
Chapter 58: Christmas

[3rd POV] [December 25th]

It a couple of weeks after the rather traumatising incident with the Potters, and a few things had happened.

For one, James and Lily were officially banned from Hogwarts, permanently. Dumbledore, upon finding out about the assault, was furious, and had finally stepped in. Basically grilling the two fools, firing Lily, and threatening legal action should they attempt to step foot on the premises again. Charlus would still be allowed to attend the school, but they would no longer be able to go to the school.

Second, Alice had gotten word about what had happened, and...had quite the reaction. Lucifer had to basically hold her back as she threatened to kill the two, her eyes flashing with a rage that Lucifer had rarely seen on her. It was a little...sexy, but Lucifer wouldn't say that out loud.

Rose had managed to calm down after a little while, but it certainly took a little bit. It helped after Lucifer had told her about what she had done.

And in another form of revenge, Lucifer had snatched the Invisibility Cloak from Charlus, afterall, a brat like him didn't deserve one of the Deathly Hollows. She found that the Cloak ended up fusing into her clothing, allowing her to go invisible at will through it. She wasn't sure why that was, but she assumed it was the doing of her father, or even the Cloak itself.

Lucifer did plan on becoming the Master of Death, as she wanted to see what sort of reaction it would cause, and plus, she could see some use for the Resurrection stone. She wasn't sure how she'd get the Elder Wand, but she'd manage.

She had looked for the key to the Inheritance of the Greek Gods, but she has yet to find the damn thing. She had searched through a few of her vaults already, and it wasn't in any of them.

Seeing as she wasn't going to find it anytime soon, Lucifer decided to begin looking into the other inheritances she had knowledge of. This being the "Inheritance of the Norse Gods" and the "Inheritance of the Egyptian Gods". There were probably others, but these were the ones that were noted within the diaries of Salazar.

She planned on taking care of Voldemort after Christmas, while also using that time to get the other Deathly Hollow, and looking into the Ring of Solomon, an item she very much wanted to find. An item she HAD to find, with just how overwhelmingly powerful it could grow to become.

During this time, she and Alice had of course went shopping...a lot. They had taken the liberty to buy Rose all sorts of new clothes, a new and much faster broom that Lucifer herself had created, a few very ancient books from her Wyllt Vault, Le Fay Vault, and Gryffindor vault, and many many many other gifts that Lucifer had created. This was their first Christmas as a family, so it was only right that Lucifer would spoil the hell out of her beloved daughter.

She had also bought a number of gifts for Alice, some that can be shown off, and some that will be given at night. Alice and Rose went shopping for her as well, but she didn't know what it was that they got her, and she didn't want to get spoiled on that sort of thing.

Currently Lucifer and Alice were quietly walking to Rose's room, ready to wake her up.

Creeping the door open, Lucifer slowly slipped inside and softly sat on her daughters bed.

"Rose, love, wake up" Lucifer softly said, shaking the girl ever so softly. Rose breathed out heavily as her eyes slowly opened, as she rubbed them with a yawn.

"Mama? Why're you wak-" Rose stopped as her mind caught up, and her eyes widened and a wide smile formed on her face.

Alice giggled at the look on Rose's face as she shot up "It's Christmas!"

"Yes it's Christmas, now get up, unless you don't want the presents" Lucifer said, causing the girl to get to her feet, still in her pajamas.

Walking out of the door, the two smiled as they watched Rose run out, her eyes wide as she saw the Cookies and milk gone "Santa ate the cookies! And he drank the milk too!" Rose said with a wide smile, causing Alice to snap a quick photo.

It was one of the few innocent things that Rose still had remaining from her time at the Dursleys. Christmas wasn't something she had experienced before, so this was entirely new to her, and entirely exciting.

"It looks like he did, little flower. Seems he liked them as much as we did" Lucifer said with a chuckle, as she knew Rose had spent a lot of time making the cookies the previous night. With the help of Alice of course.

"How about you open your stocking first, then we get to the presents?" Alice said, causing Rose to nod and grab her stocking, while Alice sat. Lucifer in the kitchen making hot coco.

"Open your stocking first, Mommy" Rose said, causing Alice to smile and open it.

Inside was her favorite candies, new socks picked out by Rose, a ton of different wizarding treats from around the world, which Rose had bought with Lucifer's help, and some other things.

Alice smiled at the gifts, knowing her daughter picked them out. She watched as Rose opened her bigger stocking, which was full of all sorts of treats, a small book on Ice Spells, her own pair of matching socks with Alice's, and some other small snacks.

Rose smiled at the stocking gifts, giving her Mama and Mommy a beaming "Thank You" as Lucifer handed Alice a cup of freshly made hot cocoa, Rose's sitting on the side.

"Go ahead and open your gifts, Rose" Lucifer said, causing Rose to frown.

"But what about you?"

"We'll open ours after you" Alice said with a small smile, as a vast majority of the gifts were for Rose.

"Okay" Rose said with a small pout, having wanted her Mama and Mommy to open their gifts at the same time.

Opening her gifts, Rose was soon surrounded by books older than any living Wizard. Books that trailed back to the times of Merlin and Morgana. Many of them having been written by Morgana or Merlin themselves, and were basically one of a kind.

"The Intrica-intrica-" "Intricacies" Lucifer said, causing Rose to nod "The intricacies of Enchantments, by...Merlin Wyllt!" Rose said, gasping as she read the name, her head snapping to a smiling Lucifer.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Rose said, shooting into Lucifer's arms, causing the woman to laugh softly. She knew that her daughter adored reading, enough that she wondered how she wasn't put into Ravenclaw. She also knew that the girl was very interested into Charms and Enchantments. So this book was like a priceless artifact to Rose...not that it wasn't already.

Lucifer had already read all the books she had given her, so it didn't matter much to her.

"You're welcome, Rose" Lucifer said with a smile, as the gift said "From Mama" on the wrapping paper.

The two watched as Rose continued to open her gifts, with her squealing happily at many of them, as quite a number of them were ancient books, specially crafted items, and stuff that Lucifer had specially made just for her.

Eventually, it was Alice's turn to go through her gifts. Many of them having been chosen by Rose, with Lucifer having spoiled her other babygirl just as rotten as she did Rose. All sorts of enchanted dresses and clothing, as she quite liked fashion. As well as a picture of the three of them, that nearly got tears out of the Fairy/Vampire.

"D-Did you like my gifts, Mommy?" Rose asked with a slight nervous tone, having never done something like that before.

Smiling at her daughter, Alice brought her into a tight hug "I loved them Rose! They're amazing! You and your Mama got me exactly what I wanted" Alice said with a smile, causing Rose to beam at the praise.

"I've got some other gifts for you, love. But I'll give those to you tonight" Lucifer said with a knowing grin, causing Alice to blush while Rose tilted her head in confusion.

Coughing awkwardly, Alice spoke "How about you open your gifts and stocking, Luci"

Lucifer chuckled at her wifes expert change of topic, as she grabbed her stocking. Inside was her favorite sweets, matching socks with Alice's and Rose's, as well as a small vial.

Looking at it, her eyes widened slightly "This is..." "We know that you've absorbed a bunch of creature blood, but we thought we'd find something you didn't have, and Rose had the idea of a Kitsune!"

Looking to Rose, Lucifer smiled widely and brought her into a tight hug "Thank you, little flower" Rose smiled at the praise, while Lucifer put the vial away for later.

Opening her main gifts, Lucifer let out several chuckles and smiles, as she got some rather goofy clothes from Alice, all sorts of books from Rose, most of which she hadn't owned, surprisingly enough.

It was the last three gifts that REALLY got her attention though.

"This one Rose picked out" Alice said as she handed Lucifer a small box. Raising an eyebrow, she slowly opened the box before her eyes widened drastically.

Inside was a small brooch...the brooch that she had been looking for. Within the box, was the Caduceus.

"D-do you like it Mama? I saw those pictures you drew, and I noticed this one inside a shop in Diagon Alley, and thought you might like it" Rose asked, looking nervous.

Smiling widely, Lucifer pulled Rose into a deep hug as she spoke "I love it, Rose. You don't know just how important this is to me"

Rose and Alice both blinked in slight confusion at this, as Lucifer hadn't brough up the vaults to them just yet.

"Isn't it just a brooch, Mama?" Rose asked, slightly confused.

In response, Lucifer just softly grabbed the brooch out, a surge of magical power filling her being, as it softly glowed, and began to change into something new, something...powerful.

"It's not just a Brooch, Rose. It's the Caduceus. Also known as...the Staff of Hermes" Lucifer said with slight awe as she could literally feel the power that flowed through the staff. It was...bonded to her, she could feel it.

She could feel the boost in power it gave her, another form of immortality, and several other benefits that the powerful weapon was now providing her with.

"Like the Greek God? I thought Gods weren't real" Alice said as she stared at the glowing staff.

"Salazar Slytherin had written in his diaries about the Inheritance of the Gods, or the Greek Gods in this case. They left behind a vault housing...something inside. And the key to that vault, the vault I have found, is this "Brooch" that you've just given me" Lucifer replied as she looked to her daughter, the Staff slowly glowed and disappeared, forming a tiny tattoo upon her wrist, the glowed slightly before disappearing.

"It's one of the best gifts you could have ever given me, Rose" Lucifer softly said, causing Rose to smile happily, happy that she got her Mama a good present, even if it was sort of on accident.

Looking to the next two gifts, Alice spoke "You've still got two more gifts, Luci. One of them is from Dumbledore, and the other...I think might be from your father"

Blinking at this, Lucifer gazed at the last two gifts, before grabbing the one from Dumbledore, and slowly opening it. Only for her eyes to widen at the sight of a VERY recognizable wand laying inside the small box.

Grabbing the note, she read it.

"I noticed you glancing at it, and I do believe you understand what this wand is, and how powerful it is. I'm an old man who's growing closer to my final days, so I intrust this to you, my friend. Use it's power well.

Signed, Albus Dumbledore"

Gazing at the wand, Lucifer smiled 'Thanks Dumbledore, I hope you like your gifts as well'

Within Hogwarts, an old man was holding Wooly socks, a small bag of lemon drops, and softly crying as he held a moving picture of his younger sister, who was smiling happily.

The wand glowed powerfully as it entered her hand, before her own wand glowed as well. The Elder Wand began to turn into light, before flying into her wand, as her wand took the form of the Elder Wand. She could feel the power of her wand, it had increased...dramatically.

"Luci was that-" "The Elder Wand? Yeah..,it was. Seems Dumbledore gave me quite the gift" Lucifer said with a chuckle, while Rose blinked at the name.

"Mama, isn't the Elder Wand the one made by Death?"

"Mmhmm" Lucifer hummed in response.

"Do you think Grandpa Dumbeldore likes the gifts we gave him?" Rose asked, knowing how important the Wand was.

"I'm sure he loves them, Rose" Lucifer responded, knowing that the man would like them.

Looking to the final box, Lucifer grabbed it and slowly opened it. Blinking at the sight of the three smaller boxes inside, with a note.

"It's your first Christmas as a family, so it's only right I send you Christmas gifts.

And again, I'm not a Daughter-Con.

I hope you like the gifts, my child.

Signed, Your Father"

"Grandpa isn't just a Daughter-con, he's also a Grandaughter-con" Rose said with a giggle, causing Lucifer to laugh.

"That he is Rose, that he is" Lucifer said, as she handed the boxes to Alice and Rose.

Alice opened hers first, her eyes shooting wide as she stared at the book inside.

"How to attain higher Fairy Forms, by Your Father in Law" Alice said out, while Lucifer chuckled, understanding how important that book was. As just like Winx Club fairies, Alice should have an infinite amount of forms she can gain in the future, for a whole host of different situations, so the book would drastically increase her power.

Opening her box next, Lucifer sighed "Yep, definitely a daughter con" She said, as she looked at the small vials of blood inside.

Atlantean (DCEU), Amazonian (DCEU), Titan (MCU), Inhuman (MCU), Yoda Species (Star Wars)

'If he's not a daughter-con, then I don't know what is' Lucifer thought with a small roll of her eyes. As she noted the blood she got. Atlantean would boost her magic and physical power, as would Amazonian. Titan would boost her physical attributes drastically. Inhuman would give her the power of the strongest inhuman, which if she remembers correctly, the MCU strongest would be Quake. Yoda species should theoretically give her a connection to the Force, and going off the strongest Yoda Species member, it would be on par if not stronger than Yoda himself.

Lucifer was cut off from her thoughts as she heard a cracking sound. Looking to the side, her eyes shot wide as she saw Rose holding a large...egg? That was slowly cracking, before it fell apart, revealing what was inside. Alice let out a loud squeal as did Rose, as they both looked at what it was.

"What the-"


'...It's official, Dad's a Grandaughter-con too'

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That's the end of the chapter!

Wasn't really sure what species to give Lucifer, so I just put a bunch in a random wheel, and this was what I got lol.

They don't give her a ton besides a huge boost in physical capabilities and magic. Plus the connection to the force. But that won't give her the knowledge of Yoda, so she'll have to actually train it in order to do anything worthwhile with it.

And yep, I gave Rose a pet, a Pokemon at that. Why? Because it's cute and I thought that a pet would be a good way to round out the family.

Next chapter should be roughly the same length, and will have her assimilating the blood, and some other stuff.

Anyways, have a good day!

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ArtoriaPendragon_creators' thoughts