

There's always a reason why people want to (and actually) end their own lives. For years, I never understood the reasons.. until I was put in that kind of situation.. where I was supposed to choose between living a hellish life or the bitter sweet kiss of death. I honestly didn't want to live, but I didn't want to die either..

Hold on, let me back up.. my name is Emilia Jackson, and I was the personal slave to Mitchell Crain, alpha of the Shadow Tail pack. His mate is Allison Crain, the most beautiful she-wolf anyone has ever seen. All of the males know it's a death sentence to even look at her, but that doesn't stop them. The more they stare, the more she puts on a show.. and vice versa..

To be quite honest, I'm not really a part of this pack, despite me living in the pack house. That is, if you consider sleeping on a rusty cot in the attic, as living in the pack house. I also have a broken dresser, a hand mirror that is cracked, and a plastic comb that is halfway melted. I know what you're thinking, but it's not as bad as it seems. I kinda like what little things I have. They were thrown out because they're broken and unwanted.. much like me.

The Spring Moon pack, my pack, was a small one. We had a total of 20 members. We lived peacefully in this exact area, but we were completely and utterly decimated by Shadow Tail. My dad, the Alpha, was desperate to save our pack, my mom was desperate to protect me, and Shadow Tail was desperate for females.

My dad gave them all of our unmated females in exchange for peace between the two packs. But Shadow Tail didn't want just our females; They wanted our land, our resources.. they wanted everything we had and more.

So, how does an Alphas daughter become the slave to an Alpha of a pack of 40 to 60 blood thirsty, power hungry, monsters? I was only five when the Shadow Tail pack took over the much smaller Spring Moon pack.