

He stared at me fiercely. He literally had fire in his eyes.

"Y-, You-,"He stuttered as sparks spewed out his eyes. He gave out a stout that hurt my ears, suddenly fire really spewed out of his eyes. A tornado of fire burst out and blasted me backwards, if Paimon hadn't caught me, my back would have broke and that would take a while to heal.

I looked behind me to see if Paimon was ok. Blood trickled down her head. Sho stared wide eyed, as she touched the blood. "Ketchup?"She asked, tilting her head.

"You never saw blood before?" I asked.

"What's blood?"She asked again.

Aaron looked at me. "So, you know blood don't you?" He asked,"then you're the same as me."

"Normally, people in this game don't know blood, because the creator has not created it."Aaron said.

"That means, you are from earth." He said, "Like me"

"You're from earth?" I asked.

"Yes." Aaron said plainly.

Suddenly a black pain surged over my head, I grasped my head trying to shake the pain out, I was going to black out, The last thing I saw was that Aaron too, was falling down to all fours.

"Aaron!" I heard the muscular dude yell out.


I blinked in the sun light.

"You finally woke up." Aaron said coolly.

"Hey, you blacked out too." I said back at him.

"Did you have any idea about what was that? Anyway, only we two blacked out. The only people that came from earth." Aaron said curiously.

That question struck me so hard that I forgot that he only asked that because he wanted to change the topic.

"By the way, were the heck is Paimon?" I asked Aaron

He looked at me with a pained look, "She disappeared into pink petals." Aaron answered, he suddenly seem very interested at a little stone on the ground.

"What?!" I screamed. "She was fine when I saw her after you blasted me!"

"I don't think it was me that made her disappear." He said objectively. "You see all the characters that you met before, the ones who were programmed to help you, they-, they all disappeared."

"That's impossible." I muttered as a ball that I did not know was there bonked into me.

"Sorry Ma'am!" A little girl screamed out as she scrambled away to get her rubber ball.

"Ha," Aaron said as he leaned back, "she called you a girl."

I rubbed my head, "shut up."

Aaron laughed again. "Come on, let's make something to eat, do you know how to make anything?"

"No," I said, remembering the first time I cooked. "My timing is bad."

"Definitely not something I heard before." Aaron said.

In a few seconds he made 5 skewers, more importantly they were perfect.

We gulped them down quietly.

I sighed, "I notice that all the bars and things that are supposed to be in my eyesight are gone, my health bar and everything."

"Quests." I heard Aaron say. "Nothing, the quests are not coming up."

"Wait," I said confused. "These villagers have emotions!"

"Nature looks real." Aaron said.

I pulled out my sword, "My sword is not glitchy!"

"I think I need to go to the bathroom." Aaron said.

"Were," I hesitated, "were not in a game anymore."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Ignacio_3_Keegan33creators' thoughts