
Trapped on the island of monsters with Interdimensional Chat .

The main character wakes up on a strange island with no memory of the previous 24 hours. Without food or even complete clothing, he must learn to survive on an island filled with monsters. However, will the appearance of Interdimensional Chat free him from the gloomy island or will it only prove to be an illusory hope?

Kriuswerus_Pl · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Chapter 1

,,Sand??....What the fuck?"

On a tropical beach, where the sea shore meets the wild jungle, you can see the figure of a man lying almost on the water's edge, his face buried in the soft sand. The muffled murmur of his voice makes it clear that he is still alive.

Although lying there doing nothing, only in boxers, next to the water with strange-looking jellyfish floating in it, most of them landing on the beach near him, doesn't seem like the best idea.


The unexpected sand lover struggles to get up, his posture seems shaky. The remnants of sand in his mouth create an unpleasant sensation, so Nero needs a moment to recover and look around to see where he is.

,,Where the hell am I?... My head... fuck... I was in the center of Europe... in my room... how on earth did I end up on a tropical island."

Nero clutched his head, trying hard to recall his recent memories, hoping for any clue as to how he ended up here.

However, the memories do not give him any specific information. His last, although blurry, memory is an ordinary day spent in front of the computer, chatting via instant messenger with his friend, having dinner together with his family - sister, brother, parents. A typical day in his boring life. However, there is no indication that he suddenly decided to go on a journey or use the "newly" invented random teleportation, similar to those known from Minecraft servers.

Trying to stay calm, Nero began to consider that the entire surreal situation he was currently experiencing was just a figment of his imagination. Maybe this beach and the strange jellyfish that he saw at that moment, and the spider-like eyes looking at him from the water, are just a dream, a figment of his sick imagination? To confirm this theory, he decided to pinch his cheek.

However, instead of calming him down, the pain he felt caused him to panic slightly. This meant that this was not a dream, but the real world. There was no logical explanation for him being here. However, he was here, and judging by the jellyfish with spider-like red eyes, this is not an island that belongs to the group of safe islands, but to the category of islands on which experiments have been carried out, or it is a lost land or something similar.

,,slap...Pull yourself together, you fearful cunt. You are on an island where you may potentially find a group of murderous animal hybrids, but there is a chance of meeting amazons who are only looking for your cock. So get yourself together.... Fuck... I can't even motivate myself... I should look around, maybe I'll find something that will at least provide me with a minimum of security."

The attempt to stimulate positive emotions did not bring the desired result, but at least it allowed Nero to take the first step towards ensuring stability and mastering the unusual situation.

Nero looked at the area where she had recently woken up and noticed that in the place where he had been lying a moment earlier, there was a dent in the shape of his slim figure.

 However, right next to his head print in the sand, he noticed a rectangular object glowing blue.

Intrigued, he walked over to the object and crouched down to look at it. To his surprise, the small rectangular object turned out to be a rather peculiar adaptation of his ID card. However, the information contained therein, apart from his name and age (Neron Firebones, 23) and his facial image - a young man with short black hair and an unattractive face - was not the same as in his original ID card. Additionally, this peculiar ID card was not made of plastic or any other familiar material, but of a rather unusual blue crystal material.

,,Chat Group Admin....id######... I think I know where this is going. Hehe..."

After reading the rest of the information on the crystal ID card. Nero seemed to be enlightened, and a truly peculiar Sukuna-esque happy smile appeared on his lips.

According to his theory, which he decided to accept as truth. He must have somehow transmigrated to another world, or the energy drugs he overdosed so regularly had finally taken his life. And now he finds himself in a new world and has a chance to fulfill his fantasies that he developed over the years by reading fanfics.

As Nero took the crystal card into his hand, the card itself began to disintegrate into glowing blue lights that flooded into his chest. It was a nice feeling, as if a fluffy cat lay on his heart.

As the crystal ID card disappeared before his eyes, a blue, translucent panel appeared, causing the smile on Nero's face to become unnaturally wide. With each sentence that came out, his smile seemed to grow even more.

,,Welcome to the Interdimensional Chat Group."

,,You have agreed to become the next administrator of the Chat Group. However, due to the distance of your dimension from the central curve, you will not be able to use the Chat system fully. The system will need time to establish a stronger connection."

This information seems to spoil his mood to some extent, but as he regains control, he feels that there is a "but" here, which may turn out to be a lifeline that will increase his chances of survival.

,,Due to this inconvenience, the entire DCG team would like to compensate you with a free Mythical Gacha that has been transported to your inventory at this time. At the moment, you can only use the functions - inventory, status, connection progress (temporary), Gacha."

,,Other features such as chat, store and all related sub-functions will be unlocked after the site is fully integrated. Best regards, DCG."

Although initially Nero was disgusted by the fact that he could not yet invite or talk to any people previously considered fictitious.

His attention was drawn more to the thumbnail in the right corner of the blue panel anyway. This icon depicted a light blue chest, but it didn't take a genius to figure out that this was an equipment function.

The equipment closely resembles the equipment from Minecraft, but the number of available spaces was one and a half times greater. And yet, it stood out from the rest of the squares, the whole square was red and the miniature ticket had the inscription Mitic Gacha. It was enough to get him excited. Although the information that mythical items are marked as red in the inventory is good and important information.

After pressing the ticket thumbnail in the inventory, a small option bar appears, several of which were blocked. The first and obvious option was the "open" option. The next ones were also interesting, the "send" option was blocked for an obvious reason, but the others aroused his curiosity, the remaining options were destroy and disassemble and remove from inventory.

All these options can become essential, especially the disassembly option. The thought of taking apart legendary items like Iron Man's armor seems really interesting. But now, pushing away these thoughts, Nero pressed open. And the inventory window was replaced by a fake box opening function in CSGO. However, instead of skins here, according to the four options visible before activation of the draw. You can obtain items such as a spare God of Destruction Bearus uniform, a mana core (only for assimilation), and a survival kit and a jinn lamp.

Being full of excitement, Nero activated the drawing and although for the first few seconds he did not even see the object thumbnails due to the rapid drawing, after a while the drawing machine started to slow down and what the drawing stopped at aroused his excitement and curiosity.

..Supreme Artisan.(Minecraft Inspired Edition)"

,,What the fuck is this...Hehehe....???!!