
Trapped in a world of superheroes? (Ghost Rider X Avengers)

Portal. The bane of his existence. Now trapped in a world that is supposed to be a fiction for the rest of his life with a power that is out of this world, what shall Wilhelm do? One thing for sure, being a hero certainly did not cross his mind. It is a childish dream which is long gone. But being a teacher for future hero(es) does sound quite nice, if he is to admit. (FEM!Peter)

JustS_RandomWriter · ภาพยนตร์
12 Chs

A Fantastic And Marvelous Introduction

"Christ. Last time I had an inviting butt like this, we did not destroy a building."

Wilhelm mutters under his breath as he catches a groan of the owner of the buttocks that are planting firmly on his face. His nose touching a very specific place, unintentionally taking in the quite pleasant feminine scent of whoever this is. Then, a startled hiss, and the large toned bottom lifts up.

He raises a brow, watching in amusement as the blonde-haired woman touches her butt with a visible pink on her cheeks, as she turns facing him. She is dressing in a black skimpy leotard with a golden thunder-like shape on the front, along with thigh-high boots and elbow gloves in the same color... oh dear, is that a domino mask?

"...I admit you are making it hard for me to keep my hands to myself, but I am not sure if I am into that kind of play, if you are wondering."

The woman blinks as the words sink into her hand, deepening her flesh. "Wh-Why do people keep associating my mask with B.D.S.M anyway?!"

"Eh. Not going to lie, give you a riding-crop, and you fit right in."

She sends a soft glare, even though she knows his remark makes sense. In a tick, however, she turns frantic, realizing what transpired moments ago. She quickly crouches down and begins checking on him. "Oh my God! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! C-Can you move?! Of course you can't. I-I need to find the ambulance and—"

"Relax." Wilhelm flicks her forehead, making her yelp. "I am fine, as you can see."

"Of course. You're right." She gulps, calmer this time. "I thought I really k-killed a civilian, even if it was by accident. But you sure? Do you need help?"

"Nah." Wilhelm waves at her dismissively. "Just go and... help the Fantastic Four. I will be here to... catch my breath and join you later."

"I don't think it's wise for a civilian to play hero," she points out; her voice is stern.

Which Wilhelm deadpans. "Woman," he starts tiredly, "if I were a normal person, my head no doubt would have exploded the moment that big ass of yours touched me." She winces and unconsciously touches her rear. "As you can see, I am safe and sound. You think that is normal?"

She blinks. He is technically right. If anything, he is far from normal.

"W-Well, my point stands."

"And you are not my mother; deal with it. Now shoo!"

The blondie let out a frustrated groan. "Fine! Do whatever the heck you want. I'm not gonna take responsibility if anything happens, all right? Don't say I didn't warn you!"

She turns her back to him and immediately launches into the sky, rejoining the fight.

"Nice ass. And nicer thighs. Still, I only dig them if she is a bit nicer. No fun pounding that juicy ass if she keeps nagging at me throughout the entire time—oh, the aphrodisiac does not wear off yet?"

"I heard all that, you asshole!"

"I am not going to apologize, if you are wondering." At the same time, Wilhelm answers a call from Adam. "Impeccable timing, Adam."

"Are you all right, sir? I momentarily lost the connection. And Ms. Calida just arrived home."

"Safe and sound. Got myself an ass to the face as a bonus too."

"...I'll pretend I didn't hear that."

"So—" Wilhelm gets up as the rubbles fall off him, rolling his neck, grunting "—who is the moron that is trying to ruin my day this time? I swear, there is always something new happening everyday."

"The one you're looking for is... Victor von Doom, or preferably called Dr. Doom."

"Excuse me, but his name is what now?"

"Victor von Doom."

"...Victor von Doom? Von Doom?" Wilhelm repeats the name; his eyes twitching. "What the bloody hell kind of last name is von Doom? And here I thought I suck at naming."

"To be fair, you do suck at naming."

"Hush now. Anyhow, anything else I need to know about this Dr. Doom?"

"He's a high-profile politician in the Kingdom of Latveria, and is considered one of the most brilliant minds and scientists on Earth," Adam lists. "Unequalled in intellect and ego, which also serves as the main reason for his rivalry and vendetta against Reed Richards of Fantastic Four. According to what I dug up, the cause is likely because... Reed Richards is smarter than him?"

Another explosion occurs. This time, four individuals, with three of them are dressing in blue-themed spandex and one is literally a humanoid rock, rushing at the cloaked and floating metal-masked man and his army of look-alike robots from the newly-created hole on the Baxter Building.

"You are telling me that guy is going full tilt at making this Reed Richards' life miserable because he cannot stand the fact the man is smarter than him?" Wilhelm asks in disbelief.

"Unfortunately, Victor von Doom makes it very clear about it."

"For Christ's sake! To think the day is ruined, because of a such petty reason?" Wilhelm plants both hands on his face, groaning. "Fuck me. Humanity and our fragile ego. Never change..."

Wilhelm looks at his surrounding. He hopes the building's owner does not mind what he is about to do to what is left of it, because he has some serious pent-up irritation to release.


Victor von Doom has attacked the Baxter Building, again, for the second time this month. And Reed Richards curses whoever thought giving diplomatic immunity to a maniac like Victor was a brilliant idea. Stretching his arm, thanks to his Plasticity which let him convert the mass of his body into highly malleable state, he knocks down several and destroys several Doombots; basically they are copies of Victor himself, acting and speaking like him, but robots.

At the same time, Jonathan "Johnny" Storm blasts through waves of Doombots with his fiery flames-covered body, navigating through the lines of fire with practiced ease and providing cover for Reed Richards with blasts of fire.

Susan "Sue" Storms creates her force fields, shielding civilians from stray bullets and rubbles, whilst guiding them to safety with the police force. Ben Grimm, possessing a smooth, orange and rock-like hide, a walking boulder, launches himself at a floating Dr. Doom, manages to bring the mad doctor down with sheer strength and weight. Yet, the mad doctor quickly recovers, grabbing and throwing the rock man to a truck.

Ms. Marvel let out a thundering war cry, unleashes an earth-shattering punch at Dr. Doom. The mad doctor manages to block the punch in time, although a dent is created on his armored forearm upon the contact. He clicks his tongue. Ms. Marvel narrows her eyes behind the domino mask. Soon, the two engage in intense hand-to-hand combat, exchanging deadly blows with swift efficiencies with no side looking to gain the dominance.

Dr. Doom blocks a cross aimed at his face. His other hand extends, gathers an enormous source of electricity. Ms. Marvel widens her eyes as he releases the attack on her, sending her skidding across the road. Her two feet dig deep into the asphalt road, create two trenches that stretch along the skid. Fortunately, she manages to cancel out of the attack, her x-shaped blocking arms emit some smoke, but it leaves her panting and hissing. The electricity stings her body here and there.

"What's the matter, Ms. Marvel?" Dr. Doom gloats with his arms folded and several Doombots start to surround him. "Is Doom too much for you? Doom expected better than someone your caliber."

"This guy really like to talk, huh?" Ms. Marvel remarks flatly. "Hey, Reed. How the hell do you guys even deal with this egotistical piece of shit!? He's starting to piss me off with his 'how great Doom is' speech. I didn't return Earth to deal with this on a freaking Sunday!"

"Oh, you know." Reed lands next to her, sighing. "Kick his ass, and let his kingdom take care of the rest... like usual. Stupid politicians and their diplomatic immunity."

"Doom heard that, Richards! Doom is NOT stupid!"

"...Damn, I really feel bad for you guys."

"Guys!" Susan shouts from the sidewalk, annoyed. "Less chatting and more fighting, please!"

"Oh, right. We need to deal with his robots before we—"


Instinctively, everybody turns to the source of the shout, with almost everybody gasping and gaping at the sight of a LITERAL building—the very same jewelry shop that Ms. Marvel is well-aware—goes flying at Dr. Doom and his bots, sliding and creating one huge mess across the road, which is empty of civilians at this point.

"—or that works as well...?"

Dumbfounded with slackened-jaws, aside an impressed Ms. Marvel as a certain pervert immediately comes to her mind—he really was not joking about not being normal—Fantastic Four and Ms. Marvel look to where the building was thrown and find a wheezing man with his hands on his knees, looking out of breath as his entire body shakes; his greyed-hair shadowing his scarred face as he desperately gasps for air, seemingly on the verge of collapsing.

Concerned, Ms. Marvel immediately rushes to his side and holds him, one hand on his toned chest and the other on his well-defined back, allowing to slightly lean to her. The man let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah. Say what you want, I am all ears for your nagging," he deadpans.

"...It was a risky move," Ms. Marvel chides suddenly. "What if there were people there?! You could have killed somebody with that stunt."

"I knew no one was there, aside some cars and all. I am sharper than I appear."

"Still—" her face softens "—just try and be careful next time..."

"Wilhelm," Wilhelm introduces himself with a casual grin. "Wilhelm Hermann, at your service."

"Ms. Marvel. Can't say my name, since, y'know, it's a secret identity."

He already knows who she is, Carol Danvers. But she does not have to know yet.

At the meantime, the Fantastic Four approaches the two, still wide-eyes that earlier action. Specially, Johnny Storm lands next to Wilhelm and exits his form with his jaw practically drops. The 'Human Torch' places a hand on Wilhelm's shoulder, with the latter raises a brow.

"Holy fuck. That. Was. AWESOME!" the blonde and short-haired superhero cries, laughs excitedly. "Where the hell did you even come from, man?! What was that?! You lift, man?! Shit, you're strong! You gotta share your brother how to get as strong as you, man!"

"Advanced technology and an absurd amount of pain tolerance," Wilhelm deadpans.

"Careful now. He looks hurt, Johnny," Ms. Marvel points out.

"Oh, shit! Sorry, man! Got a little too excited. Here." Johnny puts Wilhelm's arm around his shoulder and carefully let him stand straight. "Got you, my man. The F4 got your back now. Still, who're you, man?"

"That's what we'd like to know as well," Reed says, as Susan and Ben share a nod; the three still has a shocked, but now mostly curious stare on their faces.

"A concerned citizen," Wilhelm answers dryly. "And somebody who is pissed off because some dumbass believes he could ruin my day off without facing any consequences."

"Long week?" Reed continues tiredly.

"You have no idea."

For a moment, Wilhelm Herrmann and Reed Richards, both men see a kindred-soul in each other.

"Still, we haven't known your name," Ben, or 'The Thing', points out.

"Wilhelm. Wilhelm Herrmann. You can call me Will in short," Wilhelm introduces again. "At your service. Also, I do believe there should be an appointment regarding my needed materials for some of my personal projects?"

Susan blinks, realizing what he is talking about. "Wait, you're that Wilhelm, the guy who created an A.I that is way more advanced than what Tony Stark made and a combat armor that is basically self-sufficient?! Tony Stark is gonna be so jealous. If he makes it out alive, that is."

"Wait a second, you're that guy?" Reed says, blinking several times.

"What're you guys talking about?" Ms. Marvel inquires, slightly confused.

"Let's just say Tony Stark is gonna have a field day with Wilhelm if that playboy ever finds out about his existence," Ben adds with a light chuckle.


"I assure you, Adam overexaggerated," Wilhelm answers with a sigh. "It is a long story. I will explain later. But are we all forgetting something, or rather someone?"

The sextet turns their attention to the wreckage of what used to be a jewelry shop, as an arm emerges before a certain metal-masked Dr. Doom pulls himself out of the rubbles. His cloak is tattered, while he dusts off the rocks, narrowing his eyes particularly at Wilhelm.

"That... hurts..." Dr. Doom growls. "You will pay for hurting Doom, insect."

"And the motherfucker even uses third P.O.V!" Wilhelm's eyebrows twitch. "This bloody day keeps on giving more and more. You want me to break the cocksucker, physically and mentally, so he will never bother any of you ever again? Free of charge."

"I don't think that's a good idea, considering his international position," Reed says.

"I know about his diplomatic immunity. But that shit is not going to stop me from teaching the fucker a lesson. Bringing troubles into another country and harming its citizens are big no-fucking-no."

"Cool! I'm in!" Johnny says. "Let's kick his ass, all six of us!"

"Can you even fight, or do anything in that state?" Ms. Marvel inquires.

In response, Wilhelm straightens himself and puts his arm down off Johnny's shoulder, taking in his breath sharply and rubbing his trapezius. "There. Took some time, since I overexerted my muscles too much. I should be fine now."

"And that was reckless, sir," Adam's voice sounds in Wilhelm's head. "Your nanomachines haven't finished recalibrating. Pushing yourself past the nanites' capability right now is too dangerous."

"I know. I know. At least I'm less irritated now."

"Who're you talking to, Will?"

Wilhelm blinks, looking to Susan who is staring at him weirdly with others.

"Ah. It is just Adam, my A.I friend."

"In any case," Reed interjects, turning serious, "Will, you got Victor's attention. I believe you already have a plan before throwing that building at him?"

"Fret not. I got plenty of them, all right." Wilhelm smiles widely, turning to Ben. "Hey, rock guy."

"It's Ben."

"I already know. That said, want to become a real rocket for once in your life?"

For some reason, the statement starts to worry the women of the group. The men seem to realize the meaning behind it also, as Johnny grins ear to ear while Reed wonders if this is a good idea.

As for Ben? The big rock guy let his rough, shit-eating smirk answers the question.

"Tell me what to do." Ben bumps his fist into his palm.

"You stay with me, rock guy," Wilhelm issues. "Ms. Storm, you continue helping the police. Richards and your brother are going to take care of the bots while assisting Ms. Marvel. And Ms. Marvel, you are the big gun here. Draw his attention to you, give Ben and I a window of opportunity."

And the superheroes immediately get to their tasks without further questions, knowing who it is they are dealing with here.

"So," Ben starts inquisitively, "how exactly am I gonna be a rocket?"

"I throw you," Wilhelm answers simply.

Ben raises a brow, if there is one. "Throw me?"

"What? I just threw a building at the fucker. You cannot be that heavy."

"True. But you sure you got the juice to throw me that fast?"

In response, Wilhelm raises his hand up and pulls his jacket's sleeve back to his elbow, revealing his scarred and muscle-clad forearm, as it is entirely covered in a dark layer of nigh-indestructible alloy. Ben let out an appreciative whistle while Wilhelm grins back.

"What's that?"

"Tell you all later."

Dr. Doom makes slow stride towards Wilhelm and Been, mainly focuses on the former as he ignores the Doombots surrounding him being destroyed. That mongrel dared to injure him, and he is going to pay. However, a certain Ms. Marvel land in front of him, blocking his way while crossing her arms with a narrowed gaze.

"Please move, Ms. Marvel," Dr. Doom demands. "Doom will overlook your insolence. Doom's fight is with that insect. It doesn't concern you."

"Hate to break it to you, but I just took a shine to my new friend." Ms. Marvel gets into her fighting stance, grinning cockily. "I especially like the way he shut your gabby mouth."

"Then you shall pay for standing in Doom's way—!"

"Yo, Doom! Eat this!" Johnny throws a heel kick right at Dr. Doom's spines, eliciting a gasp from the sudden gasp. However, Dr. Doom quickly snaps his head back, enraged. Which Johnny gulps, and watches the mad doctor grabs his ankle. "Oops...?"

"Doom grows tired of you, Johnny boy."

Dr. Doom proceeds to fling the Human Torch to a car, causing it to explode in the process. At once, Ms. Marvel hurls a cross to Doom's cheek, catching him off guard. The strike leaves him staggering as he clutches the mask, feeling a dent on the surface.

"You said you expected more, right?" Ms. Marvel growls, as each step she makes creates a crater on the road, with her muscles harden. "I was holding back because civilians were in the way. I couldn't risk their lives. But now that they're safe, I think I earn myself a little... letting loose!"

"Come! Doom will take you on!"

A huge crater is created under the monstrous shockwaves which is generated from the two punches colliding into each other, shattering every window and glass nearby. The next moment, both Doom and Ms. Marvel look blurry, as they exchange devastating blows that would kill a normal person.

"Those two are going at it," Wilhelm remarks. "And that ass. Damn it, I want that juicy ass."

"Focus, Will! Doom's still at large!"

"Oh, right." Wilhelm blinks. "Sorry. The aphrodisiac has not worn off yet."

"Aphrodisiac? What the hell happened to you?" Ben asks, a little concerned.

"My drink got spiked with the damned thing yesterday." Wilhelm groans. "The thing is messing with my mind and thoughts. At this rate, I may lay my hands on a woman without me realizing it."

"That bad?"

"That bad."

"...You need to get laid."

"After this, and the meeting, yeah, I think I might."

Now that Ms. Marvel and Dr. Doom has taken their fight to the air, Wilhelm makes some last-minute adjustment to his throwing position, with Ben nearby.

"Ready whenever you're, Will. Make the shot count."

"Just going to need a signal from Ms. Marvel," Wilhelm informs, watching the fight closely, intently, as he soon notices Ms. Marvel tilts her head over her shoulder, in the disguise of taking a jab to her cheek, and winks at him. "Now, Ben!"

The Thing rushes and jumps at him, before he lands perfectly on Wilhelm's open palm. Gritting his teeth, Wilhelm centers everything he has into the throw, feeling the 500 pounds—more than 220 kg—projectile in his hand, ready to be launched. With a bellow, Wilhelm crushes his front foot deep into the road, and with his every might, hurls Ben squarely at none other than Dr. Doom.

Ms. Marvel smirks as she wipes the blood off her cheek.

"What're you so smug about, Ms. Marvel?" Dr. Doom questions, irritated.

"Nothing." The smirk threatens to split her face. "We got you a little surprise."

Immediately, Ms. Marvel drops straight down, no longer in the air, surprising Dr. Doom. However, his surprise is replaced with a sense of dread as he spots a familiar orange humanoid-rock launching at him. No time to defend himself, Dr. Doom does not waver, confident to take on The Thing...

...until he alarmingly widens his eyes when he realizes where Ben is going to hit him.

"Eat shit, Victor!"

Every man in the area suddenly covers his crotch, including the Doombots; a row of collective winces can be heard throughout the place. All almost feel bad for Dr. Doom—almost—as the mad doctor is knocked out of air, wheezing painfully as his precious jewelry is being crushed by Ben's rocky head, and the ferocious strength behind the throw.

Everybody is now aware he may have some problems with making kids from now on. Not that they feel bad about it, as he deserves it for the troubles that he brought to everyone here.

Johnny, who has now recovered, lands next to Wilhelm, making a face. "Remind me not to piss you off in the future, alright, man?"

Ben and Dr. Doom stay in the air for a moment, before they both start to fall down. Doom plunges straight down, creating another crater and screen of dust, while Reed expands himself and turns his body into a nest with the light poles securing him in place, covering Ben's fall. Susan comes in, using her field force to cover Reed, and carefully lays Ben down. Ms. Marvel uses this chance and destroys the rest of the Doombots; all of which stand no chance against her.

Ben groans and places a hand on his head, still dazed. Before long, his ear ringing stops, prompting him to grin and accept the hands from Reed and Susan, who pull him to his feet.

"I want to do that again!" Ben claims excitedly. "Did that get him? Tell me it got that bastard!"

Reed takes a look at the crater with Dr. Doom inside, seeing no sign of movement. "...Yeah, I think that got Victor. And Ben, you... uh, got blood on your head." Which he turns slightly pale.

"...He had it coming." Ben shrugs nonchalantly.

Johnny and Wilhelm soon join the group, with the former sending wary glances while the latter looks deadpanned as he pushes his left arm back into the socket, sighing contentedly. Ms. Marvel joins the five of them soon after. Wilhelm raises a brow as he sees a variety of reactions, although mostly they are wariness, for good reasons. He does not blame them, of course.

"Even I don't wish such a fate would befall on my nemesis, Will," Reed remarks slowly.

"The cocksucker ruined my day off and endangered the lives of many people." Wilhelm makes his way to the newly-created crater. The dust screen disperses, revealing a twitching Dr. Doom lying flat on the ground, unable to move an inch. "Next time, Doom, you drag your ass here, I will find you—" his tone takes a sinister edge, sending a chill down the superheroes' spines "—and personally make sure death will be the least of your problems. Mark my words."

"D-Doom... shan't yield... Doom will always... remember... this humiliation—!"

Wilhelm smashes his fist into Dr. Doom's face, denting the entire front of the mask, putting the mad doctor out of commission. He spares a glance at Dr. Doom's bleeding crotch and rejoins the rest of the superheroes.

"Even in his defeat, he still has to say something..." Ms. Marvel grumbles. "Someone should stop the bleeding before he bleeds to death, by the way. Susan?"

Susan nods dumbly. "We will... lock him up, right after patching him up. And the meeting? Do you still want to talk about your materials, Will?"

"If you are willing to sell them."

"After helping us taking care of Victor and putting your life on the line for civilians when you didn't need to, I think you earn more than that." Reed grins at Wilhelm, before noticing a certain group of people approaching them in the distance. "Let's head inside first. Reporters are going to swarm this place in no time."

"Hey, I like interviews—oof!"

"Not now, Johnny," Susan hisses, elbowing Johnny. "We got more important stuffs to do."

He winces, rubbing his side. "Such a killjoy as always, sis..."

"Ha! She got you there, punk!" Ben chuckles, with Ms. Marvel giggling.

"Wanna join us? The more the merrier," Susan suggests, looking at Ms. Marvel.

"Sure. I got nothing to do right now anyway."

Susan holds her hand out, forming a barrier around an unconscious Dr. Doom while trying her best to ignore the blood stain on his crotch, heading inside the Baxter Building, with Reed, Ben, and Ms. Marvel follow suit. Wilhelm cannot help but look at Ms. Marvel's swaying hips and her big perfectly-rounded ass; Johnny joins the fun, as the two share a knowing look.

"Nice," they both say.

"Stop ogling my behind and head inside, boys," Ms. Marvel chides with a sly grin, noticing the stares, with a wink directed at Wilhelm as she tilts her head over her shoulder.

"She's into you, man." Johnny elbows Wilhelm playfully, wiggling his brows.

Wilhelm says nothing, only returns the grin that Johnny is giving him with one of his own. Soon both him and Johnny join the rest of the group and enter the building, as the reporters start encircling the front entrance. Some manages to snap a picture of his face, but he ignores it.

He is well-aware sooner or later people will take notice. Though, he does not anticipate it would be this quick. Then again, with the troubles he faced these three days, it bounds to happen. And being seen with the Fantastic Four and helping them, he will the talk for days to come.

People will be wondering if he is another hero.

Unfortunately, Wilhelm is well-aware he is no hero-material. Heroes do not exactly kill, nor do shady stuffs behind the scene. All that kind of unheroic things. And that is fine to him. Let the people look up to the ones who keep them safe everyday. Folks like the Fantastic Four, or Ms. Marvel.

As for Wilhelm? Dirtying his hands to keep the world clean is simply another Tuesday.


And that's chapter 6! Whew, 6 chaters in a week. I'm gonna take a day off tomorrow, Sunday and all.

Either way, get your tissues ready because the next chapter will get steamy, for good reasons ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and have a nice day. See you soon!

P/S: Leave a review to tell me how I'm doing so far. I'll be very grateful if you guys do that. Thanks a lot! :D

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