
Transmigration:Rampaging Tentacle Monster

In a twist of fate, Yann, once a fearsome Lich King in a previous life, finds himself reincarnated as a tentacle monster in his current one. But what happens when a delectable little girl crosses paths with this unlikely creature? "Others may traverse realms to become heroes, but I traverse to become a tentacle monster," Yann jests. "While others wield cheat codes, I become the cheat code for others. And while others command legions of magical beasts, I become the pet of another, albeit fortunately, the pet of a lovely young maiden. And you there, dare to harm my little maiden? You won't escape my grasp after school! I'll make sure of it!" "My dream is to use my tentacles to ensure a blissful life for my little maiden at home! Anyone who dares obstruct me from building our crystal palace will face my wrath!" With such determined words, Yann sets out on a whimsical yet ambitious quest, using his unusual abilities to protect and provide for his newfound charge, all while dreaming of a brighter future in their crystal abode.

Billy_7484 · แฟนตาซี
60 Chs

I promise not to kill you after school

Oh, this is your academy. Quite impressive indeed. From the looks of the gate alone, Sacred Heart Academy, as a renowned institution in the Eastern Province of the Sheng Luo Empire, is truly remarkable. The imposing gate, adorned with reliefs depicting formidable magical beasts, symbolizes the academy's rich history.

One of the reliefs depicts a esteemed-level dragon, which the previous dean single-handedly defeated years ago. However, the dean has not been seen in public for many years, with rumors suggesting he is in seclusion, striving for higher realms. Some even speculate that he has passed away.

"Hush, let's keep quiet," Niya patted Yann's back, signaling him to remain silent.

Speaking like humans is no easy feat for magical beasts, except for those naturally gifted or with at least esteemed-level strength. Niya didn't want to draw excessive attention, especially considering that Yann, despite being a former sovereign-level powerhouse, was now just a powerless tentacle monster.

Following the delicate girl, dressed in worn-out student attire, was a burly man in black armor, towering at over two meters tall. This scene resembled a wealthy girl accompanied by her bodyguard.

However, the students in the academy knew well that the exquisite girl, resembling a character from a painting, was no wealthy heiress. Rumors circulated that she emerged from an orphanage, with no one having seen her family. Speculations ranged from her being the mistress of some nobleman, trading her beauty for favors, to her being a target of jealousy and bullying due to her exceptional looks.

"Look who's back…" a student whispered to his companion. "Riley said she'd teach her a lesson."

"Exactly. Heard Niya stole Riley's boyfriend, so Riley…"

Before the student could finish, the previous speaker interrupted, seemingly admiring Niya. "Cut the gossip. Riley's got an attitude problem, and she's blaming Niya for stealing her boyfriend, Ank. Ank broke up with her on his own, yet she's spreading rumors that Niya seduced him…"

As they chatted, they noticed a redhead with wavy hair striding over, followed by several elegant men. Glaring at the two students, the woman spoke with authority.

"It's Riley," one of the gossiping students whispered, visibly startled upon seeing the woman, before hastily retracting their words. "Sorry, we're leaving, now!"

With that, they hurried away, fearing they might become the next targets of Riley's wrath.

"Stop right there! I'll make sure to deal with you after school!" A scar-faced man behind Riley stepped forward, chasing after the fleeing students.

Riley didn't stop him but turned to her companions, beckoning them to follow as she approached Niya, who stood still upon seeing her.

Upon seeing Riley, Niya froze in place. Logically, she should have fled, but she only smiled bitterly, knowing that running away would be futile.

Observing Niya's reaction, Yann nodded approvingly. Indeed, Niya was impressive.

"Oh, look who it is, the beautiful Niya," Riley sneered as she approached, her gaze mocking. "What's wrong, back for more? I thought you were done with your withdrawal procedures and ready to go home."

Niya remained silent, instinctively taking a step back, showing her fear.

"Not talking, huh? Heard you've been training outside, did you bring some reinforcements after spending a few nights with a nobleman?" Riley's words turned malicious, making Yann want to give her a good slap.

Niya continued to endure silently.

Seeing Niya's lack of resistance emboldened Riley's group, and they brazenly approached, their eyes filled with contempt.

"Oh, look at that pitiful face. Did I do something wrong, my little fox?" Riley reached out her hand towards Niya's face.

Unable to bear it any longer, Yann stepped forward and slapped Riley's hand.

"Snap!" Riley cried out in pain as the steel plate connected.

"You…" The sudden appearance of the armored warrior made Riley tense up, abandoning her intentions to teach Niya a lesson.

After all, the man standing there, clad in armor and towering over two meters tall, was like a small mountain! Where did Niya find such a figure? Could he be the aid she enlisted during her "training" at night?