
Traveling the Cosmos

A young man died in an unseemly way. As a result, he is trapped in the rift, which connects different realms. He is compensated with eight wishes and can travel to different worlds. He has always dreamed of doing this, and now he can. Let us see where his journey will take him through the multiverse. He is a selfish person that was a loner for most of his life.---I do not own any character except the main character. Don't expect this to be a great story. First time I have written a story.--- Also do not own cover-

aramirez0008 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Ch.9 Money!!!

2 hours later, around 12pm, you see a 10-year-old walking into town with a black t-shirt and baggy sweats with sandals on.

Ryu: "Wow, this is a town here," he says as he looks at the town.

The town was an old town with dirt pathways and traditional Japanese style houses. All the houses had blue tiles with banners in front of them. As he starts to walk to the town or village, he gets approached by people who are asking him questions.

Ryu: "Hello"(In English)

Citizen 1: " Ogenkidesuka"

Citizen 2: "Yama kara kita no wa nazedesu ka."

Citizen 3: "Nihongo wa hanasemasu ka"(Used Google translate with these words, so I don't know if it is right)

Ryu:{Greed I can't understand them, are they speaking Japanese.}

Greed:{Well yeah. You are in Japan.}

Ryu:{I want to buy the language to understand them now.}

Ding! Language translator bought. Deducting 1,000 points

Citizen 1: "How are you."

Citizen 2: " Why are you coming from the mountain."

Citizen 3: "Do you speak Japanese."

Ryu:{ Thank god I can understand them} " Hello, my name is Ryu, and I just traveled into the mountains." {Can't have people knowing I live by myself or I am alone. There is slavery in this country right now if I remember correctly.}

Citizens 1: "Okay, but be careful, kid there are slave traders in town right now."

Ryu: "Thanks, and bye."

Ryu:{Now what. Guess I buy some clothes and look for some information}

Ryu walks through the town looking for a clothing store when he notices a bridge. On the bridge, he sees four people who are in the middle of a conservation. He recognizes them as the Kanae Kochu, and Shinobu Kochu talks to the slave trader that has their future sister 'Kanao.'

Ryu: " Guess this is when they take Kanao. Wait, I need to catch up to them. Shinobu is going to throw the money in the air. I can steal most of it." he starts to run to them as fast and quietly as possible. He puts on his Jacket to cover most of his face. As he arrives, he hears Shinobu.

Shinobu: "Would this be enough?" she says as she throws the money in the air. And runs with Kanao and Kanae.

Ryu:{Greed buy me something where I can steal the money with.}

Greed:{ Here is a bag, and you can wave the opening of the bag to capture the money.} he says as he deducted 10 points

Ryu runs by the Kocho sister as he takes a bag, opens it up and waves it at the money a couple of times. He was able to steal 99% of the money as he ran behind Kocho sisters from the opening they made when they ran. (A/N: That fucker doesn't deserve the money.)

Slave trader: "THIEF STOP. You mother fucker stop. Wait till I catch you, I will make you a slave as well." He yells at Ryu for taking most of the money Shinobu threw. As a result, people started to chase Ryu since they believed they could catch him and take the money. The Kocho sister looked at his direction as well.

Ryu: "HAHAHA!!! You piece of shit try to catch, if you can I can do anything you want.��� he yells toward everybody that is chasing him

Shinobu: "Nee-san, look, there is a little thief that stole the money from the slave trader."

Kanae: "That is no good, but it doesn't matter since he dared hold our new sister in rags and rope. But if I meet him, I need to teach him manners that it is wrong to steal."

Ryu is running away from the crowd when he gets a chill that goes down his spine.

Ryu: {Damn what was that chill that I got? Fuck, it was probably one of those you fucked up chills where somebody planing something against me.} he thought as he was able to escape from the people who were chasing him through the crowd.

Ryu: {How much money do I got now Greed}

Greed:{138,493 yen}

Ryu:{ Damn, that is a lot. Well to a clothes store now}

Ryu was able to find a clothes store where he was able to buy some semi-tight fit grey color pants with a white shirt. He then bought a black color haori with a dragon that is white, gold, and red.

Ryu:{ They won't be able to find me now, but I need to leave just in case. If I remember correctly I can travel with merchants if I pay them.} He thinks as he goes to eat lunch and then looks for a merchant to travel with.

Ryu:{ There is one} "Mister, are you going to a town close by can I go with you."

Merchant: "Listen, brat, I don't have time to babysit go look for your mommy or something."

Ryu: " I have money if I can go with you. All I have is a 1,000 yen" he shows the money to the merchant

Merchant: "Why good sir why didn't you say you had money you are welcome aboard my wagon. To travel to the next village, it will take around 5 hours." he says to Ryu once he sees the money in his hand.

Merchant: "We will leave in 15 minutes, where I wait for other customers that want to come as well."

Ryu: "Okay"

15 minutes later

Merchant: "Well, gentlemen and ladies shall we go." he says toward everybody that is inside his wagon, which were 1 male and 2 females and Ryu. The wagon is crowded due to there not being enough space due to the items inside. The one male is one the opposite side of Ryu, with both females on each of his sides flirting with each other. While Ryu is on the other side, lying down, trying to fall asleep. As the wagon starts to move, everybody hears shouting.

???: "Wait, please, please wait for us, we have money!"

???: "That is rude, you shouldn't think he is greedy for money even if it is true."

The wagon stops, and everybody looks toward the people who are making noise. What we see is 3 ladies running toward us. The oldest looks around 16, the other looks 14, and the youngest looks around 11. As Ryu hears them, he got a headache because he heard the Kochos sisters, which also means that there won't be enough room for him to lie down.

Kanae: "Merchant, we like to ride with you as well, we have money."

Merchant: " Well, if you are paying I don't mind I guess." as she gives the merchant 300 yen

Ryu:{Fuck that greedy merchant he took an extra 900 yen from me. Hope he dies.}he thought

Shinobu: "Nee-san, let's go inside already. We have to be in the village by night time, or we miss it."

Kanae: "Okay, okay. Relax it will be fine." she says to Shinobu as all three get inside the wagon. As they get inside, they see a playboy flirting with two girls on a bench and a child asleep on the other bench across from them.

Shinobu: "Nee-san, let's wake up the child so we can sit there."

Kanae: "But look at him. He is so handsome and cute. I don't think I can wake him up."

Shinobu: "Well let me wake him up." she says toward Kanae as she moves Ryu to wake him up

Ryu:{Ugh, why can't they just stand up while I sleep.} "Muah" he says as he fakes waking from his sleep and rubs his face. "Yes, what can I do for you," he says as he tries to look as innocent as possible. {Feel guilty from destroying my eventual nap.}

Shinobu: "Can you sit up so we can sit down."

Ryu: "You do know that there is only enough room for two people to sit down right."

Kanae: "How about this. You can sit on my lap while we travel toward the village. How does that sound."

Ryu: "I guess it is okay."

Shinobu: "Nee-san, how about I carry him on the way.'' She argues with Kanae since she doesn't want somebody to touch her without her permission.

Kanae: "No, you have to carry Kanao while I carry the kid. It is final." Thinking that she wanted to hold such a cute kid.

After that was decided, Ryu was sitting on Kanae's lap while Kanao sat on Shinobu's lap.

Kanae: "What is your name. Where are your parents? What did you get on this wagon." she asked Ryu this question in a rapid manner that caught him off guard.

Ryu: "My name is Ryu, and my parents are in the village where we are going. Can I sleep now."

Kanae: "Yeah you can sleep but will you be able to." she ask intrigued

Ryu: "Yeah, but it will take a while, but anyways, see you in 5 hours." as he says as he closes his eyes and leans his head on her boobs and falls asleep."

Here is another chapter. With the MC he will start as a selfish person but will change over time.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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