
Transmigration:- Wakeup as imperial consert [ bl]

" who think that I will died and transmigrated into another world another era and fell in love with the king of this era ( chuckles) I find that day to much funny when I came here ( giggles) so cute .... " baby where are you " ... " I am here honey " ...... ( he excitedly run outside) ..... What do you think was it real a transmigration or a struggle to fine his lost soulmate

Silentknight1994 · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs


He looked at himself in the mirror for the last time and walked downstairs with his bag on his shoulder It was time to remind his family of their place۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

He came ignoring everyone and set at the end of the dinning table silently far away from them . His father give him an confused look but other look at him angrily. He always greet them first then sit beside his step brother to eat but today he didn't even spoke to anyone neither sit beside his step brother۔۔۔۔

Maid served him his breakfast and he start eating without saying anything seeing his ignorance Mr Shao call him seriously۔۔۔۔

" What's the behavior Shao Niang. You didn't greet anyone and why are you sitting far away from your family" ۔۔۔! He chuckles bitterly placing spoon down gracefully because even he was an naughty God he was most delegent and graceful person . He wipe his mouth with handkerchief and stand up holding his bag .

" I don't have any family. It's your family Mr Shao " ۔۔۔۔He answered sharply giving him a sad smile and left from there.Mrs hai scoff and spit poison about him .

" Didn't I told you he is getting out of control. He forget how to respect elders . I had many complains about him from university. I love him as my son but he never took me as his mother now he even start talking back to you how disrespectful."!...

Mr Shao looked seriously angry and told her he will do something about and remember something ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Your brother is coming for breakfast tomorrow after convincing him for 100 time he agree to sign deal with our company. As you know he is cold and ruthless person please make sure everything is perfect tomorrow okay "۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

Mrs Shao look at her daughter happily. He was her step brother 35 years old never got married and even never had an affair with anyone. He own business world so she want her daughter to get into his pants so she can marry him and take his whole business and property. Maybe now they have a chance۔۔۔۔

Yuan chuckles hearing everything.He told Ru Yi to show him the moment he got out .

" Let's see bitch how can you do as you please " he murmur looking outside with a deadly smirk. He just have to make thier plan unsuccessful and then finding his mate.

He took out his laptop and invest in some business with the help of Ru Yi. He had million dollars in his account which were left behind for him by his mother . He did some part time jobs in tech companies and others . He gathered all documents and told driver to take a turn . Today he won't attend university. First he have to make thier plan which didn't even take a step to die without any effort.۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

Car stopped Infront of a biggest and beautiful company. He came out and look at the mesmerizing company with sparkle eyes.He gather all information about the Owen of this company except his picture so he doesn't how he looked۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Tech Sphere's Empire "

" Quite powerful name hmm" He walked in with his graceful personality and stopped Infront of receptionist who drooled over his handsome and beautiful appearance making him chuckles. She got embarrassed and asked smiling widely at him . " Do you need any help handsome" ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Haha yes Actually I came here to talk with your boss about my tech purposel. Would you like to tell me if your boss is free or should meet him any other time " ۔۔۔۔۔۔

He flashed his beautiful smile making receptionist hold her heart . She immediately told him to wait and called someone.

" Hello Mr Yan good morning. We have someone for business purposel about tech. Sorry sir I forget to ask name.....

Umm Mr handsome would you tell your name۔۔۔۔۔۔

Yuan who was looking around flash his smile and said ...

" Shao Niang "۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Sir it's Mr Shao Niang. Okay sir . Have a good day" she hang the phone and turn to yuan who stand up approaching her .

" You can meet Mr Yan and more importantly he will give you 10 minutes to listen your purposel. If he got impressed he will told you to meet him again . Mr tang (she called an man in suite who walked to her with his serious face ) Mr Shao he is Mr Yan's personal secretary he will guide you to Mr Yan's cabin " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Thank you for your Help miss " ۔۔۔۔۔

Mr tang look at him with serious making him raise his brow amusingly and followed him who signed him to follow.

He followed him to First floor who stopped Infront of big beautiful door with a dragon tattoo curl upon him . His eyes stung getting red and wet.His beautiful fingers traced the dragon's curve with a beautiful smile known to him someone is watching him from CCTV with his poker face . He couldn't see the person's face who was admiring the dragon on the metal door and suddenly back away.

Yuan Took a deep breath and composed himself wiping his wet eyes . Mr tang look at him with confused face .

" Mr Shao should we walk in Mr Yan had another meeting " Shao Niang cover his emotions with poker face and knock on the door .

" Come In " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

That cold voice Shao Niang's heart skip a beat but shrugged maybe he was missing his love that's why . He walked in the moment Mr tang open the door .

He walked in with his grace fullness following by Mr tang .

" Good morning Mr Yan " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

His beautiful cold voice maked Mr Yan to look up just to see those beautiful green eyes with wet lashes looking at him with poker face ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

But there was something in those eyes ۔۔۔۔۔۔

Something deep which couldn't see by bare eyes۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

There was ۔۔۔

Pain ۔۔۔۔

Loneliness ۔۔۔۔۔۔

yearning ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

Sadness ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

On the other hand yuan who composed himself shocked seeing the person Infront of him and his pin start vibrating. " Master , master dragon lord , our lord " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

He hear's his baby's voice in mind who was meowing loudly with happiness. Yuan's body shuddered ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

Mr Yan was drown in those beautiful eyes then his eyes travel to the beautiful creature standing Infront of him making his heart pund uncontrollably ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

He frown seeing rears dropping from his beautiful green eyes. Yuan was so overwhelmed, his breath got heavy, his lips wobbled.he walked back with trembling body , his bag, laptop and documents fell from his eyes . Mr Yan immediately stand up seeing his vulnerable state.

" Mr Shao what happened are you okay " Mr tang who was behind him asked worriedly but his voice make him flinched hard . He doesn't why , why his heart is so overwhelmed because it's been centuries that he meet his soulmate and got separate or don't know . He couldn't take this his heart start paining No he can't face his soulmate now he doesn't what's happening but no. He couldn't think anything straight and run away from there . Mr Yan who was panicked unknowingly about the beautiful person's vulnerable state got shocked seeing him running away and without any thoughts he run behind him . Something was telling him that he couldn't let him go , his heart clench seeing him pain . No he can't۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

You were my everything;

Now you're gone.

I don't have the strength

To carry on.

Skies always seemed sunny

When you were here;

Now there's nothing but gloom

In my atmosphere. ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔