and sped read through the dozen spells until targeting the one he needed. Spelling again, the sick girl still out and sweating, Alex read the symptoms feedback to the spell before frowning, worried.

"It's a case of Furimin pox?! It shouldn't be possible; this illness can only be caught..." Alex words died in his throat as he looked at Saya with incomprehension first, then a difficult gaze.

- It's a magical one, right?-Sombrely asked CS, having caught the gist of things from Alex.

'Yes, but only magical can suffer this type of illness, that means that she has to be at the very least at squib level to show the barest reaction...'

-I think I know why it's happening.- Continued CS on the same previous tone.


-You remember how Susan reacted to you the first time you encounter each other?-

'Yes, I thought she was a little weird at the time, all squirming and...' It then that it struck Alex. ' Flushed, reacting to the pheromones I released... It has been so long since someone reacts that forgotten them.' Whispered him, still having difficulty to came around the facts that slapped him on the face like a dead fish.

Turning his gaze back to Saya, Alex hesitated before lightly stroking the clearly agitated girl's cheek. As soon as his skin came in contact with her, he could see her visibly calm down, and nuzzle in his touches, releasing cute noise.

While Alex smiled at the sight, showing a clearly different Saya that the one when awake, his mind was torn as of her actual situation. This Saya was also a Takashi Komuro's childhood friend and may harbour feelings for him for all he knows. Now that she has fallen under his pheromones effects, she would rapidly overtake this crush and bring all her attention to him.

Unlike Susan, Saya didn't seem to possess natural magic to help her fight back the attraction, or at least made her aware of it, making it completely overwhelm her.

'Why do you think it linked?'

-As a now-confirmed mate, she had first to have an initial magical origin. They wouldn't have worked on someone completely human, your too magical for your other side to accept a mate without this potential. It's not racism; it just an instinctive need for preservation. With both magical parents, the offsprings are assured to be powerful; it a natural thing. What your presence trigger was to release her untapped potential. As her magic was unlocked, the disease already present had become more assertive, as you know that the stronger the magic, the harsher the symptoms are for this illness. It a parasite feeding on magic to overcome the body of the host. You need to found some herb and try to brew something the closer you can to Pepper up; this is the only remedy that would help, without the potion's magical potential making thing worst and easier for the parasite to growth.-

Hearing CS, Alex couldn't found fault in his thoughts process.

'This brought another worrying new, CS; I think the reason for the outbreak is a magical Origin. I don't know how it happens, but the chance is that an old tomb of a magical being had been open and release the pox in the air. That would mean this world his magical, and all those who don't display symptoms of the illness are potential inferi in the making.

This was commonly used during the Pharaoh time. The shaman of the time would release this plague on the common folks of enemies kingdom, using the chaos of zombies uprising to invade them. If that the case, I doubt, even modern medicine can do something against it, there still isn't a known cure, other than complete extermination, and until the outbreak happens, there is nothing that can be done!'

-It even worst than that. After Millenium passed trapped, I doubt the disease hadn't mutated. Magic is partially sentient, and the plague was man-made. The intent behind its creation would still be present, and without victims all those centuries, it will strike with a vengeance.- Darkly told CS.


Alex was about to go search for one of the couples when Yuriko return.

"I'm sorry, but I need to go to the island now." Hearing the urge in his voice, Yuriko was taken aback, feeling that something must bad happen. She couldn't help but gaze worryingly to her daughter room.

"It's had nothing to do with Saya, not entirely, but it's not the first time I came across such similar symptoms, and from what Dr Sano, the world had may not face a new virus, but an ancient one."

Hearing Alex, Yuriko was stumped; the world had tirelessly searched for the origin of the virus for the last months without success, but here was a young teen daying that he may know of its origin.

"How can it help? I thought there was nothing there yet, as you just arrived?"

"It was, until an hour after I disembark, the first of the arrival should have been delivered. Among them are my 'prime' selection of books, ancient text gathered around the world. Among them are manuscripts and tablet from the protodynastic period of ancient Egypt, from the Naquada III one. Those medical treaties spoke of a plague, released on the enemies as a sign of the gods. While the presence of gods is debatable, there is solid proof of those plague released during the time, to hasten the unification process of the city-state into what would become ancient Egypt."

Hearing him spoke, Yuriko couldn't help but release some gasp at his words. 'If he right, that means that he had in his possession text dating from 5,000 years ago?! Museum would, and countries would wag war for those relics if it knew!

"Is there any trace of recorded cure?" While his words could seem outlandish, she couldn't help but asks after her daughter appears to have contracted the same disease.

"No." Started him, and rapidly continue, not leaving her time to become distressed. "But tonic, yes. I don't know how much those could help, but the virus that plague this world seems of a lesser form or something completely different. The tonic I speak of is once used through centuries by mine and has proven it worth today. I wouldn't dare to use the one we had developed through centuries, at it could react badly, but the original, while less potent, is milder and had boarder use. Its nothing more than a shot of concentrate vitamins, but it will work fine into feeding Saya the required nutrients to help her body to hasten her recovery."


Alex looked expectantly at Yuriko, weighting the chances, before she called one of her husband' man at the door, guarding the room.



"Escort Evans-san back to his land on the island offshore. You are to remain at his side and follow his enquiries. Once everything his done, please return immediatly!"

"Yes, Madam! Sir, please." Said the man, snapping into a salute before hastily leading Alex outside. From his Don' madam's words and tone, he knows that the matter was of extreme importance and that the guest could help.


Gengo and Alex were already speeding through the city five minutes later before taking an empty highway.

"How came no one is using this path, rather than the crowded other over there?" Asked Alex, as he so that, of the two highway leading to the island, only one was used.

"This highway was constructed to rejoin with the resort under construction on the order of the mayor. The highway was initially a private road linking the remaining of the island and the mainland, leading to the private lands freshly deceased three months ago.

The city had brought back the land, demolished the old road and created a new highway. As the resort is still under construction, only trucks carrying supplies for the site use this path, as only the resort had been linked. It the shorter way."

"So this highway is mine, in some?"

"Is it, sir, as the city had illegally taken over your land, any construction on is yours."

"Well, that kind of the mayor." Smirked Alex.

The black sedan rapidly crossed the eight kilometres of highway, standing four meters above the waters before rejoining the land on the other side. Looking through the window as the driver zoomed past the large project under construction until this morning, Alex could see that underground parking was already constructed and the first floor of what should have been a sizeable four-star hotel.

"What was the initial project?" Asked him distractedly, seeing the impossible amount of resources that had been abandoned on the ground all around.

"A large hotel along with a waterpark, a large mall with three movies, theatres and luxury shops. A little further in the land, there." Pointed the man at another raising structure a kilometre further inland." It should have been an apartment complex. Some had already been sold, along most of the shop post from the mall."

"I astonished that the construction was already this advanced; how came?"

The man briefly looked at Alex through his inner rear mirror. "Words are that an accord between the previous owner and Shido Ichirou-sama had been made, allowing the start of the project since mid-year the previous year."

"So, around nine months?"

"Around so, yes."

sorry, wasn't in the mood yesterday, today chap will be there a little later today

Linrimcreators' thoughts