
Chapter 27: Life in the Vale 7

~~~General POV~~~

Time passed in the Vale in good company and a celebrative mood.

Word of the great victory achieved against the mountain clansmen was sent across the Seven Kingdoms. The people of the Vale celebrated for the next three days and even after three days of celebration, the mood of the people still showed livelyness in their wake. The very clans that had always kept an ammicable relationship with the Valemen were celebrated by the common folk.

Still despite all their contributions to the war for the Vale, they could not escape the descrimination they received from it's knights. If their anger isn't driven by personal cost, it was the religion that got in between them.

This was due to an event that occured three days after the celebrations. The prisoners or chieftains of the savage clans of the mountain were to be placed unto trial. This was meant to be but mere formality. Their guilt was already determined as instigators and leaders to their clanmens actions.

Before the gathered lords of the Vale, the leaders had hoped to escape justice by demanding a trial by combat. The knights and lords of the Vale of course took this in bad light, throwing insults upon them in droves. And in the lands of the Vale were the very paramouncy speaks of the saying 'As High As Honor'. It was only expected that Jon Arryn seceeded to their demands.

The chieftains of course had thought that there may be hope for them to live but all hope left their eyes as Ronan Sieghart himself stepped forward, donning his blue and gold armor and presented himself to champion for the Vale.

In a desperate bid for freedom, one of the chiefs had demanded that one man cannot stand to champion against five different accused. But Jon Arryn simply discarded his words, after all they were already extending their curtesy enough for allowing the Trial by combat despite them not being highborns.

The trial was done right there and then. While the chieftains were rearming themselves with the very weapons and armor they last held, Ronan stood before a teary eyed Elesis as she held in her hands his helmet. Ronan simply smiled in reassurance as she gave him a small kiss.

"I don't think I would ever get used to this." she said.

"Then don't. Embrace what you feel love. And know that I will always be here when you need me." Ronan replied.

As Ronan was about to reach for his jeweled sword, Elesis instead held another for him. He was surprised. They had not hoped to show this sword to the people of the seven kingdoms yet but if she presented it for him, that only meant that they were ready.

The lords and the people gasp as Ronan unsheath a greatsword. The golden curved guard, a blue gem at the hilt and It's silvery blade added to the noble look of the sword. But what made it more incredible in their eyes is the rippling pattern on the blade of said sword. A Valyrian Steel Greatsword. And with it, the chieftain's fates were sealed.

The trial were as expected. A one sided excution. The legendary sword cut through them like hot knife through butter. As word of the last chieftain's death reached the public the people cheered. Their loud cries and shouts into the sky echoed throught the Eyrie. Finally signaling the conclusion of generations of war.

The days passed in peace, the foreign couple had taken what peace they had unto their hands and enjoyed it in each other's company. The couple could be seen just enjoying the day around their daughter.

The other highlight would be Brandon Stark's new found determination into learning from his younger brother. Eddard had shown a great increasse in his martial prowess. And his willingness to teach had been a boon to many a knight. But despite Brandon's growth in his skill, it is the younger Wolf and the Stag that catches most of their attention.

Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon had surprised everyone that had known them upon their return.

Eddard had started to show initiative in progressing the lives of people. He had been seen working the fields with the common folk. Speaking with merchants, working with farmers, helping homeless people and even mothers and daughters alike.

Eddard had grown fully aware of his place in the order of inheritance. He grew up embracing it in lieu of his love for his brother. Due to this, he had grown up with a passive view on things, after all his duty would be small compared to his brother. But his interaction with the men who fought with him had changed that. He had finally realised what his father had always hoped to impart into him. That his titles are not a privilage, but a responsibility. Many from what he had seen have fallen short on. Eddard had dedicated much of his time looking for ways to make the lives of the people better, no matter how small and he started first by trying to understand them.

If Eddard had shown a more progressive side to him, Robert is the opposite. Robert had shown a more controlled self. His patience, though still very deadly, seemed to have grown. He had always prefered his hammer to solve things, but no longer to such extent that he wishes ALL of his problems can be solved by his warhammer.

He had also shown more understanding of people. Though his knowledge on such has grown small, it was his effort to be better that had surprised Jon Arryn. Robert had been seen pouring himself to the History of not just House Baratheon but the Great houses of the Seven Kingdoms aswell. Jon had no doubt that Robert's patience had grown thin once more had it been for Lyanna. The young she-wolf had taken great joy in boasting about House Starks great history.

Another story, is the massive increase of fabric trade going through Ironoaks and Runestone. Despite the trade being new, the returns had shown great signs. And with it, cloth had become slightly more affordable for the common folk.

But the peace of course did not last. Two weeks after the celebration, a kidnapping attempt at Lady Elesis and Elizabeth Sieghart was twarted by Ronan himself.

And despite the perpetrator being brutally beaten by a furious foreign lord's mailed fist, Jon was still furious that an attempt was done within the very castle itself. Emabarassed he was, that the sanctity that his great name has promissed was openly violated. Luckily for him he was able to save face when the Sieghart family chose to stay despite what happened. But ever since the incident Ronan had refused to leave his family's side.

The maids gossip of the yelling and shouting and crying that occured between the foreign couple.

Ronan had wanted to them to leave. Their presence is making it more difficult for him. Something Elesis is fully aware of. She knew he would always choose them over everyone else but she felt like this was something she had to do.

And for all his fears, her beloved allowed it despite showing geniune love and fear in his eyes. Their coupling that night was an intense one, in which they poured much of the negative feelings they had out until they can give no more.

The next day was met with the blushing Lyanna and the suggestive smile of Robert. The maids gossip not just of their fighting but of their love making.

The two soon reconciled and decided to join the Stark children to Riverrun for Brandon's wedding. The day soon came for departure, word has already reached them of Rickard Stark arriving in Riverrun in just two months. As the party made their preperations Lyanna was handed a message by a solemn looking Jon Arryn.

While evryone tried their best to respect her privacy, Brandon did not have such patience. He then quickly took the letter from Lyanna who was too surprised to stop him.

Everyone waited with abaited breath for his reaction. After seconds passed he then turned to Eddard and said. "Ned go on before us. I shall accompany our sister. It seems she has business elsewhere after all."

Ronan felt a chill down his spine and spoke. "We could always wait and travel together. Lord Stark. I'm sure Ned and the others would feel the same way." Ned nodded at that and said.

"He is right brother. I could use one more day in peace." Ned tried to jest.

"No, go Ned. Father will be expecting you." Brandon retorted coldly.

Again Ronan tried to talk against splitting up. "Traveling together would be safer Lord Brandon. After all to divide now would mean dividing our guards aswell. As safe as the Vale maybe recently, the absence of the mountain clansmen would lead to a spike of Banditry around the Vale." Jon and the others nodded at that but before he could support his words. His nephew spoke.

"Are you doubting our knights, foreigner?" said Elbert Arryn.

"No lord Arryn I assure y-"

"Then silence yourself." he stated scathingly. He then looked to Brandon. "I belive this to be a business of House Stark is it not."

Jon could not refute. He is his heir after all. Brandon then answered. "He is right. This is a matter of House Stark now Sieghart." Brandon looked to Eddard. "Go brother, meet our father. We will not be long."

Though reluctant, Ned had to obey. Robert received a parting kiss from Lyanna. One the stag was more than happy to deepen. Lyanna giggled as they parted and so no one spoke against it. And so House Sieghart rode to the Vale with both Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon.

As soon as the party disappeared into the distance. "Come Lyanna, I think it is high time you told me more about this letter." said Brandon. In which Lyanna nodded in aggreement. They left the next morning and were escorted by Ethan Glover, Jeffory Mallister, Kyle Royce and Ser Elbert Arryn.

Seeing the two ride off to Harrenhal, Jon released a sigh but not of relief but weariness and the cold chill of the winds against his bones. He then looked to the sky and silently let's out a prayer.

'Please don't do anything foolish my prince.'