
Trapped in your spells

Eve blinked continuously at him, her emerald eyes gazing at him affectionately and with a touch of apprehension. She swallowed nervously as he approached her, His fangs emerged from his mouth, gleaming white and dangerously sharp. As he drew nearer to her vulnerable neck, Eve tensed and took a sharp breath, gripping his shoulders tightly. "How much will this hurt?" she asked, her hands still clutching onto him. His deep red eyes locked onto her green ones, strands of water cascading down his hair, tracing lines across his face. He resembled a divine figure, a male deity. His left hand slid down to her waist, pulling her closer, leaning in towards her neck, gently inhaling the scent. This caused Eve to shiver slightly, her grip on him tightening. "It may sting at first," he whispered softly, slowly rubbing his nose against her neck, "but the pain will only last for a fleeting moment. After that, it will fade away."

Chikamso_Patience · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 8

Eve woke up covered in thick sweat , her eyes scanned the room to be sure , she was alone after making sure it was just a night made , she relaxed a bit , taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she had experienced the most traumatic night mare ever ,taking a deep breath , she pulled her hair into a pony tail , and immediately went to her bathroom to take a nice hot bath.


Eve lay on the tub , while playing a Don't let me go by taylor swift with her phone, she stared at the ceiling trying to get the terrifying night made off her head, it seemed so real , that she could still feel the fear and danger lingering in her mind. As the warm water soothed her body, Eve let herself imagine a different reality, one where she could escape into a world of fantasy and magic.


Lost in her thoughts, Eve started to visualize herself in a land far away, a land filled with mystical creatures and enchanting forests. She imagined herself as a powerful sorceress, able to control the elements and protect herself from any danger that came her way. In this world, she would have the strength and courage to face any challenge, and no one could intimidate her.


As the song played softly in the background, Eve closed her eyes and let her imagination take flight. Just as she was about to go deeper , she felt a sudden presence near her behind her ,it took her every ounce and power not to scream , she slowly opened her eyes to behold a shadow of a man the fading light of the candle cascaded on the man give him a huge shadows.


Eve was in a bad situation, she was naked in her tub and some unknown person was presently looking at her, she didn't know how he had it into ber home , buzz one thing she was sure about was that , she might go crazy soon .


" how did you get in"? Eve asked as she tried to grab the towel on the rack with out getting out the water.


The man noticing this his lips set into a thin line." Get out and dress up , I need to speak to you ." he said and walked out of the bathroom giving Eve privacy.

Eve quickly grabbed the towel and wrapped it tightly around her as she got out of the tub. The whole situation felt surreal, and her heart was still racing from the initial shock. She hurriedly dried herself off and put on a robe, trying to compose herself before facing this unknown intruder.


Stepping out of the bathroom, she found the man waiting for her in the living room. He looked serious and determined, his dark eyes fixed on her as if trying to dissect her thoughts. Eve stood there, shivering slightly,she wondered if going to the woods had been a mistake,she had met this man multiple times that he had appeared in her nightmare, not knowing what to expect.


" I want to know your name and how the f**k you entered my house." Eve said.


The man sighed, his expression Unchanged," am Ethan , how I got into your house is not the question, the question is how that power got to reside in you"?


Eve frowned what power?" O don't understand what you are talking about." Eve said silently praying for this to be another of her nightmares.


" don't pretend like you have forgotten what happened on the woods , when you used a dormant power." The man said staring right at her giving her no room for denial.


Eve sighed helplessly she had thought it was a nightmare it turn out the reason it lingered was because it was real ," I swear to God , I didn't know what happened , I just felt scared and the BOOM! , I ve got superpowers , I don't even know how to access it."


Ethan looked at her, of course he knew that, " I know " he said briefly paused and continued," that power could only belong to one person , you having such power is not explainable."


Eve looked more serious and her interest piqued, " whose powers are they"


Ethan looked at her slightly," you don't need to know , first things you need to know , how different the world in Crest wood is, 99% of crest wood is dominated by vampires, both pureblooded and average, we have less number count of humans and witches but they each play essential roles in maintaining balance. The power you possess is incredibly rare and valuable, which is why you can't keep it , the last person that bore the power......" His words seems to be distinct.


Eve also noticed how his words were paused half way , but that was not her problem , her problem was" do I have to die or what ?" If that was the option then Eve was sure , she wasn't going to accept this deal.


Ethan shook his head," I believe they is a way to take off the power with out putting an end to the sole bearer."


Eve raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Really? There's a way to remove the power without killing me?"


Ethan nodded. "Yes, there is a ritual that can transfer the power to another individual. It's a delicate and dangerous process, but it has been done successfully before."


Eve sighed tiredly nodding, she looked at Ethan who was standing near the window, "am i to believe you are a vampire." ? Eve asked.


" yes" he replied curtly.


Eve nodded yawning ,"all this is new to me , I really wish to freak , but my therapy for the past six years is keeping me under check" Eve stood up , " I wanna go into my room and catch a nice sleep and may be when I wake I would like to remind my self vampires aren't real."


Ethan looked at her slightly angry , he had spent few minutes of his time speaking to her , and sje is busy thinking it a joke that exists in one of her nightmares, how much more sarcastic can one be.