

Aaron and I trudged down a forest, flies whizzed around me trying to find a fresh piece of juicy meat to bite.

Aaron looked around like he was afraid something was going to pop out of nowhere.

"Dude, where are you even bringing me," I asked, confused.

"Your sword is way under-leveled, I'm trying to see if there are any bosses around here," Aaron answered, not paying any attention to me.

"Ahh, we're here." He said as he pushed away the last of the leaves.

Aaron didn't even look at where he was pointing. He seemed so familiar with this place. But all he was pointing to was an innocent little squirrel.

"Now as you see here is a blue wolf." Aaron started to lecture me.

"That's a squirrel," I said flatly.

"No, it's not." Aaron turned around. "Wh-, WHAT?"

Aaron's chin literally dropped straight to the floor.

"I guess it's because the map changed." I shrugged.

Aaron pursed his lips," I guess we will go back to our campsite."


As we were walking back to the camp, Aaron unsheathed his blade and kept on walking.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, "don't you know it's dangerous to walk with blades in your hand?"

"It's self-protection, Any beast might just pop out of nowhere."

"At least put your blade below your knees right?"

Aaron awkwardly started dragging his blade behind him, "Better?" As he glared at me, I decided not to comment.

I decided to change the subject.

"So how do we know that we still have our elemental abilities?" I asked.

"We don't, how bout you try it out?" Aaron stopped walking and turned to me. "So~, what ability do you have?"

"Dunno," I said.

"How do you not know your own ability?" He asked again.

"I had wind before, but now it disappeared."

Aaron tilted his head, "How are you so oblivious to everything?"

He pulled out his hand and opened his fingers wide, It looked like he was trying to palm a basketball. He took a deep breath.

"Four Lions, Fire Blast" He said simply.

His eyes opened wide, inside of his pupil turned 4 different shades of red. His palm turned red, and was turning hot.

"Can you like, turn your burning hand away from my burnable face?" I Shouted over the rouring fire.

He turned his hand up to the sky just as 2 lions came shooting ouut of his hand, they were twisting, turning and running on air as they soured to they sky.

"Whoa," I said speechless, "I wish I could do that."

"That was pretty cool right?" He asked.

Just then the 2 lions exploded and magma rained from the sky.

I'm sooooo sorry for the wait.

Ignacio_3_Keegan33creators' thoughts