
Transmigration:- Wakeup as imperial consert [ bl]

" who think that I will died and transmigrated into another world another era and fell in love with the king of this era ( chuckles) I find that day to much funny when I came here ( giggles) so cute .... " baby where are you " ... " I am here honey " ...... ( he excitedly run outside) ..... What do you think was it real a transmigration or a struggle to fine his lost soulmate

Silentknight1994 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Life plays very strange games sometimes.It felt like someone was trying to pull out his heart and he couldn't breathe .He was about to run out of the building when two strong arms grabbed him and hugged him tightly.The same fragrance, the same smell, the same comfort .He sobbed into those arms as he knew they would hold him forever. He cried like a baby who's mother got separated from him . Mr Yan carry him outside straight to the car leaving shocked and confused employee with Mr tang۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Shhh , I am here . You are save nothing is gonna happened. Calm down " He soothed him engulfing him in his arms and yuan just melted in those arms . His overwhelmed emotions took much out of him and he fainted maked the cold CEO panicked۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

" He is okay Mr Yan . I think he is stressed and had a mental break down . Something there he couldn't take . Just make sure his mind and heart is calm or else he can get an heart attack . I gave injection him he will be awake after sometime." ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Tang take doctor and give him money and I need every little thing about him in half hour"Yan said coldly dismissing them from his bedroom. He walked into washroom and came out wearing comfortable clothes. He checked the files and laptop Niang brought with him . He got impressed by his work and shock to know he was step son of his step sister.

" Interesting " ۔۔۔۔۔۔

He look at the beautiful boy sleeping on his bed and lay beside him looking deeply at his beautiful face. " Who are you little boy. How can you make my heart go crazy and what made you like that . You can't deserve so much pain sweetheart"..! He caressed the soft fragile skin on his cheek who leans and snuggle in his chest . Yan pull him more closer Hugging him tightly. Niang clench on his shirt tightly murmuring unconsciously۔۔۔

" D, don't leave me " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

He doesn't know why but his heart stung with pain in this little boy's words . He plant a sweet kiss on his head . " I am not leaving Yan zhantian promising you . Will never leave you" ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

They were still cuddling with sleeping Shao Niang peacefully when mr tang came with a file . Yan zhantian tried to pull out but Shao Niang was not leaving him holding onto him tightly. He sighed and sit down with a sleeping Niang on his lap۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Sir Mr Shao is your sister's step son but he is treated very badly in his own house . Every detail is in the file about him . He worked in some companies to pay for his meals even his mother leave him million but he kept those money and never touched it . Recently Mr Shao used that money and invest in our some companies. " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Hmm " Yan zhantian put the file down after reading it clearly and think deeply. " Called her and invite them here tomorrow instead of me going there . The company his father is running now actually belongs to Shao Niang . Something is fishy . Find out every detail about Shao empire now you can go "۔۔۔

" Ahhh " Shao Niang hissed waking up feeling a server headache.He feels laying himself on something soft and hard . His memories start coming back what happened before everything went blank . He can smell the intoxicated fragrance his only safe spot.He snuggle in more thinking deeply. He want to find out what happened to him before opening his eyes۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Ru Yi can you hear me . What happened to me before and what happened untill I was unconscious" ...!

" Master you are awake.I was so much worried someone is creating problem for you from outside the world . If not I am sure demon lord's is trying to get into our way to wake dragon lord . When you were unconscious lord bring you his house and gathered Infromation about you. Lord told his secretary to call your step mother here tomorrow instead of going himself. He Sense something is wrong . He can feel your connection with him " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Okay thanks baby " ۔۔۔۔۔

" Master can't I come outside. I want to meet lord please" ۔۔۔۔۔

Ru Yi pleaded sending puppy eyes in Shao Niang's mind making him hard to control his laugh . " Not now I will do something now let your master meet him . Okay good boy " ۔۔۔

" Okay " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

He moved slightly just to take Yan come out of his thoughts who was thinking deeply about something. He immediately looked down on his lap seeing his beauty waking up. Shao Niang sit up rubbing his eyes with his little fists looking damn cute in Yan's eyes۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

He just looked at his face who took off his hands and look straight in those grey eyes . Thier heart skip a beat feeling butterfly in thier stomachs. Yan zhantian admire every feature of his face especially those beautiful green eyes that are looking at him innocently. Shao Niang blushed and looked down. Yan who was admiring his beautiful face smile seeing him blushing furiously.

" Are you okay sweetheart " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

The same nickname. Shao Niang closed his eyes to compose himself and look at him slowly ۔۔۔

" I,I am fine . Thank you and sorry for bothering you " ۔۔۔۔

He tried to came down from his lap but Yan immediately hold his waist . " You didn't bother me sweetheart. Can you tell me what happened to you . " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔!

Shao Niang made a very sad face and looked down with teary face . Seeing him again near to cry Yan's heart clench and pull him closer to him hugging him softly.

" I,I just went overwhelmed because of so many emotions. M,my f,father , s,step mother a,and all bad things happened to me. I r, recognized you m,my mother left a diary in which she had a pic of you and your mother . Y,you was so tiny . S,she wrote down if I have danger I will directly contact you. But I couldn't find you but seeing you yesterday m,my pain , every Injustice happen to me , every pain they plant on my soul got scratch I couldn't control so many emotions and ۔۔۔۔۔۔!!!!!!!!!!!!

He sobbed hardly clinging onto him who was hugging him with clench jaw and fists hand . He was about to explode with anger . He remember his mother who was his mother's best friend and she always told him to find him but he couldn't. His father had two wife's because of some family issues and had two daughters. First his mother who lived with him in America and second his step mother who lived here in china with her daughter. His step mother died some tears ago and he toom care of his step sister ۔۔۔۔

His anger rised with every thing he remember. Shao Niang can sense air around him getting heavier. He back away and cupe his face .

" Calm down gege . Calm down " ... He kiss his forehead making Yan close his eyes to calm himself down . He pull Niang hiding his face into his neck inhaling his calming scent. He will kill everyone who messed with his baby . He won't leave anyone. ANYONE ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔


Putrid fumes were emitted throughout the 7 gardens of Ardenia-- The matrix of hedges led to a different pathway Scattered along the periphery of the Nutbush Alexandria Malitissa --