
Trapped in your spells

Eve blinked continuously at him, her emerald eyes gazing at him affectionately and with a touch of apprehension. She swallowed nervously as he approached her, His fangs emerged from his mouth, gleaming white and dangerously sharp. As he drew nearer to her vulnerable neck, Eve tensed and took a sharp breath, gripping his shoulders tightly. "How much will this hurt?" she asked, her hands still clutching onto him. His deep red eyes locked onto her green ones, strands of water cascading down his hair, tracing lines across his face. He resembled a divine figure, a male deity. His left hand slid down to her waist, pulling her closer, leaning in towards her neck, gently inhaling the scent. This caused Eve to shiver slightly, her grip on him tightening. "It may sting at first," he whispered softly, slowly rubbing his nose against her neck, "but the pain will only last for a fleeting moment. After that, it will fade away."

Chikamso_Patience · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Chapter 9

Eve awoke to the bright light of a brand new day, and she knelt beside her bed to offer a heartfelt prayer to God, asking for a day that would be far from mundane. However, she was soon interrupted by a deep voice coming from behind her. Without delay, Eve turned around and was met with the unexpected sight of Ethan, the man who had haunted her dreams.


Surprised and with her heart pounding, Eve snapped, "Excuse me, how did you manage to enter my home?"


Eve, taken aback by Ethan's sudden appearance, struggled to gather her thoughts. She felt a surge of mixed emotions, comprising fear, curiosity, and an inexplicable energy coursing through her veins. "I don't know what to believe anymore," she replied, her voice quivering. "You appeared in my dream, then in my bathroom, and now you're standing in my bedroom. Everything feels surreal, but I can't ignore the fact that something unusual is undeniably happening."


Ethan's intense gaze softened, and he took a step closer to Eve, his voice calm and reassuring. "I understand your confusion and disbelief, but trust me, this is all very real. The power you possess, the world of Crestwood."


With a furrowed brow, Eve questioned, "Why do I possess this peculiar power, then?"


"I don't have an answer for that," Ethan admitted, "but what I do know is that we need to remove it from you."


Eve scowled. "First and foremost, I don't want to get entangled in this problem or this strange world. However, I also don't want to be burdened with a power that could attract all sorts of creatures seeking to exploit it." Eve paused, taking a deep breath. "I would have to put my trust in you on this matter. So, what do I need to do?"


Ethan stood motionless, looking at her intently. "I never said you needed to do anything. I just have to find a witch who can strip you of this power."


Eve let out a sigh of relief, but then said, "So that means I don't have to take any action, but finding a witch might not be easy."


"Exactly," Ethan replied. "Dress warmly. I know of a witch who owes me a favor, but she lives deep in the woods. We'll need multiple layers of warm clothing to avoid freezing."


Eve nodded, slowly beginning to grasp the situation. "Alright, I guess our best bet is to find a witch. Let's get going then. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm ready to journey into the woods in search of a powerful sorceress." Gaining confidence, she went to her closet and started selecting warm clothing. Ethan smiled, relieved that Eve was taking things in stride.


They embarked into the forest, snugly bundled up in heavy coats, scarves, and gloves. The air was crisp and chilly, filled with anticipation. As they ventured deeper into the woods, their footsteps rustled the fallen leaves on the ground, while mysterious sounds wafted from a distance: whispering trees and rustling animals. Everything seemed surreal, yet Eve knew that she had to march forward.


Eve commented, "It's surprising how you remain calm amidst these eerie noises, but I'm not liking it."


"When you reside in a dark world, these sounds seem insignificant compared to the thunderous clash of a rampaging vampire or werewolf," Ethan confided.


Eve's heart quickened at the mere thought of encountering such terrifying creatures. "A dark world?" she repeated, struggling to comprehend. "What do you mean by that?"


Ethan glanced at her, hesitating momentarily before proceeding. "Crestwood is radically different from your familiar world," he explained, his voice tinged with solemnity. "It's a place where supernatural beings roam freely, where magic is real, and danger lurks in every shadow. It is my duty to maintain the delicate balance between this world and yours, but lately, everything has been spiraling out of control."


Eve couldn't help but shudder, captivated by a blend of fascination and fear. "So, that's why you've been appearing in my dreams," she whispered. "Because I possess this power that connects us somehow."


Ethan nodded earnestly. "Indeed, your power is the key to restoring equilibrium. You must comprehend, Eve, that what lies ahead won't be easy. We will encounter countless challenges, and sacrifices will need to be made. However, together, we can safeguard both worlds."


As they continued their trek deeper into the woods, Eve felt a peculiar sense of purpose growing within her. She was no longer an ordinary woman living an ordinary life; she was now an integral part of something much grander. Though fear still lingered, she knew that she had to embrace her power and place her trust in Ethan.


With determination shining in her eyes, Eve looked at Ethan and flashed a smile. "Alright, let's proceed," she declared. "We must find a powerful sorceress and rescue this dark world. I never asked for any of this, but I won't back down now."