
Transmigrated into Pokémon as a Team Rocket recruit.

The world of Pokémon is realistically dangerous, full of monsters of all sizes and colors. Full of trainers that can casually destroy the infrastructure of a town or even a city, where terrorist organizations reside in each region. For our mc these monsters and organizations were simple npc on his PC, now he lives with them. WARNING, THIS IS TRANSLATED The cover and the Pokemon characters do not belong to me The cover belongs to MidniteBlues ——> https://www.reddit.com/u/MidniteBlues/s/aXHX3JekZO

Sr_Angel · วิดีโอเกม
25 Chs


"Well, take the microphone and go to the basement of the casino," Looker told me.

"I expect 4,000 more Pokédollars."

"The higher-ups say we'll give you 20,000 right now if you decide to work for us."

That surprised me.

"20,000!" The figure surprised me; I am not used to seeing that amount.

It wasn't much for a tournament Pokémon trainer; being a trainer was expensive, but these days, as a wealthy person, I have discovered the value of money.

"That's nothing; I have investigated you; you want to get the gym badges; you will have to feed at least six mouths; they say that the stronger they are, the more they eat; you don't have sponsors; it is impossible to train competitive Pokémon with only piña berries."

Of course, they've been spying on me.

Continuous viewpoint

"Think about it: if you leave the Rocket team now, the criminal organization will suspect you, a new recruit. The league has said that we will not take drastic measures for the moment, plus you will have no way to make money."

I was thoughtful about what he said.

I have no way to make easy money right now, nor am I certain how the Rocket executives will take my defection; maybe they will kill me to make sure I don't reveal anything.

"What should I do?"

"You must rise in rank in the Rocket ranks; you have gotten your first badge a few days after having a Pokémon; call it a heartbeat; the league and the international police expect you to climb the ranks of your organization."

"It's not my organization, and that's fine; I accept, but it will be 40,000 pokedolar."

"Deal, look at your account; now go."


Money, money, money: how happy are you when you have it?

It's not like he's on an ultra-dangerous mission; he feels like an infiltrator of Kanto's most wanted criminal organization.

Oh, wait, I am

It is well concentrated.

I was here in the casino, a Rocket team base.

Right at the entrance to the basement, a guard asked me

"For the Rattata?"


"For Wailord?"

"A harpoon."

"And are we for the league?"


The guard promoted me, and with that, I went down the steps.

Inside the basement, I saw an apparently rusty elevator. I entered, put on my uniform, and pressed the two keys.

The elevator took you to the basement. There were four floors, but at the moment, recruits are only allowed access to the first two.

"Hey Mello, do you want Slowpoke Tails, brother?"

I turned to the voice and saw him—a green-haired guy with a punk appearance. It was Ledger, a friend of Mello.

"Hey brother, the truth is that I have already eaten."

"You told me you were going to the forest, and since then I haven't heard from you; some thought you were dead; poor Jackson was happy; Chief Marcus was angry because you didn't show up at squad meetings."

"I had an accident," he replied, briefly.

"I told you it was a bad idea, but you never listen, idiot. Come on, the boss is waiting for us."

Taking advantage of the situation, consider the following:.

After finishing the monotonous hallway that was the base of the Rocket team, I finally saw my teammates. We were about 30 people on this shift.

"Look who came here—the ghost."

That was Jackson, my rival, or, well, my nothing; he was nobody to me in this current body.

He was a blonde with a nerdy asshole face.

The leader of this squad, Marcus, was looking at me very ugly. He was an older man, looking like a mountaineer sprite, but with the Rocket Team shirt.

"You skipped two team meetings, young Mello; I hope they have a good reason."

"I had an accident with a swarm of Beedrills; it won't happen again." I feigned embarrassment and bowed. I was in a place inspired by Japan, so bowing seemed appropriate.

"Ahahhahahaha!" Jackson laughed in my face. Marcus was no more accommodating.

"You won't do it three times," my new leader threatened.

"As punishment, you will take my luggage and go down the stairs; don't take the elevator," said the luggage leader, earning laughter from Jackson.

What was wrong with these people? Didn't they understand that it was an accident?

Okay, let's get ready. It's time to train. Let's go up to floor 1.

That's right, what we are currently doing is training.

Currently, we were rookie recruits; we only dedicated ourselves to stealing Pokémon and money, and that was more or less optional.

What we were really doing was training to one day be strong trainers, to be the equivalent of paramilitaries, and to challenge the state.

That is to say, we were students, and we were rewarded with Pokémon and Pokémon knowledge.

And I had missed two classes.

To think that I have to go back to school...

"Welcome back to the Team Rocket battle room. In this place, we teach how to fight and raise Pokémon.

"Señorito Mello, with what antidotes do you cure the poison of an Ariados completely?"

Seriously, there's going to be a Snape thrown in here; he didn't attend your classes!

"I don't know, sir."

"When a pack of Mankeys follows you, what should you do?"

"I don't know."

"It won't be Beedrills, professor," said the bastard Jackson, earning some laughter from his classmates.

Well, he was already gaining a grudge against Jackson.

What's next is a kind of history between the Kanto and Johto wars and some strategies that the Kantonian soldiers used to survive or die.

"Okay, it's time to fight."

To the joy of many, including me, the now-professor gave the order to fight.

"Now that we are all gathered, let's go to the arena, where you can command your Pokémon," he said, looking at me.

"This is a competition; whoever achieves the most victories over the others will win a special prize."

That caught my attention—a prize? Will it be money, a rare Pokémon, oh?

The teacher interrupted my thoughts.

"Currently, we have done a total of 58 Pokémon battles among the 29 participants who showed up to my classes."

"Mello, you will face three opponents in a row; that will be your punishment."

I thought my punishment was carrying your luggage.

"Lilith vs. Mello"

"Is there a limit to how many Pokémon we should bring?"

"The battles are only for 1 Pokémon; at this time, you will not be prepared to take more than 1 unless you have caught another Pokémon and have decided to take care of it and feed it.

Say that to Karen and my mother.

The battlefield was a standard, flat field with no natural advantages.

The low recruit appeared in front of me and took out her Pokéball.

Ekans, I took out Shuppet.

I opened my system.

Ekans LVL 15




Peck Come


I was somewhat afraid of his sinister bite, effective against my Shuppet, although we currently surpass him by 10 levels. My Shuppet was level 25, and my Murkrow was level 20.

But for these cases, I have a counter

"Get started," Marcus said.

"So bad"

Konrad understood and did not take long to follow my order.

A will-o'-the-wisp hit the Ekans before she had time to say anything.

"Wisp, what move is that? It doesn't look like it did anything," I heard my opponent say.

"Ekans uses a bite."


Dark energy covered my Shuppet, and the Ekans lost the exchange and retreated.

"How is it possible? It was a sinister attack!" I heard someone in the stands scream.

"Shadow ball"

"Dodge it"

The snake tried, but the difference in levels was obvious even without my system.

The ball hit Ekans, leaving him unconscious.

"Well, the winner of this match is Mello Snow."

"Next fight: Jackson vs Mello

"Now you're going to find out, idiot," Jackson said.

As it was recurring, I ignored it and returned Konrad, much to everyone's surprise.

"Are you giving up now?" Jackson asked strangely.

"I have another Pokémon."

"Alright, throw your new Pokémon onto the field."

Jackson took out his Pokémon, and to my surprise, it was not a pre-evolution

It was a rat.

Raticate LVL 20

Gender: Male

Attacks: super fang, bite, quick attack, tackle

Level 20 means it is newly evolved.

This fight will be interesting.

"Corvus, get ready," I told my bird in the field.