
Traveling the Cosmos

A young man died in an unseemly way. As a result, he is trapped in the rift, which connects different realms. He is compensated with eight wishes and can travel to different worlds. He has always dreamed of doing this, and now he can. Let us see where his journey will take him through the multiverse. He is a selfish person that was a loner for most of his life.---I do not own any character except the main character. Don't expect this to be a great story. First time I have written a story.--- Also do not own cover-

aramirez0008 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Ch.8 Loner?

1 week later

As Ryu wakes up from integrating the prizes from the gacha, he notices that he can see things from further away. Due to the Saiyan bloodline, his hair gets spiky but overall still flexible. His black eyes now have some gold color in them while the pupil is red. His body gets more buffed and ripped due to the Saiyan bloodline and gets a monkey tail.

Ryu:{Show status}

[Hosts status]

Name: Anthony

Gender: Male

Age: 10

Title: Chaos user, Child of Chaos

Hp: 400/400

Strength: 150

Agility: 140


Energy: (1300/1300)




Chaos Dragon Bloodline (Semi-Locked)




Chaos energy(semi-locked)

Elemental energy

Origin Energy


Sword Arts

Space-time (Locked)

Gate of Babylon (semi-locked)

Elemental control

Ryu:{How come some of my statuses are locked}

Greed:{Some of your bloodlines are locked due to your body being too weak to handle the whole bloodline. You can use a little bit of chaos energy because of the dragon bloodline. You don't have the power to use space-time. The Gate of Babylon is semi-locked due to most weapons being too intense for some worlds, and the worlds would crumble under the aura. If you want to use the weapons, they will need to have seals on them to accommodate the planet.}

Ryu:{Damn, that is a bummer. What kind of seal will I have on this planet.}

Greed:{Mortal level. But that is only for weapons that attack or defend. If it is to heal there is no restriction.}

Ryu:{Ok. Well, whatever. How about we travel to the closest town from here.}

Greed:{Ok. Leave the cave and travel east for 8 miles. Approximately it will take you 2 hours.}

Ryu:{Yes finally, I can get to talk to real people. Sorry Greed but I need humans and ladies to speak too.}

Greed:{Yeah, and I need my peace and quiet. Anyways you said you need ladies. If I remember correctly, you died a virgin without getting a girlfriend ever. And every girl you talked to, puts you in the friend zone when you thought they liked you. It was sad that one time you thought this girl that was talking to you about her life. You guessed it was because she liked you and for you to know her better so you could get in a relationship. You were like in your head' damn I know she likes me but you could hurry up and confess to me or should I.' Then she started to talk about her boyfriend, and your eyes got red when you realized all that time you were friendzone luckily for you, it was night time. When I saw that in your memories I couldn't even laugh, I just felt sad for you. And the most unfortunate thing is that it happens every time you got close to a girl. They talked to you, and you thought they liked you or something. They were just nice considering that you were annoying as fuck, and you barely had any friends. You have zero conversations skills you thought of everybody as acquaintances since you were in an academy. You thought they were forced to talk to you and didn't like to be around you, which I don't blame you if I was you. You were average in everything except physical activity which you wanted to show off, that made you annoying. You were always a passive person that would never take the initiative to talk and doesn't even know how to flirt. Your flirting is like middle school, where you accidentally bump into each other and start liking each other like in t.v. or manga. You didn't have a best friend, you were like a loner, that thought everything will be okay. Damn, you were a sad pers…} Greed starts to explain Ryu's life only to get interrupted by Ryu.

Ryu:{SHUT UP!!! I KNOW ALREADY THAT IS WHY I WILL CHANGE IN THIS LIFE. This time I will dictate my future. I won't let fate or destiny control me anymore, I will follow my desires. I will forge my path with blood if I have to. I will stand above all to control my life. That is my promise.} he says as he leaves the cave and looks toward the sky.

Ding! Hidden quest! Destiny and Fate Destroyer!

You have started to take control of your life. You are not bound by fate or destiny. You can destroy all that would have happened to you or anybody you care about.

Requirements: Start to take charge of your life and decide not to be bound by anything that would have decided your life.

Reward: Annihilator of Fate and Destiny (title)

Ryu:{What is this}

Greed:{This title allows you to do whatever you want without any consequences. For example, you would only be able to change the destiny of whoever you wish to, not only people who are allowed by quests. Now you can do whatever you want in the future.}

Ryu:{Alright. Let us go to the town.} he says as he vanishes from that spot. As he jumps on trees moving east.

Well, he left the mountains to go to the cities and towns. I am thinking, should he save Kanae 2 years later or not. If I do save her, add her to the harem or not.

Tell me if I forgot anything.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

aramirez0008creators' thoughts