
Transmigration:Rampaging Tentacle Monster

In a twist of fate, Yann, once a fearsome Lich King in a previous life, finds himself reincarnated as a tentacle monster in his current one. But what happens when a delectable little girl crosses paths with this unlikely creature? "Others may traverse realms to become heroes, but I traverse to become a tentacle monster," Yann jests. "While others wield cheat codes, I become the cheat code for others. And while others command legions of magical beasts, I become the pet of another, albeit fortunately, the pet of a lovely young maiden. And you there, dare to harm my little maiden? You won't escape my grasp after school! I'll make sure of it!" "My dream is to use my tentacles to ensure a blissful life for my little maiden at home! Anyone who dares obstruct me from building our crystal palace will face my wrath!" With such determined words, Yann sets out on a whimsical yet ambitious quest, using his unusual abilities to protect and provide for his newfound charge, all while dreaming of a brighter future in their crystal abode.

Billy_7484 · แฟนตาซี
60 Chs

Are You the Protagonist in the Novel?

Niya was unaware of her astonishing heritage, her face now filled with astonishment as she gazed at the letter before her!

"In view of Niya's remarkable performance in the arena, the College Board has decided to admit Niya to the Inner Academy for study and practice. Please report to the Inner Academy before the start of classes on August 31st." Niya's voice trembled as she read the words on the acceptance letter.

Niya leaned towards Yann, hoping for praise from him. Her white hair cascaded in waves, teasing Yann somewhat uncomfortably!

She couldn't help but be so excited. The Inner Academy, within the Sacred Heart College, where only about a hundred out of tens of thousands of students could enter. Even Clark, a fourth-tier warrior and an elite figure among students, couldn't enter the Inner Academy despite several attempts in previous exams. The difficulty of entry into the Inner Academy was evident.

Normally, the college only selects fewer than ten outstanding students from each year to enter the Inner Academy, to fill the vacancies left by students who have excelled and left the college within a year.

Niya had never imagined she would one day enter the Inner Academy; it was something she had never even considered. Graduating was already a miracle for her. Entering the Inner Academy? Unless the teachers there were blind. But reality told her that perhaps the teachers in the Inner Academy were indeed blind.

"Congratulations" Yann clapped his hands, the sound accompanying his current tentacled form, appearing quite enticingly sinister.

Yann didn't particularly feel anything special about Niya entering the Inner Academy. To him, a college in the human realm, even the Inner Academy, wouldn't stir his emotions, not even if the dean stood before him. After all, he had seen grander occasions in his time.

Of course, even if it were the dean now, Yann wouldn't be able to withstand a fight against him and would likely be obliterated.

Although he could barely part with fifth-tier professionals, encountering higher levels would immediately reveal his true form.

Yann's words lacked any sense of congratulation, but Niya didn't mind; she was still happy now.

After a while, Niya put down the letter in her hand, furrowing her brow as she asked Yann, "Why do you think the Inner Academy wants me to go? I don't think I'm that outstanding."

"Well, you never know. What if the Inner Academy has its eye on me?" Yann said nonchalantly.

But this possibility was unlikely. Although Yann's combat power was formidable, it was far from sufficient to enter the Inner Academy based solely on that. Entering the Inner Academy didn't necessarily depend on individual strength; they only valued outstanding talent. Generally, as long as one could rank among the top few in their year, they would likely enter the Inner Academy.

This year, Clark finally entered the Inner Academy as he had wished.

After four years of hard work, he finally made it into the Inner Academy.

This was also a reward for his efforts.

Hearing Yann's words, Niya didn't argue. She knew that if it weren't for Yann's help, she might have been expelled from school by now, let alone getting the opportunity to enter the Inner Academy.

"Don't get too excited just yet. I have a feeling there's something fishy about this. Normally, the Inner Academy's admissions rules are very strict. But why would they admit you? It's definitely not that simple; there must be some hidden agenda." Those who are directly involved often can't see clearly, while bystanders have a clearer view. So Yann, unlike Niya, was not as excited and had a hint of caution in addition to his joy.

"Yeah," Niya tilted her head, revealing a lovely smile, "Why bother with so much speculation? As long as I'm admitted, it's a good thing. Besides, I'm not anyone important, so why would anyone conspire against me?" Niya was indirectly telling Yann that he always viewed things with a conspiratorial eye.

Yann chuckled lightly, "That's not necessarily true. Your identity is quite extraordinary in my eyes. Think about it, someone with a seal in their body that can only be undone by a royal-level expert. How could such a person's identity be simple?" Yann had secretly observed the seal on Niya's body for the past few days and found that the magic seal was an interesting transfer seal.

It transferred not something else but a person's talent, and that legendary, seemingly intangible thing that only great beings could touch—fortune.

Fortune was something even Yann, a sovereign-level powerhouse, couldn't explain. It was different from talent but far more important than talent. A person without fortune couldn't exist in this world, but the amount of fortune varied from person to person.

A person with low fortune might choke on their food, while a person with sky-high fortune might tame a dragon as their magical pet just by stepping out the door.

Fortune might seem similar to luck or misfortune, but the mystery of fortune far exceeded that. A person's entire life was already predetermined, and fortune was the course of that predetermined destiny.

"This...," Niya was momentarily stunned.

"Oh, by the way, you still haven't told me about your family situation. Tomorrow is the start of summer vacation. Are you planning to go home or something else?" After the exam, those who passed would report to become second-year students by August 31st, and those who failed would naturally repeat the year.

The two months between the end of the exam and the start of the school year were for students to arrange themselves.

Whether to go home, work, or continue studying in the college.

"Me?" Niya's eyes showed a touch of sadness, "I don't have any family..."

"Alright, you don't have to say it, I already know. Were you raised in some orphanage?" Yann quipped.

Isn't this the typical opening for a fantasy novel protagonist? The protagonist's background is actually quite astonishing, but for some special reason, the protagonist was abandoned, then taken in by a kind orphanage. Next, the protagonist exhibits remarkable talent in a national selection and is noticed by a certain academy/sect...

"Not exactly. I was adopted by Mr. Lugansk Zoia until I entered the Sacred Heart Academy." Niya shook her head, denying Yann's words.

Lugansk Zoia? Yann expressed that there seemed to be no one in the realm of undead strong enough with that name. So this guy must be just a lowly insect in the human realm.

"But I always feel guilty for being taken care of by Mr. Lugansk Zoia, so since I entered the college, I've been working odd jobs to earn my own living expenses and tuition."