
Chapter 18

The demons invading Chethar were insanely chaotic and were a mix between demons raised in the lawless land and we're raised to be chaotic and destroy and eat anything to survive. You see the demon world was extremely overpopulated and the only way for demons in the lawless land to survive was to cannibalize their own kind. The other part of the lawless land were bandits or exiles that lived in the lawless land.

When these extremely destructive and starving demons came into a world that was almost made of food. The demons could eat almost anything but there were no plants in the demon world except the World tree. These demons began to attack anything that was in between them and their food so they immediately attacked the things around them.

The demons continued their rampage for a month until the Temples had their holy knights attack them. When the demons are the bodies of the humans they discovered that they were delicious and began mostly attacking humans.

Five months after the invasion the demons had been ravaging and destroying anything in their paths. And there just came more and more demons out of the portals. When this happened the Temples called for an emergency and they despatched the Templar knights. The Templar knights were extremely strong and defended the Temples.

One year after the invasion the humans had discovered that they could lure demons away with human blood so they had begun to create hooks that they put humans on so that they could be thinned down. The holy knight hated the demons to the extreme and began to actively hunt demons.

Two years after the invention the demons had begun to thin down but then famous bandit groups had already heard about the portal and joined the attack. These demons we're much stronger and created strategies to attack the humans.

Three years after the invasion the bandits we're selling humans as merchandise. The humans had now lost large amounts of their land so the humans we're getting desperate. And a tip doesn't make humans desperate. These humans we're growing to hate the demons as if they were the scum of existence and prayed to their gods.

Then when the humans got desperate they began to inject themselves with demon blood. The demon blood caused mutations in their already strong bodies making them even stronger and immune to corruption. These boosted humans were called berserkers and got more chaotic with only one goal exterminate demonkind.

These berserkers had extreme strength and had no concern with their life and started exterminating demons. These berserkers were later called the originals.

The originals began to create groups that exterminated demons. The more fight they survived the stronger they became by drinking the blood of demons. These originals were rare but we're extremely strong.

Five years after the invasion the humans had perfected the art of diluted demon blood and began to inject it into all holy knight and template. The blood was not as powerful as the originals but they still boosted the strength of the holy knight and templars. The holy knights and templars then began their take-back of their planet.

Ten years after the invasion most of the planet was taken back. But a consequence of the demon blood had begun to show. Some of the weaker willed originals and holy knights we're getting more and more demonic and were going on rampages.

The only way to stop these breakdowns we're by giving then a weekly intake of diluted demon blood. So they took demons and chained them down and took blood from them every day and had them regenerate and dilute that blood. The Temples began to call these vials of demon blood holy and used them to control most of the originals and holy knights and templars.

The temples we're growing in power by the say and we're using God's name as their reason. The peasants looked up to the holy knights, templars, and originals as heroes and the temples we're controlling the heroes. The temples had also rewritten the invasion as the holy war and that it was God's trial. This gave them more power because people looked more and more up to them.