
Transmigration: In the world of ONE PIECE

Trevor, an ordinary young man from Earth, finds himself unexpectedly transmigrated into the treacherous and chaotic world of One Piece. As he grapples with his new reality, he discovers that he possesses the Solo Leveling system, a powerful system that will help in his journey of becoming the strongest person in the world. In a world dominated by powerful pirates, ruthless Marines, and deadly sea monsters, Trevor must quickly adapt to survive. Will Trevor conquer this new world, or will he succumb to the overwhelming forces that seek to control or destroy him? Will Trevor become a Shadow Monarch, or will he surpass that level and become something even greater? Only time will tell as he embarks on a relentless quest for survival, power, and ultimately, freedom. ___________________________________ The system that our Mc has is the same one that Sung Jin-woo had in the Solo Levelling Novel. Though it won't be absolutely same as there would be some modifications made in order to fit the One Piece Universe. As for what those modifications are, I guess you have to read the chapters and find out as the story progresses. ___________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------ I own nothing except the main character of the book. The One Piece world and it's characters belong to their respective creators. Also the cover page is not mine. If the owner of the cover page wants it to be taken down, then it can be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/Wordalchemist

Word_Alchemist · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

4. Freezing hell: Inspection

Magellan, the Chief Warden of Impel Down, always took his rounds seriously. Despite the discomfort caused by his frequent bouts of diarrhea—a side effect of his Devil Fruit power—he was a man of duty. To him, Impel Down was not just a prison, but his own dominion where order had to be maintained at all costs. On this particular day, after dealing with his personal discomforts and ensuring everything was in place for the dinner rush, he decided it was time to inspect the lower levels of the prison.

As he descended to Level 5, known as the Freezing Hell, the air grew noticeably colder. Here, it was always bitterly cold, with snow and ice covering the landscape. The environment was harsh and unforgiving, designed to break even the strongest wills. Magellan, however, was unaffected by the cold. His robust constitution and the internal heat generated by his Devil Fruit abilities kept him warm against the freezing temperatures that tormented the inmates.

Upon entering Level 5, Magellan's imposing figure commanded attention. The sound of his heavy boots echoed through the icy halls, a stern reminder of his authority. He paused momentarily, scanning his surroundings with a critical eye. The white wolves, native to this level, sensed his presence and quickly retreated. These creatures were fierce, yet even they recognized the authority Magellan wielded.

In Level 5, the usual surveillance methods used elsewhere in Impel Down didn't work well. The extreme cold made it impossible for the Den Den Mushi to operate properly, so surveillance relied on physical patrols. Magellan thought this was adequate; the harsh conditions of Level 5 were deterrent enough, and his occasional inspections ensured no plans of escape or rebellion brewed among the inmates.

As Magellan continued his patrol, he reflected on the importance of these inspections. Level 5 housed some of the most dangerous criminals, individuals who had committed atrocities that shocked even the seasoned staff of Impel Down. It was his responsibility to keep such elements in check, to prevent them from thinking they could overpower the guards or escape their icy prison.

The silence of Level 5 was eerie, yet to Magellan, it was a sign that order was maintained. His steps were deliberate, each one resonating through the halls as a declaration of his control. The inmates, aware of his presence, stayed back, their eyes filled with a mix of fear and respect. Magellan's reputation as a strict but fair warden preceded him, and none dared challenge his authority openly.

As he passed each cell, Magellan inspected the faces of the prisoners. His gaze was piercing, searching for any sign of unrest or conspiracy. He knew the minds of criminals well; after years of overseeing Impel Down, he could almost smell dissent. Today, however, all seemed quiet, the prisoners subdued by the cold and their own despair.

Reaching the end of his route, Magellan turned back, satisfied with the state of Level 5. His presence alone was often enough to quell any thoughts of rebellion. As he retraced his steps, his mind turned to the logistical aspects of running such a complex facility. Supplies had to be ordered, especially those that could withstand the cold, and his staff needed constant training to handle the unique challenges of each level.

Magellan walked by the cells, his footsteps echoing ominously through the icy corridors. As he moved deeper into Level 5, he noted the eerie quietness that pervaded the area. Most cells were empty, a testament to the severe conditions of the Freezing Hell that either broke the spirit of its inmates or purged by him for their disobedience.

Just as he was about to conclude his inspection, a single occupied cell caught his attention amidst a series of empty ones. The cell, unlike the others, had a faint flicker of life within. Magellan's keen eyes quickly focused on the frail figure sprawled on the cold ground. The young man, who appeared to be no older than 20 or 23, lay unconscious, a plate of untouched food resting near him. The sight of the uneaten bread was enough for Magellan to deduce the boy's state of unconsciousness; it was rare for prisoners to leave food uneaten, especially in such harsh conditions.

'Who's this?' Magellan wondered, perplexed by the sight. The young man didn't look particularly strong or dangerous.There was no detectable aura of power or menace about him, nothing that would indicate why he was imprisoned in such a dreaded place. Magellan, always thorough in his duties, decided to find out more about this mysterious prisoner. He pulled out his Den Den Mushi, the living transponder snail, and quickly dialed the Vice Warden, Hannyabal.

The Den Den Mushi buzzed for a moment before Hannyabal's voice came through. "Yes, boss?"

"I need information on a prisoner in Level 5," Magellan began, his tone demanding immediate attention. "Young guy, looks barely 20. Frail, unconscious. Who is he?"

Hannyabal took a moment before responding, "Ah, you must be talking about Ryota Hoshiro. He has just arrived here. Since you were.....a bit busy, I took the initiative and locked him inside. He's a prince from some kingdom. He's here for killing his entire royal family."

Magellan raised an eyebrow, skepticism etched on his face. "This kid? He doesn't seem capable of such a crime. Are you sure?"

"That's what the records say," Hannyabal replied. "But there's more to it. A Celestial Dragon is involved in his case. After a year, he's to be transferred to them for execution."

Magellan's eyes narrowed at the mention of a Celestial Dragon. He knew the implications all too well. When the Celestial Dragons were involved, the lines between truth and fabrication often blurred, skewed heavily by their whims and influence.

"Celestial Dragon, huh?" Magellan muttered, irritation creeping into his voice. The involvement of these so-called gods often complicated matters, their word law despite the lack of justice in their actions.

Ending the call with Hannyabal, Magellan couldn't help but feel a twinge of disdain for the Celestial Dragons. Their arrogance and sense of superiority grated on him, but he knew better than to openly challenge their authority. Doing so would not only be futile but dangerous, potentially leading to dire consequences for him and his position.

Sighing deeply, Magellan accepted the reality of his limitations. He might be the Warden of Impel Down, but even his authority had its boundaries. He resigned himself to let the matter rest. There was little he could do against the will of the Celestial Dragons. His duty was to maintain order in the prison, not to champion the cause of justice for individual inmates, no matter how unjust their circumstances seemed.

Before moving on, Magellan decided to ensure the young prince was at least treated decently during his stay in the prison. According to him, this guy definitely wasn't a criminal and must have been framed by the Celestial Dragon.

He retrieved his Den Den Mushi again and contacted the guards responsible for distributing food in Level 5. "Make sure prisoner Ryota Hoshiro receives proper food during his time here," he ordered. He wasn't a hero, but a small act of decency within his capacity was something he could manage.

With the issue of the prince settled, Magellan resumed his patrol. He walked away from Ryota's cell, descending further into the depths of Impel Down towards Level 6, where the most dangerous and irredeemable criminals were held. His mind quickly shifted back to the overarching duty of maintaining the security and order of the entire prison.

As he descended the stairs to Level 6, he couldn't help but think about the complexities of his role. He was not a man of grand ideals or heroic ambitions. His life was bound to the walls of Impel Down, his duty to contain the evil within it. Whether the inmates were innocent or guilty was not his concern. His job was to ensure they remained imprisoned, to prevent chaos from spilling into the world outside.

Magellan knew the weight of his responsibilities and the limitations of his power. The world was full of injustices far beyond his control. Ryota Hoshiro's case, while unsettling, was just another story among countless others within the prison. The harsh reality was that he could not save everyone, nor was it his duty to do so.

As he stepped into the sixth level, the Infinite Hell, Magellan steeled himself once more. His focus sharpened on the task at hand. The prisoners here were the worst of the worst, and it was his job to keep them in check. Personal feelings and moral dilemmas had no place in his line of work.

With a final glance back towards Level 5, Magellan turned his attention to the darkness of Level 6.

For now, the mystery of Prince Ryota Hoshiro would remain unsolved, another silent tale lost in the cold corridors of Impel Down.


A few hours after Magellan's inspection, Ryota finally regained consciousness.

As he opened his eyes, a system panel appeared before him, displaying a message.


Daily Quest: Partially Completed.

Rewards: (Choose only two)

1) Status Recovery

2) 3 Stat Points

3) A Random Box


Ryota rubbed his blurry eyes and scanned the options, his mind racing despite the lingering grogginess. He knew that each choice had the potential to change his fate in the harsh environment of Impel Down. After a brief moment of deliberation, he made his decision, hoping that his choice would aid in his survival and eventual escape from the freezing hell.


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