


I had no guts to leave everything behind , be it love and family but I had to at the end of the day to prove that I can do anything for them. The road I had embarked on was full of thorns and darkness and I had to get swallowed by all of it on my own . It was high time I learn to live and cry without someone's shoulder . I was packing my things when from my room when Miuandra suddenly appeared.

I quickly stopped what I was doing with a teary streaked face I looked up at her she was smirking like a demoness.

Me: why are you here now? ( she questioned weakly from crying)

Miundra: to tell you that your Sean is bleeding to death right now ...I told you if your heart beats for him he will feel pain all over his body he will be pricked till he bleeds out the pain ... There is a slim chance for him to survive if this continuous for the next twenty four hour.... the curse has started to take it's effect

I dropped on the floor my hands on my head. I wanted to cry but I couldn't find the voice to . I felt as if all my energy was just drained from me . why can't I control my damn heart from beating . Why!!!!!!!!!

Me: why is this happening ??? why Is he bleeding??? ( she said in whispers as hot tears of hurt stung her eyes her she started feeling pricks all over her)

Miuandra: you can save him but on one condition,,

I quickly lifted up my face to look into her eyes. I touched her feet

Me: whatever the condition I'm ready ..( she said hurriedly with a pleading tone)

Miuandra sighed helping me to get on my feet

Miuandra: you have to turn into a poisonous serpent and live at a secluded place where you will never meet with Sean ever again. Even if your heart continuous to beat for him it won't affect him but,, ( she paused closing her eyes)

Me: but what??? ( she asked already impatient)

Miuandra: you should never look into his eyes or get close to him or he will be turned to ashes... ( she said slowly seeing how Kiara's expression was turning hard by every word ... Kiara started laughing sadly at her own self)

Me: how stupid of me to think I was going to escape the clutches of the curse ...I'm such a fool.. ( she continued to laugh as tears streamed down her face) this doesn't leave me with no choice ... I would rather walk away than seeing him bleeding to death .


Miuandra: you should think about it first,,

Me: is there anything to think about ??? There is nothing ...what about my family?

Miuandra: you have to be far from them as well ,,,, because will turn everyone to ashes who is closer to you who you will make eye contact with

Me: so ...I have to be alone then hmm I see the lone serpent ,,( she smiled sadly trying to get a grip of herself)

Miuandra: I'm sorry you have to to leave this life on your own,, ( she said looking down as guilty conscious took over)

Me: I can try to run away from the curse but I can't change my fate ....it's not your fault it was bound to happen one day ... ( she said turning away from her and continued to pack her clothes)

Miuandra: I have a place to take you ...

Me: I really appreciate that .,,, can I meet with Sean for the last time ....( she asked with a hesitating voice)

Miuandra: yes ,,,, tonight will be the last day after that you will turn into a poisonous serpent,

I sighed with deep relief . At least I can say goodbye to him for the last time .

I looked at my wrist watch it was past eight pm. I dialled Sean number

Sean: Kiku is that you ( he said with relief)

Me: meet me at the roadside we first met now, ( she quickly hung up)

Miuandra: a car will come to pick you up,( she shouted after Kiara)

I teleported to the place where we first met. I sat on the benches by the road side . The air wasn't lively at all it was full of a cold aura and melancholy. I looked up the sky there was only one star which was brightening above. A star of hope was only left suddenly a dark cloud swept over it like a flash of light it disappears. That star was like me I didn't know in an instant hopes to be in love with someone can get clouded by fear. Loving him was losing him instead . I looked down with a tremble. Suddenly a warm breeze approached caressing my cheeks... freezing time ...wiping away all the sadness rubbing away all the scars in my heart . I quickly stood up lifting up my face my gaze fell on his . The car lights were brightening on us so I could clearly see his pain though he tried to mask it with a smile. I could see he still believed everything was fine between us .

We stood there for more than ten minutes as we looked intently at each other exposing each others woes, I tried to stay composed but I couldn't. He walked two steps forward to me .

Me: S_Sean ( she stuttered as she rubbed both her hands nervously)

Sean: Kiku,,, ( he whispered back)

Without any warning he pulled me to him I land on his chest.

Sean: what is bothering you Kiku?

Me: I'm leaving Sean and I want you to stop thinking about me because there is no way we will bring it to live_ just let it go

She whispered her face buried on his chest

Sean: stop playing games with me you know I will never want to hear even a whisper of you telling me you are leaving,,,,

Me: I'm not playing that's what is going to happen

I pulled away from him cupping his cheeks , he shoved away my hands looking at me with disbelief.

Sean: I don't get what you are saying

Me: you will get it soon just know I did it for you

Sean: for me??!! I can't believe you so selfish ( he uttered with a painful look)

Me: I know you are in pain right now

Sean: this pain is nothing compared to the wound you are about to dig in my heart ....I told you I would rather bleed to death.. linger in pain than allowing you to walk away from me ( he said with furry)

I looked down with tears

Me: I..

Sean: I love you Kiku can't you understand that?! ( he questioned cupping her cheeks she shook her head)

Me: I'm afraid it's impossible for you and I ( Sean dropped a tear) you have to let me go and move as if you have never known me before ( she said with a shaky tone)

Sean: you have never understood my love for you ....( he laughed sadly at himself) are you angry because Ishaan told me about the curse

Me: that's not it ...it's something different Sean ...it's not even easy for me to say these words to you... Do you think I'm enjoying this ( she shouted with tears)

It started raining

Sean: you enjoying if you can tell me this

A car stopped by us , I took a step backwards from Sean and smiled at him

Me: be good and take Care of Kala... And I love you and will always do_( she finished the sentence turning away)

I got in the car ..Sean screamed calling out my name ... I looked through the window I saw him running after the car I was in crying suddenly he fall on his knees I closed my eyes ..