
treasure : Searching for oneself

An interesting and enjoyable journey for a young man with tremendous intelligence, strong determination and who found himself in young age in mazes that he could not find a way out of, so he got lost in the mazes , so he decided to sail in the wide world to find himself Notices: The maze is a metaphor•__• *This is my first novel *If you are a fan of bloodshed, shock and action, you will enjoy this story *If you like the story, support me morally with a comment or financially *This story contains a lot of comedy, even at the wrong time, so don't be shocked *This novel is pure fiction and does not extend to reality, and I do not intend to offend any beliefs or myths.

Yassin_Slaoui · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Do you know why they call me Silver?

Claude looked at the swords carefully and knew the color of all their auras. The Silver had a silver aura, the great giant had a green aura, the cutter had a violet aura, and the dergham had an orange aura. As for Alpha, his aura was red, and this shocked Claude because the auras were divided into red aura indicated evil. And blue auras indicate, It can be said that they represent the ying and yang of this world.

"Why is your aura red?" Claude asked. Alpha laughed a little because he understood what he was hinting at, so he told him that the auras he meant were leaking from the body, but the aura he was seeing now was the one that the person sent out of his will. "Well, we'll test your skills if you're ready to fight us," Alpha said. "You'll fight Silver one-on-one, and if you win, we'll fight you."

The two advance and prepare to fight, Silver used striking force in his fights, and he was a bald person of average build and height. The fight began, and neither of them moved for a few seconds, then they disappeared, then reappeared, their swords intertwined, and as a result, winds were felt by everyone in the room. Hi! Don't fight in this room ." The king shouted.

They went out to the arena in order not to destroy the royal chambers, The fighting started again, and they were equal in terms of skills and speed, but Silver was superior to Claude in terms of energy. Claude knew that he would not defeat him as long as he fought him directly. So he hit the ground with his foot so much that he caused an earthquake in the square, and as a result he flew several marbles, then using his sword he created winds and sent those marbles to Silver, who destroyed them with ease, but Claude had disappeared from his place, "Where did he go?" Silver asked, and suddenly Claude appeared behind Silver and was about to hit him, but strong winds appeared preventing Claude from seeing, and when he regained his sight, Silver had disappeared from in front of him, Claude began to search for him and when he felt Silver aura at the top he looked there, Silver descending on him with his sword, Claude avoided that attack with difficulty as It hit him with a scratch along his face, but it was slight.

Claude discovered here that Silver surpasses him in terms of speed and reaction, and he discovered why he is considered one of the most powerful people in the kingdom, Claude lost hope of winning and was about to give up, but a vision appears to him About a sword in which some energy is thrown in the air and hits the opponent, the vision was short and confused as all the faces were without features, Claude decided to use that skill, but he put a lot of energy in it and threw the sword with all his strength, Silver was amazed at the matter, but he He remained on the alert, after all Claude is considered the smartest person in the kingdom after Alpha, the situation remained like this for ten seconds "Did I throw him with great force or did this skill not work?" Claude thought, and at that moment Silver sensed something and took a step to The back and Claude's sword fell from the sky at a tremendous speed and hit the place where Silver was standing. Silver miraculously survived, but he was hit by a deep wound that extended from the highest point in his head that reflects the sun's rays all the way to his navel, "It's my chance," Claude said to himself and went towards Silver quickly picked up his sword and then waved it towards Silver. Silver grabbed Claude's sword easily. "You know why they call me Silver?" He said in an angry voice, then shouted,''midas the Silver.

A strong and dense energy emitted from Silver's body. Claude's sword began to turn into silver, and Silver pressed it until it broke. Silver,s sword also turned into silver and attacked Claude, Claude grabbed Silver's sword, Silver barely laughed '' violet lightning'' comes out, and by virtue of silver being the best conductor of electricity, the effect was doubled on Claude, and suddenly Claude's hand began to emit a frightening energy that smashed Silver's sword, then Claude punched him hard in the face, making him fly at a tremendous speed, and as a result of that blow, an earthquake wind that dislodged the marble floor of the entire arena, Everyone was shocked by Claude's strength except for Alpha, who became very angry, then went down to Claude in a blink of an eye and made him taste the taste of dirt, then grabbed him by his hair "Don't you know that using your vital energy is dangerous?" Then usually in a moment before Alpha could look at Claude,s eyes , Alpha let go of Claude knowing he had been controlled. "How was he controlled? I did not feel any strange aura near the palace, as it is impossible for it to be from the inside. Is that possible? That skill." Alpha was pondering while Claude was asking the rest of the swords what happened.

Naturally Claude lost because his sword shattered first and decided to enter the "Chamber of a Hundred Years"

The room of a hundred years is a room that is said to have fallen. It is part of the formation of the final universe, and in the past, whoever enters it never comes out of it, but the first energy user, "Angel", was able to enter and exit from it, Not only that, but a wrote books about it and from this room The strength of people has been classified, so whoever enters the room and perishes inside it does not use the energy, and whoever enters the room and leaves the room and then dies, his energy is at a weak level, and whoever enters the room and leaves it and does not die, his energy is medium level, and whoever enters inside it has a level A high level energy void, staying inside the room for a month for those in the real world and for a hundred years for those in the room. It was the first time that Claude entered, and the only entry condition is that everything he enters contains energy, even clothes, and therefore it is easier to enter with it, but Claude was refusing the idea of ​​​​taking off his clothes, so he reinforced all his clothes with energy, and this consumes a lot of energy because he has to Reinforced with high-level card so it won't tear. When Claude entered the room, everything was a dark black void, Just by looking at it, you feel uncomfortable because all your senses are absent, so you do not feel anything because you are in a vacuum and you do not see anything because of the darkness and nothing you smell or hear. Claude remained in this position for a few minutes, then He decides to send a little of his energy to activate the room, so he closes his eyes, and begins to imagine the dew drops falling from the tree leaf, and when he imagines the sound of the drop when it falls into the pool of water, Claude opens his eyes, and finds that the conditions have changed by one hundred and eighty degrees, he turns to his right and finds buildings for the Amazon, then He turns left to find a pirate ship, then he looks behind him and finds weapons of African tribes, then he turns back and looks forward and finds Arabic writings: "True, this room reflects what is in the subconscious mind, but is my subconscious mind so strange?" He moved forward, and whenever he walked a little, he realized the strangeness of his subconscious mind, so he saw people but did not know them, and he saw a sword several times, It was an ordinary sword and it was decorated with blue material, and he was also reading the word "You are special" every few steps, Claude did not have A problem with this, apart from these slums, the place around it was beautiful, as it consisted of green meadows with flowers of everything a person desires, and rivers flowing smoothly to the point where you did not feel their movement, and the delicious fruits and vegetables.

Claude did not meet anything interesting until this sentence stopped him: "The blood of immortality makes you immortal, but does it make you happy?"Claude frowned "I know what immortal blood is, but why are there such sentences in my subconscious mind?'' .

Three years of continuous walking passed, and Claude decided to stop and rest, so he lay down on the grass and closed his eyes. ''Ah ••••• I know that I will not be hungry while I am here, but I really miss meat. Well, I have to continue'' Claude gets up and opens his eyes to find The green meadows have turned into a barren desert with nothing but sand that looks like molten gold, Even those random things he no longer sees, but he sees from afar something coming towards him, "what the hell ?, it's a dust storm!" Claude shouted, stagnating with all his might, But after running for two minutes, he fell to the ground and could not get up. "What's the matter?" Claude asked, so he began to feel the hunger of the three years that had passed, and he felt the sand as if it were embers under him, and the sun as if it were fire in a barbecue, and he was meat. The sandstorm overtakes him, and blows him like storms of water in the villages, and when it ends, Claude feels that the feeling of hunger has disappeared and that he has regained his energy and no longer any of the sun or sand burns him, he gets up to find himself has returned to the void, but this time he is in a corridor It has five doors and its floor is made of marble and has a luxurious red carpet on it, Claude gets up and sees that one of these doors is open and wisdom door was written on it, while the rest of the doors were closed, Claude looks at one of the doors and sees that the lock on it is cracked. He goes to him to find out the reason, but he does not find it. Anything, but while he was thinking, he felt a frightening aura over him, "Hello." Claude looked up to know where the sound was coming from, He was shocked when he saw an entity that looked like him, but it was completely black and his eyes were white in color without eyeball and his mouth smiled a frightening smile as that was all his features, Claude backs away Except for the back and the entity descends in front of the door''I am Grad, the keeper of the skills door

Note: From now on, I will abbreviate the energy as EN.