
Transmigration:Rampaging Tentacle Monster

In a twist of fate, Yann, once a fearsome Lich King in a previous life, finds himself reincarnated as a tentacle monster in his current one. But what happens when a delectable little girl crosses paths with this unlikely creature? "Others may traverse realms to become heroes, but I traverse to become a tentacle monster," Yann jests. "While others wield cheat codes, I become the cheat code for others. And while others command legions of magical beasts, I become the pet of another, albeit fortunately, the pet of a lovely young maiden. And you there, dare to harm my little maiden? You won't escape my grasp after school! I'll make sure of it!" "My dream is to use my tentacles to ensure a blissful life for my little maiden at home! Anyone who dares obstruct me from building our crystal palace will face my wrath!" With such determined words, Yann sets out on a whimsical yet ambitious quest, using his unusual abilities to protect and provide for his newfound charge, all while dreaming of a brighter future in their crystal abode.

Billy_7484 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Slav and Lugansk Zoia

Difficult indeed, Niya's life has been so impoverished because she has been diligently working while studying. The prices in the Sheng Luo Empire are not low; the prices of daily consumer goods alone are five to six times higher than those in China on Earth, and this is based on the fact that the eastern provinces produce a large amount of food.

In other provinces, prices are even more absurd. Unlike countries on Earth, the Roland Continent does not have a common market. Basically, prices in different parts of the same country do not differ too much, except for countries like China, which are large in area, have large regional differences, and have a large population.

Even within the same country, prices vary greatly between different regions. Moreover, the entire Sheng Luo Empire is a situation where various lords and nobles are entrenched. The economic exchanges between regions are severely restricted, with numerous checkpoints and goods are difficult to circulate. Even commercial alliances with official backgrounds operate with difficulty, let alone most traveling merchants.

Fortunately, the Sheng Luo Empire does not restrict commerce in cities and towns, so commercial activities within cities are still very active. However, this commercial model radiating from a city controlled by a lord to the surrounding areas has a significant drawback—regionalism. Commercial exchanges between different lords can only be done by merchants with official backgrounds, as for others...

The lack of economic exchanges between regions has led to resentment among merchants throughout the Sheng Luo Empire due to the unreasonable commercial restrictions. Of course, the most lamenting and resentful are the ordinary people, who not only suffer from the oppression of the nobles but also have to bear such high prices.

As for the taxes levied by the church, they were abolished in the religious wars several hundred years ago. The priests now no longer have the prestige they used to, and the nobles in various regions have taken back the land and tax revenues once controlled by the church. The church is now only a spiritual refuge, but the Holy See has not been abolished. Even the Holy See's strength can be considered strong throughout the Roland Continent, but it no longer has the power to control the entire continent.

"Are you still going to work this summer?" Yann asked.

"Humph, now I am worth more than ten thousand, do I still need to work? I plan to go and pick something for Mr. Lugansk Zoia tomorrow and visit him," Niya is now a little rich woman, but the source of her funds cannot be publicly announced.

If others knew that Niya had trafficked a high-level bloodline magic, it would surely cause an uproar.

Not to mention anything else, the Sacred Heart Academy would have to detain Niya and ask where she got the bloodline magic from.

"Lugansk Zoia?" Yann always felt something strange. In theory, a stranger would not take in an orphan.

Of course, this does not rule out that the other party is a kind person, but the possibility is not high.

"What kind of person is Lugansk Zoia?" Yann was still worried.

"Do you not believe in Mr. Lugansk Zoia?" Niya asked back.

Mr. Lugansk Zoia is undoubtedly her lifesaver, rescuing her from the brink of death. So Niya resents others speaking ill of Mr. Lugansk Zoia.

Since childhood, Niya has treated Lugansk Zoia as her father, and in fact, Lugansk Zoia also treats her as his daughter. But it is very unusual that Lugansk Zoia absolutely disagrees with Niya calling him father and can only call him "Mr. Lugansk Zoia" or "Lugansk Zoia."

Similarly, Lugansk Zoia never uses the term "daughter" to refer to Niya.

"I certainly believe so" Yann didn't want to upset Niya, nodded repeatedly and agreed.

"Um," Niya pinched her chin and thought for a while, "Mr. Lugansk Zoia is about forty years old, with no combat abilities, just an ordinary person, running a cafe, the business can only be described as barely sustaining, there are not many customers, just three or two old customers who seem very familiar with Mr. Lugansk Zoia, the cafe is called Rabbit Cafe..."

"Wait a minute, I didn't ask you to introduce the cafe, I asked you if Lugansk Zoia had anything special? Besides, it's too worth mocking that a middle-aged uncle's cafe is called Rabbit Cafe!"

"As for Mr. Lugansk Zoia, he has no wife or children. Well, if you must say, this is the only strange thing about him," Niya said.

Upon hearing this, Yann's mind became active. Although he didn't know why, he always felt that Lugansk Zoia's existence might have a lot to do with Niya's background.

"You said you were going to buy something for Mr. Lugansk Zoia tomorrow, right?" Yann asked, "I'll accompany you tomorrow. It's also a good opportunity for me to get to know the roads in this Sacred Heart City."

As usual, after Niya picked and chose for a long time and bargained, she bought a set of coffee cups while the shopkeeper looked at Yann with fear in his eyes. Well, it's very suitable for the items in the shop.

In front of a very simple-looking typical European-style shop, Niya stopped.

A small signboard with a rabbit on it was placed horizontally on the beam.

The scent of coffee drifted out from the storefront, a very strong coffee aroma.

"Lugansk Zoia, I'm back to see you," Niya said after entering.

The middle-aged man stood in front of the cashier, one hand holding a coffee cup and the other holding a clean white cloth to wipe it.

Hearing Niya's voice, Lugansk Zoia looked up and smiled, "It's Niya, when did you start your vacation?"

Danger! At the moment when Lugansk Zoia looked up, Yann felt a very dangerous feeling all over his body, especially when Lugansk Zoia inadvertently glanced at Yann with his eyes, this danger became sharply magnified.

At this moment, the person in front of him seemed not to be a middle-aged cafe owner, but a giant dragon!

This is definitely not an ordinary person. Yann gave the answer at the first time. He originally wanted to use divine sense to probe Lugansk Zoia's true strength, but another voice suddenly came up.

"Oh, little Niya, you don't recognize Uncle Slav after a few months?" A golden-haired young man sitting in front of the French window smiled at Niya.

When did he sit there? Yann's whole body stiffened. Although he was no longer an sovereign-level powerhouse, he could easily detect the aura of people below the esteemed-level with the power of his sovereign-level soul.

But this man named Slav...