

*-* About 11 Years Ago *-*

I was 10 years old and in my room playing, like it was just a normal day. Suddenly, I heard wolves growling and fighting against each other.. I didn't understand what was happening. My mom rushed into my room and picked me up.

"Mommy, what's going on?" I asked as she quickly carried me downstairs.

"Shh.. it's okay, baby. I'm gonna take you somewhere else.. somewhere safe." She whispered in my ear.

"What about Daddy?"

"He.. he's going to fight the very mean wolves. He wants us to be safe, so we have to leave. Don't be scared.. I'm going to keep you safe.. no matter what." Her voice was shaky, but she didn't let her fear show on her face.

We ran as far and as fast as we could, but Shadow Tail quickly and easily caught up to us. Knowing that it was the end for her, she hid me in a nearby crevice. She back tracked and led them away from me. I heard her scream and plead for her life, then I heard a thunderous growl, followed quickly by a deafening silence. I have the ability to hack into the mind link.. even though I couldn't talk to them, I knew what they were saying.

"Where is the girl?" One of the three wolves chasing us hissed at the other two. His golden eyes held a firey rage behind them. His pelt was almost all black. His chest, left front paw, and tail tip were a cloudy grey color.

"What girl? She didn't have any kids with her." The second wolf explained in a scared and submissive tone. Her glowing green eyes were filled with fear of failure. Her pelt was a rusty red color. She had a sandy circle around her right eye, which matched her front right and her back left legs. Her underbelly was a soft chestnut hue. She also had an Eagle's feather behind her right ear, signifying that she's a healer.

'How ironic..' I thought to myself. 'A healer was the one to take my mother's life.' A sharp wave of sadness crashed into me, like an ice filled tsunami crashing onto a city.. leaving everything in ruins.

"Did she hide her daughter or something? To try to keep her safe?" The third one asked, in a submissive tone as well. His icy blue eyes held fear, curiosity, and.. a hit of pity? His fur was light grey with a white underbelly. The tips of his ears and tail were black.

"It's possible.." The first one said thoughtfully. "Neither one of you is to leave this forest without the girl.. that's the Alphas direct orders. Understood?" He asked firmly.

"Yes, Sir." The other two said in unison. With that, the black wolf with golden eyes returned to the pack, leaving me alone with the other two wolves.

"Where do you think she is?" The light grey wolf asked his rusty red companion.

"She can't be too far.. I didn't know Callie had a kid! I only tracked her scent. I should've known.. how did I miss it?" The she-wolf started to doubt herself.

"Listen here, Kid!" The grey wolf yelled. "We don't have time to play 'Hide and Seek' with you, so just come on out!"