
answers from the past

After a bumpy ride for the last twenty minutes, Alex exits the car through the door open by Kengo.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome, sir. I shall wait in the car; once you have gathered all your need, I shall drive you back to the mansion before fetching your needs."

"Alright, it shouldn't take to long." Nodded Alex, before turning to the house, he was left with as 'inheritance'.

Like the old castles around the country, a three-meter-tall wall surrounds the propriety. Passing the open gates, Alex frowned before throwing an 'Homnium Revelio'. When he had four echoes, he rapidly walked there, only to discover four boys between ten and twelve, stroking one allover porn mags that must have been thrown out.

Stunning the four, he banished the rags before un-ceremonially dumping the four boys one on each other on a corner and put a notice-me-not ward over them.

'Little shits daring to trespass on my land, let see how they will like to explain that to their parents at the station.'

Rapidly forgetting them, Alex looked around the house. As one could expect from an all Japanese home from a wealthy owner and family, the house was made entirely of wood. The traditional construct seems old and poorly maintained.

"It good to be scraped; I could restore it, though. Let's leave it for later. There should be some around... Bingo." Mumbled Alex, passing a hand on the structure, feeling it state through his craft magic.

After founding a clay block, directly extracted from the ground, Alex closed his eyes, remembering the old tablet he discovered. A similar tabled form between his hand before a small and controlled 'Incendio' baked the newly made tablet.

An ageing charm later, the block of clay was aged by more or less 5,000 years and would make it appears authentics in any mundane tests and analyses run on it. Crafting a lacquered box from a large amount of wood in his storage, he recovers the tablet with a thick but soft fabric and put it in the box. He closes the package after it submits to a similar process to the tablet.


Fifteen minutes after he entered the compound, Kengo sees his Don and Madam guest exit while carefully holding a wooden box. From afar, he couldn't tell, but the moment he saw it closer, the man know that the package was old and most likely contain something as hold and far more precious.

He could carefully look at the box inside while frowning and taking note on a pad from his inner rear mirror.

An hour and a half later, they exit the estate; the car was back. While they drove, some around the city were pondering why the entry of highway leading to the complex had been close with ton-heavy concrete blocks, Alex conjured after they passed while erasing them from his driver mind.

By the time he returned to the dining room, Alex was surprised to see that two older men now accompanied the couple. Seeing him already back, Yuriko was surprised but rapidly went over.

"I hope you don't mind, Evans-san, but I called those two gentlemen here from our talk. On the right is Professor Munashi. Pr. Munashi work with the OMS centre based in Japan, and shortly arrived from Tokyo."

Say man only nodded, while still looking dissatisfied about something, Alex could though be him.

'She must have shared my thoughts.' Internally smirked him, seeing that his discovery might not sit well with the old foggy.

"On the left is Pr. Junpachi, working in the Egyptian liaison department of our government and holder of a doctorate in ancient languages for the same country."

Contrary to the first man, the second hadn't looked at Alex more than a second before looking at the box he was holding and hadn't quit it from his sight since then.

"Let not waste everyone time, then." Said Alex before delicately putting the box on the table and opening it. Unfolding the fabric from it, Alex revealed the tablet to all.

The group heard the loud gasp that escaped Pr. Junpachi and all could see him heavily shacking while looking at the tablet with disbelieving eyes.

"H-how... How did you make your hand on such relics! Our government, along with the Egyptian one, should have been ..." Started his to blabber accusingly, before being harshly cut by Alex.

"Hold your horse, old man. This tablet had never 'made' its way in my hand; it a family heirloom directly hailing from the time of its creation. It had always been and always will remain in my family as any other work of its creator. Neither the Japanese nor the Egyptian government had a claim on this more than they could on your thesis. This isn't an Egyptian relic, but a family one!"

All three other adults looked disbelievingly at Alex for having ties with the tablet's original creator, while the other indignantly squawked before turning bright red.

"Y-you..." Spluttered him while pointing at Alex with a shacking voice.

"Me nothing!" Sneered him at the professor dangerously risking an aneurysm with all the blood flooding to his head, before turning to Yuriko."I gather you called him for traduction?" The woman nodded her head mindlessly while still looking disbelievingly at the shaking and spluttering professor. "That wasn't needed. While I had had only a partial mastery over the language, I still able to traduct something as simple as this." Said Alex with disinvolve, not bothering with the Professor who just passed out behind him. Turning to the other man, Alex gives him the documents he traducts from the tablet.

"Those are the rough traduction of the text. Some phrasing could be slightly weird, but the general sense should be kept."


At first, Pr. Munashi was septical; after all, if modern science hadn't yet to find the origin of the infection, how an ancient text help? But the more he read the papers, the young that brought the tablet, the more he found similarities.

"How could this be... But that... I see... Does it... yes, it probably linked! That would explain things." As a measure that he read, the Takagi couple and Alex could practically see the man links invisible points leading to a seeming conclusion that made perfect sense.

Raising his head, to only witness the less than impress gaze at his rambling and the raised brown, he sheepishly scratches the back of his head before giving them an explanation.

"Half a year prior, an old Egyptian tomb was excavated from a backward Egypt region. The OMS had dispatched a team to ensure that the ancient tomb didn't contain bacteriological threats from the time or other similar threats. The analysis showed none of those, but it was discovered later than the tomb was breached by the sable of time and some pillaging activities.

We know that something leaked but not what. It didn't come to mind that the two were linked as the first case had been found in Brazil. Nevertheless, this could open quite a numbers of roads for us to explore and found its origin. I must apologise, young man; I didn't think you would have any use in this crisis." Bowed the older researcher, not ashamed of recognising his errors and shortcomings.

"Don't mind it; I would have through the same in your case. Could you tell me if the recipe registered in those paper could have any utility, rather?" Waved Alex at the man before focusing on the main reason for the tablet presence here.

Hearing Alex easy dismissal at the case, the old professor couldn't help but slightly smile before looking back to the spoken recipe.

"While some of those components aren't existing for a good time, it isn't something that can't be replaced with other ingredients. The physician at the time hadn't our ease to make their hand on such ingredients, after all. But yes, it could serve its purpose. It's not much different from nowadays energy drink, only milder and with lesser after effect." Said him while rapidly bolting some suitable replacements. "It would still need the backing of the OMS for commercialisation, but in a small shot of 10ml, at one per day, it didn't present any danger for the body.


After both professors were escorted back, one easier than the other, Kengo had been sent by Soichirou to fetch the needed ingredients.

"I found myself in your debt once again, Evans-san, for the help you brought to my family." Bowed Soichiro respectfully.

"Don't mind it; I was simply at a good time at a good place for your daughter. As for the shrine, I have my own valour as a hunter of the Evans clan. While I wouldn't have kept another relic of faith, I wouldn't have demolished it. I have myself some old boats that had served sail the sea from my clan, more than a millennium old; I could understand once attachment for his roots."

The couple was once again surprised by Alex mature disposition and view of his past.

"If you don't mind, how old is your clan?" Asked curiously, Yuriko. After the different treasures she heard off and saw, she couldn't help but want to know.

"Our history is old. The first of our clan was recorded to have walked the ground on -6,000 BC. From there, the clan barely formed had separated in several branches, merging with the population of different countries, but kept their roots and sent their records of the local history from all over the world."

Alex words leave them speechless. Even if he was the last remaining of his clan, he was still the bearer of some eight millenniums of history, most likely the oldest clan or family in existence in the world.

"How came not pieces of information had been know about you?! Such longevity should have been witnessed?" Demanded Soichirou, astonished by the properties they had been gifted through the ages.

"That precisely why we lasted that long. While we recorded the march of the world, we took great care to erase our traces. If it weren't for the moronic and greedy act of my male genitor, my clan would be most likely still strong today." Gritted Alex at the memory of the Potters betrayal and James own action toward Lily.

Both Takagi could easily seem that the young in front of them was heavily resenting his father and his family for a wrong they must have brought to them. Seeing their face, Alex sighed hopelessly and told them.

"My clan was living near autarky from the world, but still needed some common items, making us dependant on the external world. To remedy this, we allied ourselves with a clan of potters at the time. Throughout the exchange between our two clans, the potters became the Potter's. But their head had been turned by greed and soon forshake our bound from the promise of wealth by another one viewing our riches.

With the traitors, the 300 members strong clan was reduced to a single man."

Yuriko gasped, while Soichiro saw the betrayal as the worst and lowest one man to sink, more so when pushed by the greed of one other own work' efforts.

"What happened?" Asked him, jaws clenched.

"What all proud warriors of our clan does, fight!" Smiled bloodthirsty Alex back, surprising both with his palpable bloodlust. Soichirou recognized in it one who already shed blood, both his own and the one of other.

'He is definitively not like the others young.' The husband strong conviction was shared with the wife, as both had also seen their share of shed blood.

"Three hundred or so years ago, my ancestor, Sigurd, survived the assault of the thousands-strong force that came ashore to wipe up out. From them, he obtained the location of our enemy clan and used the rest of his life to bring them down while plundering their most guarded treasure, their knowledge.

What none were aware, was the fact that our own had kept sending unfit clan member for our craft to the mainland and isle. Those members grew unaware of their origin, safely safeguarding our blood and inheritance, until my mother 'encounter' my genitor."

Again they could feel the hatred from his father in his voice.

"Both were unaware that one was a true Evans, and the other, the signification of the Potter line." Bitterly smiled Alex, while the couple realised the irony and cruel play fate had dealt his clan. "My mother discovered the truth shortly after discovering my existence in her womb. And I'm every day grateful to her to have kept the bastard child of our sworn enemy born of rape." Alex continued not seeing Yuriko's grip clamping on her husband's arm, much as support than anchor stopping him from acting recklessly.

"Shortly after my birth, when I was fifteen months, my mother sacrificed her life to spare mine from assassination attempts from a hostile party. I was sent to people all thought relative of mine, not knowing that my mother was adopted. During my early years, I fate at another ironical manner to make me aware of my root as I stumbled upon my ancestor's last resting place, inside the stronghold of the one that had pushed the Potter's to betray us.

I escaped my unrelated relative and rejoined my clan birth land. A kept to myself for years, basking in the unbelievable wealth of pieces of knowledge they amassed from the last eight Millenium until I need to rejoin civilisation. From there, I started my education, only to discover that our blood feud hadn't been brought to an end. Like my ancestor, one of the other clan had survived, and with the help of another clan, thrived until now."

Both started to see where he was leading them.

"So you finished what had been started three centuries before." Whispered Soichiro.

"So I finished what had been started three centuries before." Confirm Alex. "I decimate the clan responsible for the survival of the last of our blood feud, to the last one, elderly, babes, women, not a single, was spared. With the death of my genitor, I was the last Potter, until I declared it death, bring an end to our blood feud and allowing my ancestor to lay in peace at the side of his wife, after three hundreds years of separation."