
Transmigration:Rampaging Tentacle Monster

In a twist of fate, Yann, once a fearsome Lich King in a previous life, finds himself reincarnated as a tentacle monster in his current one. But what happens when a delectable little girl crosses paths with this unlikely creature? "Others may traverse realms to become heroes, but I traverse to become a tentacle monster," Yann jests. "While others wield cheat codes, I become the cheat code for others. And while others command legions of magical beasts, I become the pet of another, albeit fortunately, the pet of a lovely young maiden. And you there, dare to harm my little maiden? You won't escape my grasp after school! I'll make sure of it!" "My dream is to use my tentacles to ensure a blissful life for my little maiden at home! Anyone who dares obstruct me from building our crystal palace will face my wrath!" With such determined words, Yann sets out on a whimsical yet ambitious quest, using his unusual abilities to protect and provide for his newfound charge, all while dreaming of a brighter future in their crystal abode.

Billy_7484 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

The most tragic Transmigrator

"Very well, I understand your meaning..." Niya supported her forehead with her hand, looking at Yann with a pained expression.

Yann was indeed a monstrous creature, a pitiful transmigrant.

"So, what you're saying is that you were once a formidable sovereign of the undead realm, renowned and powerful, commanding trillions of soldiers and erecting cities at will, basking in unparalleled glory..." Niya recollected Yann's previous words.

Yann nodded, "Coupled with graceful bearing, handsome and talented, excelling in martial arts without reliance on vehicles."

At this moment, Yann was clad in a suit of black full-body plate armor, with only a pair of red eyes visible beneath the sealed helmet.

"You're just a big talker," Niya remarked boldly, having signed the master-servant covenant and knowing that the other party wouldn't harm her.

"Hehe..." Yann scratched his head, shamelessly grinning.

He was truly overjoyed. He had thought his resilient life, akin to that of a cockroach, was finally coming to an end. In the midst of melancholy, a turning point suddenly emerged, embodied by a tender and delectable maiden... No, a lovely maiden suddenly appeared before him.

"But..." Niya's tone shifted, "because you waged war against other lords of the undead realm, the battle was progressing smoothly, but suddenly, other lords ambushed you altogether. Caught off guard, your forces retreated steadily, kingdoms fell, and you perished under the siege of enemy lords..."

"Yes, exactly!" the dark helmet nodded heavily, and regret colored Yann's eyes as well.

One misstep leads to eternal regret!

"But, despite my close brush with death, I unexpectedly traversed to this world after my demise, and became a tentacled creature, slaying the second-tier undead warrior who once inhabited this cave," Niya roughly reiterated Yann's words.

"That's precisely it. Were it not for my prior existence as a sovereign-level necromancer in the realm of the undead, with an intimate understanding of the characteristics and vulnerabilities of dark creatures, enabling me to effectively counter them, I would have perished," Yann recounted with lingering trepidation. He had never anticipated that the undead warrior, whom he had previously dismissed, would nearly claim his life.

In truth, Yann concealed one detail: he had indeed been a sovereign-level powerhouse in the realm of the undead. However, prior to becoming a sovereign powerhouse, he had been an ordinary individual on Earth. Yet, through an unforeseen twist of fate, he transmigrated into the body of a sovereign powerhouse. This unexpected turn of events overwhelmed Yann's senses. He had believed his mundane life would conclude uneventfully, but little did he know that upon his demise, he would transcend to become the formidable entity he had never dared to imagine in his lifetime.

A realm governed by a sovereign powerhouse extended across territories surpassing the total expanse of Earth's surface, with subjects numbering in the billions. However, fortune and misfortune are often intertwined. Despite the prosperous years, Yann fell victim to a fatal siege.

Ultimately— he transformed into a tentacled creature!

"But despite your prowess, why did you choose to hide in the cave and ultimately form a covenant with me?" Niya was puzzled. If Yann was truly as formidable as he claimed, why would he enter into a covenant with her? She had no outstanding qualities, and her strength ranked bottom in the academy.

Yann's eyes filled with sadness, "Do you think I don't want to leave? The key is that one of those who previously besieged me cursed me with a malicious curse that corrodes the soul gradually. The longer time passes, the more my soul withers, until one day, my soul will vanish from this world."

"What curse?" Niya inquired.

"A curse that gradually corrodes the soul. As time passes, my soul will shrink, until one day, it disappears from this world," Yann paused, "To break this curse is simple: find someone, form a covenant with them, and share our souls. This way, the withering affects both our souls, extending our time until death."

"Erm..." Niya's expression turned odd upon hearing this, "Are you saying that I'm also under this curse now?"

"You guessed it right. I thought I concealed it well!" Yann chuckled.

"Damn you! I want to tear up this covenant, tear it up! Who wants to be your servant?" Niya exclaimed.

"Calm down, calm down. The covenant we signed is an equal one and cannot be undone. Rest assured, I have some expertise in covenants," Yann smirked mischievously at Niya.

Upon hearing Yann's words, Niya, who had been relieved that she wasn't eaten, squatted on the ground, hugged her knees, and buried her head: "Sob... I don't... want to die... why... why did you have to form a covenant with me... there are still so... so many people in this world..."

Niya was actually brought to tears by Yann.

"Clank, clank..." Yann walked to Niya's side, crouched down, and the joints of the armor he wore collided with each other, making a sound.

"Aren't you the first person I encountered in this cave? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have formed the covenant," Yann had ventured out of the cave in search of human presence, but unfortunately, he had found none.

Just when Yann was in despair, heaven unexpectedly sent a beautiful maiden to him.

"But... but... didn't you say before that you... you caught many people... and... ate them... and there were so many... ways... to eat them..." the girl looked up at Yann.

Yann scratched his head, "I just wanted to make you speak and tease you, since you were pretending to be dead and not speaking. Did you think I'm a bear that would spare corpses?"

"Deceiver! Big deceiver!"

Yann patted Niya's head, comforting her, "Alright, things aren't as bad as you think. I've observed your soul; it's inherently pure and possesses powerful vitality. Even if we share our souls, there won't be any problem. Moreover, your soul has been sealed by someone else. As long as that seal isn't lifted, the curse will only erode the seal, not harm you..."

"So, please rest assured, my dear. With me, a powerful necromancer, by your side, what are you afraid of?"

"Who's your dear..."