
Transmigrated as Sasuke Uchiha

Thrown into Sasuke's body right after graduation, before officially meeting Kakashi. One man takes the potential, and anger of the 'Last Uchiha' and makes it his own, turning his potential into hard work and effort. Turning his anger into fuel, into power. Harnessing what the original Sasuke was too blinded by hate to use. Friends, his family's history, and his Sharingan, that he had far before the bridge arc.

BeaulenSmith · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
36 Chs

Bell Test 2

Something I need to talk about before I start this chapter, a few people have gotten upset over the fact Sasuke is now helping everyone get stronger, actually attempting to help them improve from their canon self instead of ending up how they did. Some stated that because there was a 'Dark' tag, and how I labeled the synopsis Sasuke would be some sort of bad guy and try to slaughter his way through Konoha? Stealing or at least being an absolute asshole over everything and just not helping anyone while increasing his own strength.

Never, in anywhere do I hint that he would be an asshole. The novel is a slow-mover for one, it's the third chapter and I'm still on the bell test, technically only a day after he showed up in Sasuke's body.

Second, NOWHERE is it hinted he's going to be some edge lord and be some emo. In the synopsis, some have continued to mention? It says, and I quote.

Turning his anger into fuel, into power. Harnessing what the original Sasuke was too blinded by hate to use. Friends, his family's history, and his Sharingan, that he had far before the bridge arc.

So I'll just say it now, you looking for some fanfiction where Sasuke becomes an asshole, goes around slaughtering, stealing, and forcibly making changes? This isn't the type of novel for you.

It IS a dark novel, maybe not now because it's JUST the bell test, but it is one, and I planned to show that off soon.

Does he show signs of being Manipulative? Yes, but so does a lot of other people with good intentions. Not talking about the more idiotic ones like Dumbledore, or Hiruzen, no I'm talking about real-life people.

Even great people are good at manipulation even if they don't mean to be, people who are able to talk you into seeing it from their perspective, through their eyes.

But that aside, this novel is dark because it is in a cutthroat world where assassins are used constantly, and I plan to show off that dark side. Some serious, dark subjects will come up, and some will be explored in more depth to understand just how fucked up people can be.

Final note, this story isn't about being a hero, but it is about helping people become a better version of themselves.

I am only writing this because I wanted to see how I liked writing Naruto and becoming Sasuke Uchiha is one of the more easy things to handle instead of needing to pour through every single lore page of Naruto to make my own original story. Will there be other ones? Sure if I get an inspiration, some might just might make someone OP from the start and fuck his way through the shinobi world, or one might take the dark human experiment route, the second coming of Orochimaru but he's much worse type shit.

Or, I might genderbend all male characters and make some weird-ass harem story. -Big shrug-. I write for fun, and I'm glad to those who are sending money to me, or giving me some good ideas and giving me criticism, but if this story or others of mine don't fit you, I'm sorry but I wish you luck in finding one that does, or you finding the spark of creation to make your own story. The only advice I'll give, IS USE GRAMMARLY!!! Now, rant over. Back to the story. (Sorry I put this at the top, I needed it to be mentioned right away.)


Kakashi's eyes widened as he saw the fluttering of explosive tags, in a hurry he used the replacement jutsu, before immediately retreating further by pushing off that log, and as he slid across the ground he use a single seal before slamming his hands down.

A wall of earth rose, moving to make another one before bracing for the explosion.

After a few moments and him not noticing the explosion he looked around the wall to notice a bunch of leaves that had fallen where he once was. His eye widened a bit as it clicked.

It had been a genjutsu, if Sasuke had used those explosive tags, even with his preparation and skill, it'd have rocked Kakashi and made him open to more attacks.

He had to give the Uchiha credit, he wasn't like his older brother who graduated early through sheer skill, maybe his initial assessment of Sasuke was wrong.

Sasuke was showing a lot more skill than he usually showed, was it on purpose, or did his enlightenment to his whole revenge change that much of his mind that he can think so clearly?

Either way, even if Naruto and Sakura didn't pass, he couldn't hold back Sasuke. He was a team player, strong, and smart, he made use of his skills, and use of the fact he is a genin to be underestimated.

Seeing no attack heading his way Kakashi broke off into the opposite side of the clearing, entering the forest as he began to hunt down the kids.

Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura were catching their breath, they had gone quite far. Sasuke wasn't used to enhancing his body with chakra to that extent so he was massaging his legs as they rested.

''Naruto, what happened to teamwork?" It was Sakura who spoke up, fuming over his mistake.

''But, we got a bell, didn't we? Our teamwork paid off.'' Naruto said, his head tilting in genuine confusion.

Sakura was the one taken back by this. ''What?"

''What Naruto is trying to say Sakura, is the first thing in teamwork is putting trust into your teammates. If all else fails, they will be there with you. Naruto was counting on the fact one of us would use his distraction to get ahead of Kakashi."

Sakura's mouth hung open before she turned to the grinning Naruto, his hand raised as he gave his trademark smile and thumbs up. ''Bingo! Though I had hoped for the best, I never thought we would actually get one of the bells."

Sakura closed her mouth as she began to seriously think over something. Sasuke speaking next. ''Neither did I, I thought it might be a genjutsu or a fake bell. But just in case I decided to grab the bait. I made sure before burying it somewhere close, we don't know if he had a way to track it. The test is to get one of the bells, not keep it. Now, we have the chance to grab the second bell... Do we take it?"

Sasuke looked between his team members, the ache in his legs had gone away and he should be able to do it again, he'd need more time to rest afterward, but it would be a great card to us if he needs to move quickly.

Naruto seemed to be thinking but it was Sakura who spoke. ''Well, technically, we passed the test, even if I haven't done much... I'd like to actually try this time, we passed the test, but let's see if we can do it flawlessly, and in a way that I can help."

Naruto spoke out secondly. ''Yeah! We beat it, but now let's go for broke! Try our best!"

Sasuke nodded, it was then they decided on a strategy, would it work? They could only hope.

Kakashi was crouched on a branch, overwatching an opening in the forest where a shadow clone of his was standing. All three of the kids were around the clearing, placing themselves in a way it would close off his chances to escape.

Kakashi looked around at all three of them, the fire in their eyes was something to behold, technically they all completed the test, even if Sakura hadn't done anything in the first half, but despite that, they were still willing to try again, but together.

It reminded him of his own bell test when he was under Minato when he had barely been able to grab the bell himself. Maybe if he had worked harder with his teammates...

It was then he noticed movement, Naruto was rushing forward, clones rapidly appearing around him as both Sasuke and Sakura took a knee and began to go through hand signs.

Kakashi noticed this from where he was, a brow-raising. Have Naruto with his number advantage overwhelm the shadow clone while Sakura and Sasuke provided support by using the earth bullet jutsu? A good tactic to use against a clone that couldn't use the full extent of his abilities, but if it was him down there he could go through the clones with ease t get to them.

Instead, he watched as his clone got locked down with multiple clones, still popping them often as he had to dodge or parry most hits so it didn't pop him, the bullets themselves being used to cut off his movements and force him to keep fighting a taijutsu battle.

There was a loud call of a bird that sounded a bit weird, Kakashi raised a brow as he looked around. Was it one of them? It sounded forced and there wouldn't be any birds around while they were fighting, but it showed one of them was actually staying back to watch for something. But what were they watching for?

It was then that one of the naruto clones rushed forward in a quick movement.

Using its hands it hit both of Kakashi's arms up before using a knee strike to hit him in the chest, it was then Kakashi's clone popped along with a large amount of naruto one's causing a large smokescreen.

Kakashi raised a brow, so they noticed it was a clone after all? Then he heard the snap of a tight string being cut, looking around there was suddenly a large amount of noise as kunai and shuriken began to appear everywhere aiming for him.

So that's what it had been, a call to let them know the trap was ready, he was able to dodge most of the shuriken and kunai and deflect the ones he couldn't without pushing himself further than he was allowing himself this fight.

Falling from the tree he landed on the ground, just as Naruto suddenly rushed forward. Kakashi was ready to fight him again, but what he saw threw him off.

He watched as Naruto's once blue eyes suddenly became red, a three tomoe Sharingan in them, not only did this confuse Kakashi as his mind tried to understand how but then he registered it might be a genjutsu, making the sign for release he tried to spike his chakra to release it, however, it didn't. Seeing this he got even more confused before a streak of black hair appeared to his left and he was suddenly locked in an aggressive taijutsu fight with the aggressive Sasuke.

The confusion and shock from the Sharingan that Naruto had been enough to shake him, it wasn't until he looked back to Naruto who had been rushing him when it made sense as a layer of smoke appeared before Sasuke rushed through it, the one he was fending off also bursting as it showed the normal naruto.

Just as Sakura came from the combined smoke, grappling towards the bell, he heard it jingle and with a powerful kick to the ground, he sent himself skidding back.

Only to be met with a grinning Naruto, a cheering Sakura, and Sasuke who sat down with a smile. He noticed how Sakura wasn't holding the bell, it was being held to her finger.

Kakashi let out a breath of relaxation since it seemed they stopped. Walking over to them. ''You're all some scary Genin, you know that? Sakura, a good trick to implement the leaf sticking exercise in the middle of combat."

"Thank you Sensei! I was supposed to grab it, but I realized I wouldn't be able to get in close enough to grab onto it with both Sasuke and Naruto so close to you, and Sasuke said something yesterday to Naruto that reminded me it could be used for more than just sticking leaves to me.''

"Oh? Sasuke, the scholar it seems." Just as he said that the bell rang, looking up Kakashi chuckled. ''Good, let's go and eat lunch, you've all passed the test, but there are some things I want to discuss your efforts.''

Naruto jumped, waving his arms in the air. ''WOOOHOOO! I'm starving!"

Sakura had to admit, so was she. Even without the diet and cutting her food short, having eaten a full dinner and breakfast, the energy and chakra she used made her much hunger than she thought she would be.

It also struck home that she would've been far more useless than she had been today if she had actually decided to skip dinner and breakfast.

Soon they were all at the trunks which they used to rest their back against while they ate. At first it was weird why there was only two bento's, but a puff of smoke from a scroll showed Kakashi had brought an extra two lunches for all four of them.

It wasn't homemade, it was store-bought but it was still decent.

"First of all, Naruto. You showed trust in your team and were able to work with both Sasuke and Sakura well, your clones give you a tactical advantage and the fact you can make so many of them and still be able to fight yourself is a wonder. There are things you need to work on, one of them being taijutsu. If you were better at taijutsu, and so were your clones, they'd be harder to deal with and last much longer.''

"Sakura, I will not sugarcoat my words when I say that your role in the entire fight was below what it should be, though I do understand. Naruto has freak chakra reserves and stamina, and Sasuke is a cut above most Genin, maybe some Chunnin. For a fresh Genin, you did well. We'll focus on raising your basic skills and abilities first so you can catch up to the standard, you might not be able to have Naruto's stamina or Sasuke's skill, but you can do much better. It was smart of you to stop your diet and to start eating properly."

"Lastly, Sasuke. You're good, I'll give that to you. Your skill in taijutsu exceeds most Genin by a long shot even if you just use basic academy forms and some Uchiha forms mixed in. You adapt at using your mind to make up solutions, plans, and schemes to give your team the tactical advantage. Your skill in Ninjutsu from what I've seen is high as well, you show being decent at molding chakra natures and your hand signs are faster than most. Your skill in transformation jutsu is shocking as well, though I do have to ask, do you really already have three tomoe?"

Sasuke shook his head. ''I was going for shock factor the most, so I thought Naruto with a three tomoe would be better, and even then it was only because you yourself weren't using your own Sharingan."

Kakashi chuckled, shaking his head. ''Would be a bit overkill if I used my eye against three Genin, no matter how good you are, but if it was real combat, I'd most likely be dead if I didn't use it. That exploding tag genjutsu was well done as well. I didn't even consider it being a genjutsu, the only thought on my mind was to get protection from the explosions."

Sasuke nodded. ''As anyone's first reaction would be, I simply took that knowledge and used it to our advantage. It helped buy us more time to hide and plan."

"A dirty trick even for a shinobi I must admit, it's good... Damnit, I just realized you're too good of a team to let waste, so I'll need to actually seriously train you.'' Kakashi sighed heavily, shaking his head.

"You mean, you don't always train teams properly?" It was Sakura who spoke, a hint of worry evident. After all, if he didn't seriously train them, wasn't he just helping them run to death?

"Yes and no, I always take the bell test seriously, even when I'm reading my book, it's to see how they react, how they act knowing I'm brushing them off to be nothing more than something I can casually fight while reading."

"But, you learn who is meant to be a ninja, and who isn't quickly. Every team I have gotten so far has quit being a ninja to instead pursue more civilian lifestyles, because even then. If you aren't cut out for being a ninja but still made it to graduation, then you're of studier types compared to normal, so it's not hard to find a decent-paying job.''

Sakura seem relieved at that before nodding. She was sure that if it came down to it, Kakashi would still seriously train a team that did remain... Right?

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But earlier than I planned, but I just wanted to address something, so instead of just giving false hope to a new chapter, I included both.

BeaulenSmithcreators' thoughts