
Transmigration: Woke up as monk in a demonic temple

Yu Yan died and found himself in the body of a monk that had just died, and finds out that the world he transmigrated into is very...weird. As early as twelve years ago, all the real monks in the temple were killed, and their corpses were buried in a small forest thus giving birth to demonic trees. In the Buddhist hall, there is a polluted Buddha statue that can attract ghosts just by sitting under it. Bandits and murders roam in the temple dressed as monks! ...

chrysantheater · ตะวันออก
25 Chs

Big Secret

Yu Yan didn't ask.

Firstly, it would be stupid to do so, and secondly, he thought so too.

Because as soon as he arrived, he was first served with a table of dishes and drinks.

Although it was manifested for him by magical means, it did not conform to the way of setting up a banquet.

The only reason is that Lan Xing Temple will send people to the banquet.

To start a banquet, the host has to wait until all the guests arrive!

So, there is a 90 percent chance that he only received such treatment because of Moonless.

Well, he didn't hug this thigh for nothing!

Thinking of this, Yu Yan secretly tore off a chicken wing and quickly stuffed it into his mouth.

"Monk, you stole it again!"

"Namo Amitabha, the poor monk ate it in an upright manner."

Yu Yan corrected while biting the chicken wing. the word "stole" is indecent, and it doesn't fit his style of painting.

He is the future young abbot of Lan Xing Temple.

Handsome, talented and elegant, standing upright like a straight mountain, and the white jade skin is flawless, which is in line with his style of character design.

Although no one currently admits that he is the future abbot of Lan Xing Temple, and the current abbot of Lan Xing Temple has not expressed such an intention, but this does not prevent Yu Yan from admitting himself at all.

After all the hereditary style of Lan Xing temple is different from others, if the abbot is not convinced, find a way to let him write a will, and let him pass away early...

If Yu Yan really did that, it was just carrying out the "tradition" of the older generation... that's all.

Moonless became anxious and wanted to cover the plate, but she was too small, and if she covered one side, she couldn't control the other side, so she had to eat desperately.

"Come on, take a sip of wine, this is fruit wine, you won't get drunk."

Yu Yan also panicked a bit, after all, she is an earth immortal, so she easts way faster than him if really puts her mind to it.

He quickly tried to divert Moonless's attention.

'This cat is too much!'

'If she continues to eat like this, I won't have anything to eat.'

"Nope! No way! You drink it if you like it so much!"

Moonless replied between bites.

Seeing that the plan didn't work out, Yu Yan instantly disregarded his own style of painting and fought the cat.

In the end, he ate until his face was greasy, and there were residues around his mouth.

He was the very image of a fake monk.

"Monk, you look really ugly."

Moonless expressed her disgust.

Yu Yan stretched out his hand and flicked away the residue on the cat's whiskers, with a calm expression on his face, and then said lightly,

"Sister, don't talk down on me, after all, we're the same."

After speaking, Yu Yan checked himself.

After taking a closer look, he realized that he actually gained a body similar to that of martial arts practitioner in the world.

Although he was not like a body builder, but compared to before, Yu Yan looked a bit more imposing and burly.

The strength in his hands and feet felt stronger by tenfold.

"Bah (spitting sound), bah, bah, you are worth half a kilogram of scrap iron, and I am eight kilograms of gold, how could we be the same?"

Wuyue was very dissatisfied.

"Doesn't that mean that your eating is way uglier than mine?"

Yu Yan intentionally acted shocked, as if he didn't expect anyone to admit expose themselves like that.

Moonless wanted to scratch him with her paw, but she found out that Yu Yan's face face became thicker, since he had just eaten a meal of immortals, and his body had been completely reborn.

I'm addition, she was afraid that if she tried harder, his good looking face would be ruined by her.

So angry!

The angry Moonless had no choice but to roll around in place to express her dissatisfaction.

At this time, a cloud of white mist poured out from a towering ancient tree, and then a figure emerged.

It wasn't the man just now, but he was also pretty, and dressed as a servant.

He took a peek at Wuyue, who was rolling around on the mat under the desk, looking unloved, quickly looked back, and then said respectfully,

"Great monk, since you have finished your meal, please come with me."

Yu Yan quickly grabbed Moonless, put he on his shoulder, then folded his hands together, and proclaimed the Buddha's name.

"Namo Amitabha, where is the benefactor taking the poor monk?"

"If you want to eat food, you have to go to the Dao discussion place, but the master said that since the great monk was brought by an earth immortal, then not only can this rule be exempted, but we also need to treat you well."

"Right now, we need to take the monk to rest."

The young man explained.

Yu Yan heard about the Dao discussion, he knew why Shen Hui asked him to come to the banquet.

After all, Shen Hui even asked him questions that seemed very common to him, and even asked him for advice on matters of cultivation.

It seemed that Shen Hui would not dare to come here to talk about the Dao no matter what!

His lack of knowledge would be quickly exposed.

Yu Yan also felt that it was a pity he was taken to the Dao discussion, after all, no one had ever defeated him in bragging back in preschool.

He was the only person he new who could brag a McDonald's cashier as a financial transaction handler for a multi million dollar company.

He also wanted to experience the feeling of being down on for his age, the turn around and start slapping people in the face (metaphorical).

Yu Yan expressed his thanks to the boy, and then followed him without saying much, the forest was extremely quiet.

He realized that he did not feel any wind ever since he had stepped into this place.

So as he walked the only sound he heard was from his footsteps and the cat's tail swinging in the air and tapping on his back.

'So... is this boy a ghost?'

Yu Yan maliciously guessed, because the boy was walking ahead, but there was no sound of his footsteps.

But compared to this, there is one thing that really puzzled Yu Yan.

'What happened to my ability to see the information of everything I see?'

'Why don't I see the familiar square brackets, and give this little guy's information?'

'Speaking of which, not only the guy in front of him, but even those people from before, none of them made the square brackets pop up.'

'What on earth, or whatever foreign planet I am in, is happening?'

Yu Yan felt uneasy in his heart, compared to relying on other people, he cared more about his ability to gain information on the things he looked at.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of water.

That was not the sound of flowing water, but the huge impact sound caused by a large amount of water crashing down from above.

Yu Yan couldn't help looking forward, only to see some whiteness suddenly appearing among the autumn coloured leafs, which seemed to be water, and the surrounding area was misty, with water and mist filling the air.

After walking a few more steps, Yu Yan suddenly saw a huge Vines, twined around several towering ancient trees.

This vine was huge, it looked like a group of anacondas coiled around the trees!

Yu Yan looked at it, and a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

Because the familiar square brackets finally had popped up, but this did not make Yu Yan feel astonished.

What surprised him was the content in the brackets.

[Han Teng: The hundred-year-old vines on Thorn Ridge.

Infected by the thousand-year-old cypress demon--Guzhi Gong's evil spirit, gave birth to spiritual wisdom.

It is able to temporarily change human form.

It is the surbodinate of the dead bamboo demon-- Old man Fu Yun.

Fu Yun used this vine demon to cover up his yin energy, and managed to survive under the cover of the world.]

'Is this Han Teng the real body of that boy?'

Yu Yan now understood why the ability to get information didn't before just now, it was because what he saw was just someone else's illusion.

But right now, he accidentally saw his body!

'However, does this count as an accidental glimpse into the biggest secret in Thorn Ridge?'

Yu Yan's face was expressionless, but he was a little flustered in his heart.

'There are quite a few hundred-year-old demons on Thorn Ridge, and there are even millennium-level ones!'

'What a terrifying monster this is!'


The end

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