
Chapter 26: Life in the Vale 6

~~~Brandon POV~~~

Standing at the deck of the ship, and seeing the lands of the Vale as we sailed through it's waters. I was once again feeling a slight bit of jelousy. Their lush green fields. Their clear waters and the people milling about all full of life. But surprisingly, for me, I am not as jealous as I once was.

Nealy a year since the Tourney of Harrenhal, The North is now prospering into such unimaginable heights. I had spent my last year in constant surprise and my world seemingly making less sense. It started off at The Workshops that House Sieghart has established just outside of Winterfell. When father welcomed their workers and gave his permission for construction, they had expected wooden establishments for their workers and produce.

But what we didn't expect were the additional three Glass gardens they had built. Those people called it 'Greenhouses'. Two are being used to grow crops of fruits and vegetables on one and a veritable assortment of spices on the other. Around those two are the fields of winter crops. But what surprised us most is the third and middle glass garden.

In a The North, where food goes hand in hand with life in the lands of winter. It was maddening to see a glassgarden used as just that, a 'FUCKING GARDEN!'. Filled with flowers, vines, bushes, shrubs, ponds and what ever nonesense there is to make it beautiful in the eyes. I think my father aged ten times over in just one day after seeing it. It was beautiful to be sure. But seeing it alone, despite it's welcoming beauty, I felt lost in that place.

Close to the 'greenhouses' is a big house, two stories high and nearly as wide and as long as the great hall that was built to accommodate their workers. And close to the Garden was a smaller one, half it's size for House Sieghart's personal use.

I had been surprised at the last one and asked my father about it. But he said it is between him and the young Lord alone. According to him they have a more private agreement in between their houses. One that has yet to reach fruition and this is but one of the many conditions between them. It was frustrating not knowing, I am his heir after all! But I knew my father. He was not one to keep secrets for no reason at all. So I left it alone.

It took three months to finish them all with their seemingly tireless personal builders. When the workshop initially opened there was a lack of enthusiasm from the town's folk. This were foreigners, the people of Wintertown doubt this Essosi regarding their knowledge of working this frozen lands. After all they weren't farmers, they were hunters. What farmers we had were those who worked in the glassgarden. And they were very few.

Even with a notice sent from House Stark regarding the availability of work, two days still passed of no applicants and surprisingly they still weren't recruiting. They became the joke of the town, thinking them having too much money with little knowledge on how to manage land. When an Essosi came to a bar and was insulted as such, the man merely looked to him and said.

"We do not ask for you to work those lands, and we never will. Because when the time comes you will be begging us to let you. Not the other way around."

The people at the bar didn't take that well but instead of acting on it. They simply kept their distance, throwing jeers into him instead. On the third day, a man who had just lost a son to an accident in the woods was desperate for coin and he was too old to hunt. So he went to the Workshop.

What the old man showed there had everyone's jaws dropping. On the first day had used an ox drawn plow, made of steel. People watched as he did the work equivalent to ten men in a single day with barely any effort. The next day he worked with a daughter of his around the same age as I. As she had used what they called a harrow, while the old man plowed more lands. The next day there were three older men and another old woman in the field finishing up on the work. And as they worked the lands, a group of men were digging on the south end of the field closer to the town. Morning came and much to the surprise of many there was a flowing canal in the fields just outside of Winterfell. According to the guards the Essosi men worked through the night, changing shift every few hours until they finished it. A working irrigation with solid or dried mud to contain and redirect the water, adding more to the quality of their work. Many were impressed but some were not, just like me, I had expected the water to freeze rendering their work pointless. But days passed and the water continued to flow. They had even made points in the field to collect water, making the field even more managable. As I had touched the flowing water it was warm and it surprisingly it stayed that way as it flowed through out the fields.

More people applied for the work and they were given it. Some to the glassgardens but some were to help in the fields. A whole month passed and by time they were done, the fields of the north looked far, far more better than even the fields of the Reach according to Maester Luwin. Our local smiths inspected the devices they had used and had been surprised at the sophisticated design and sheer ingenuity. Both our smiths and the maester marveled at it and I agree specially after seeing them at work. Soon their workshop was full, all 500 workers now have work in the North. Those that wanted work but was unable to make the cut, were informed of the availability in the shipyard being built at Bear Island.

I didn't bother to know what they had planted for we had led a small caravan of three hundred people as me and father traveled to Bear Island.

The next biggest thing is The Bear Island Shipyard. It took six moons to finish building the shipyard and true to their promise, northmen were hired for their construction. We arrived just in time as the shipyard was more than halfway done. The three hundred we had lead had a hundred able bodied workers and the rest are women and daughters who wanted a new start and so they were bought to the manager of the shipyard. The operation is lead by experts sent by House Sieghart but the crew and workers were all Northmen. And we were there to watch as the shipyard and the first ship was finished.

What we didn't expect was the sheer size of the fucking ship. I can fit two houses on the deck alone. It was huge, we had initially thought it was a warship due to the iron plating on the front that looks sharp enough to cleave a ship in half and the ballistae on the side. We were of course given the general description and use of those parts. Ice breakers, allowing the ships to traverse the cold waters even as they began to froze. And the ballistae are not for such use, they were called harpoons. They described it's use on whaling. And readily admitted that they can be easily modified for war if need be. The trading and whaling ships are in posession of a 'Cold room'. And the captain's room has a couple of devices that had stunned Lords Manderly, Glover, Ryswel and Mormont.

A 'clock' and a 'Compass'. I do not fully understand yet what such a devices meant but for them to be clamoring for one must mean it is a very important tool so I wasn't surprise when said devices were not available for purchase but through House Sieghart directly.

It was atop the Captain's table, one on each corner, contained within a wooden circle container, with a clear glass on top of it. The Compass showing off the arrow and the sole letter, N for North. And the clock with it's two arrows and twelve numbers. Moving at a constant pace from one to ten and two. The ship was luxurious within but outside is it's very imposing image. The ship was painted with black that shine red in the light. The white sails showing sigils of House Sieghart. The harpoons or ballistae on the sides of the ship coupled with it's 'ice breakers'. With a competent crew, I knew this ships will soon dominate the Sunset Sea.

Though hesistant with having such large warships on Northern shores, my father still allowed it, believing in the Northmen that makes up the crew of the ship. A decision I had to bitterly swallow.

After seeing the ships successful voyage we had a small celebration. Then after four months away we returned home to a very lively Winterfell. Vegetables and meat were actually being traded in the town. The people are far more lively and there is more life in their eyes. All of the people looked to be busy and later on we were told why.

Reaching the fields between the walls of Winterfell and the town, we noticed that canals were being dug towards the town aswell. We were told by one of the workers that they intend to extend the water to circle around the houses as well. Spreading the spring water to flow through and around the town. As I looked to my father he simply smiled and nodded in confirmation.

The entire week was spent digging up the canal, laying down the rocks, and applying Mortar. And through it all, me, father and Benjen all worked with the smallfolk. Earning our house some goodwill. When everything was done, everyone cheered as the warm water flowed accessible for everyone of the town. My father only had a few words to share to the towns folk.

"This is your water now. It is what you would drink, what you would bathe with and what you would cook with. So now, it is now up to YOU! to decide how clean that water would be."

I wasn't worried about the people being negligent on keeping it clean. This are Men of The North. They know how much more valuable clean water is. The month passed and we were presented with the payment of House Sieghart. The chest that my father later opened in his solar was filled with gold. An over all account of it showed a total of 10,000 gold dragons. Enough coin to feed the inhabitants of Winterfell and the nearby town for the next five years but my father surprised me when he decided to rebuild Winterfell and comission a Coldroom. The rest were spent on rearming the men. As I left for White Harbor, I saw that not a single person wasn't working. The people that usually spent their money on simply food had now began spending it in 'Mortar' and begun rebuiding their homes into more solid walls. The people are bathing daily through the new bathouse recently constructed. One for the workers exclusive use and another for the commonfolk of the town. The life of the people of Wintertown is growing, so much so that even I could feel their excitement.

Reaching White Harbor we saw one of House Sieghart's Warship. They can call it a trade ship all they want, those things are bigger and armed to the teeth, to the point it that it makes Northern ships look like rafts. We then left on it as it sailed to Gulltown.

"My lord?" said Howland reed, breaking me off my stupor.

"Yes Howland?"

"Gulltown is in sight, we should be docking soon. Would you prefer to rest for the day at an inn or ride to the Eyrie."

"This is meant to be a surprise Howland. We ride of course."

"Yes milord."

"It has been a year since I last saw them. I wonder how they've been."

~~~Line break~~~

*Shiiinnggg* *spuurrtt* *thud*

I looked around and saw... others doing the same. Seconds pass as the tension bled out, then I felt it... a feeling bubling inside me until . . .

. . . . . . "RRAAAAHHHHHH!!!!"

Though I was tired I raised my sword and roared with the men. We are victorious. This campaign that had lasted nearly a year, is finally over! I couldn't stop the smile from leaving my face.

We actually won, a victory that had not been obtained by the people of The Vale for thousands of years. It was an exhilirating feeling. Feeling a pat on my back I saw Ser Beorn. He gave me a small nod as I did him. Then I heared a boisterous laugh and saw Robert, I gave him a nod as well. There was no way to convey what we truly felt at the moment.

Three days later we began our trek back to the Bloody Gate. We are dragging five prisoners with us, all chiefs of their respective savage tribes. Carrying with us Steel, Iron, and surprisingly a Valyrian steel longsword and several jewels. Where they got this from we'd rather not know. The Sword though was unaddorned, so there was no way to know who it belongs to.

On the way back I couldn't help but be reminded of the past months. They had been found out on the 2nd day and was nearly sent home. Robert of course exercised his rights as to be Paramount of the Stormlands. In the end we bacame part of their campaign with letters sent back expressing that Lord Sieghart vehemently attempted to send us back.

The training was a different level entirely. Body building exercises, endurance training, and stances. At first we were skeptical of the exercise due to them doing less sword swings, that was until Robert got his ass handed to him by a Dame Valka. As always she fought with great skill. We were surprised to find out she was but a bastard and a former slave at that. We had thought her to be some child of a noble or a knightly house.

Another sight to see was the Redsmiths and Lord Sieghart's smithing skills. Despite using only a makeshift forging facility, seeing his work though makes me want to see it at an actual forge. Robert has already made up his mind to have another set comissioned for him.

Faraam armor, a fine name even more it's lost history. Word around camp was that Sieghart himself said that the armor design was based on the original he once had. Said to be worn by the Forossa Lion Knights, worshippers of the war god Faraam, they wore heavy armor and were feared for their nimble two-handed swordplay. But their legacy was cut short with the fall of Forossa.

The weeks bled out we were soon taught by Sieghart himself. Seeing a skirmmish with no casualties on our side we were eager to be taught and the experience was enlightening. I believe his words were... "To wield a blade is one thing, to wield a sword is another. I am here to teach you the latter."

Hels I haven't so much as put my hand on the blade, yet we were being thought how to do so without losing a finger. Hilt, Guard, handle are even being used. Added that to the exercise, we can actually feel ourselves grow.

We made friends with most of them here. During most of our campaign we had not lost any. That was until we reached the Mountains of the Moon. It was here that our enemies retaliation became so desperate it was near suicidal. We offered tears to those that fell. Raged as we avenged their sacrifices. Shared meals and everything with them. We were addressed with respect of course. But if Lord Sieghart could handle sleeping on the ground with the men then so did we.

I connected with a lot of them here. Even more so on the mountain clans. Their way of life was something I had not considered. I couldn't help but imagine the island of Skagos, one who is said to always be in turmoil. If they suffer through the same thing. The words of the Sons of the Trees was something that struck true to me.

'To be cannibal is a noble sacrifice milord, when all choices have been taken from us.

I still remember when me grandmother slit her throat after tellin us to live no matter what. We burned her body and ate what meat we could get. I remember when me grandfather chopped off one of his arms in order to stave off the hunger. I remember im telling us a story and kissin' us in our foreheads tellin us how much he loves us to sleep. Only to wake next morn with me Pa' and Ma' crying as they cooked stew. I pray a winter day like that never comes for you. For I fear you would not be able to understand. You who stood warm behind castles and mead.

So tell me milord, do we seemed such savages to ya?"

It was a blow to both me and Robert. We never really knew. Being born and raised as a son of a lord. Only then we realised how we had taken it for granted. Now sitting, eating, laughing, crying, sweating and bleeding alongside each other. I couldn't help but feel incompetent in their eyes.

But their resolve against the other Clans that we hunted has never wavered. To them, to slay these men was a duty.

I was the one who burried that man. And as I offered my prayers after burrying him, Lord Sieghart said what all of us thought then. 'I had made plenty of connections here. May they be friends, allies, or strangers. Having to bury them was a painful reminder why we should never seek out war for the sake of war.'

And we continued our march back down with silence, all of us, simply wanting to go home.

Only two days away from the nearest town we heared horses approaching us. I did not hear what was said but it was enough that Robrt hefted his warhammer as the men around Ser Sieghart drew blade. I approached then to the front and only got a glimpse of what was said.

"- but milord Lord Grafton said-"

"I don't give a flying fuck what that cunt said!!! Tell him Robert Baratheon says otherwise and if he has something against it he can come to me HIMSELF!!!"

The poor knight just nodded fearfully at that.

"Now send word to Lord Arryn of our arrival or I will test my new skills with a warhammer against you!"

And they both rode off in different directions. I looked questioningly at Ronan and he replied. "Just a Lord overreaching himself Ned. Nothing of note really."

"Very well Ronan, but should you ever need help. We expect you to be asking." He just smiled at that.

After two more days marching, we reached the first town. As soon as we stepped through the trees we were greeted with a cachophany of cheers, hollers, and a full on celebration.

As we continued to move, I couldn't help but smile and wave just like everyone else really. Robert though is enjoying this to the fullest. We were greeted as heroes by the towns folk and the men sent back down for recovery. We rested for two more days and prepped everyone, including those who had been healed for our final march to the Eyrie.

Passing through the Bloody Gates, we soon arrived at the steps of the Eyrie. We again were welconed with a loud cheer from the knights. Their armored hands striking shields and chest plates.

At it's throne room, we saw the Lords of the Vale. And Jon sitting on the weirwood throne up high. Beside him was Lyanna and surprisingly, my brother, Brandon. Who were both smiling widely. Seeing Lyanna's cheeks flush red, I then noticed Robert raising his fist at her as they smiled at one another.

After the noise died down, Ser Sieghart grab the wrapped sword on his waist and then removed his helmet and bowed deeply. We followed afterwards.

The hall quieted, as Jon rose from his seat.

"Rise Lord Ronan Sieghart, The Hero of the Vale. And your sworn Swords!"

Though I can see surprise amongst the people much like my own. I was still happy none the less.

"Lord Arryn, the savage clans are no more. And the people of this lands are finally united under your banner. We bought to you the Chieftains of the savage tribes of the Vale so that justice may finally be delivered upon their heads for their crimes against your people." as Ronan said those the chieftains were dragged before the Lords of the Vale. Those actions seemed to strike relief and gratitude from Jon. Ronan then held the wrapped sword with both hands and offered it before Jon. "Proof of our conquest, and a historical day since it's founding. I offer you a gift."

Jon approaches but this time with a beautiful red haired woman, holding a babe in her arms. She seemed to glow as they came closer. And Ronan hasn't taken his eyes off of the two.

[image here]

Elesis Sieghart has returned. And judging by Ronan's reaction. He wasn't expecting it.

As Jon reaches him, he begun to unwrapped the sword. The Hall gasp at it, the new heirloom of House Arryn.

A Valyrian Steel Longsword. It's handle wrapped in blue, it's crossguard showing silvery Wings in full flight and a falcon head resting at the base of the blade. The Hilt, a pair of talons clutching a Bluish-white Gem. Forged by the Redsmith Clans.

Jon looks to Ronan. "You have done a great deal for my people, and I have yet to reward you. And still you bring me gift of no measure. Ask a boon of me and you shall have it."

"Perhaps one day Lord Arryn" replied respectfully.

Jon nodded in acceptance and turned to the gates were the crowed had gathered. "To You!!! People of the Vale, I present Ronan Sieghart, and The Heroes Of The Vale!!!"

A thunderous applause and cheers followed reaching to the outside itself.

"What we owe you has yet to be repaid. But the Vale will honor this debt one day."

Ronan then looks to Jon and nods his head in thanks.

"Now let us celebrate!!!"


And so the war within the Vale that had plagues it's lands has finally ended. And peace within the Vale has come. I just hope it lasts.