
Transmigrated as a Secret Agent Into a Novel

"Tides of Chaos: A Worldwide Fantasy Web Novel" Unveiling the protagonist's journey and the struggles encountered along the way. Yet, were these events truly meant to strengthen the protagonist, or was there a hidden agenda behind them? All the events that have occurred so far, which seemed to be mere obstacles for the protagonist, were actually part of a plan orchestrated by a secret organization—BlightWeavers. The mastermind behind these events, the puppeteer, was a high-level BlightWeavers agent operating under the alias of Silas. When Alex transmigrated into this novel, he realized he was neither a main character nor an extra. Instead, he had assumed the role of Silas, as a rookie field agent during his early days within the organization. Alex unwittingly became the catalyst for the events that drive the story's progression, all under the orders of the BlightWeavers. *** Update schedule: 1 chapter/day [GMT+8 (Shanghai, China) 15:00 ~ GMT+5:30 (India) 12:30 ~ GMT -4 (New York) 03:00 ~ GMT +3 (Turkey) 10:00 ]

WriterOfEnd · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

The Preliminary Test

Alex was on the verge of reaching the accommodation that BW had prepared for him when he unexpectedly received another assignment from Agent Kirf.

'That was surprisingly quick,' Alex thought, realizing he had only submitted his report an hour ago.

'Anyway, let's check what it is this time.' Alex promptly opened the notification and accessed his new assignment.

[Assignment Details]

[Agent: Silas (Agent ID: XXX-007)]

[Mission: Knight acceptance ceremony]

[Objective: Head to the operation center in the graxbrug city in a hour]


[Access Code]

'So, it is time for my meeting with this agent, Kirf,' Alex thought as he tapped on the location section. He noticed that the meeting place was in Shore.

'I should be able to reach there within an hour,' Alex pondered, and he set off towards the operations center.

Alex arrived at the operations center, which resembled a warehouse. After exploring for a while, he finally found the place where he could input the access code that Agent Kirf had given.

As Alex stepped into the warehouse, a voice reverberated throughout the space, addressing him.

"Agent Silas, come up to my office on the third floor."

Alex scanned the area, attempting to pinpoint the source of the voice. Failing to do so, he concluded, 'I suppose I should head upstairs,' and proceeded to ascend to the third floor.

Upon arriving on the third floor, Alex noticed a nameplate displaying the words [ Viscount Agent Kirf ] Surprised, Alex muttered under his breath, "So, the person overseeing my knight acceptance mission holds the rank of viscount."

Alex lightly knocked on the door and received permission to enter.

"Come in."

Alex stepped into the office and immediately noticed a bald, middle-aged man with a robust physique seated behind the desk. The man exuded an air of authority, emanating a commanding presence. Alex deduced, 'So, he must be Agent Kirf.'

"I am responsible for your knight acceptance assignment, Viscount Agent Kirf," Agent Kirf informed in a firm tone.

"Nice to meet you, sir," Alex replied.

"Good, at least you know the basic manners when addressing a superior," Agent Kirf remarked, nodding approvingly.

"I will evaluate your overall performance and report back to headquarters," Agent Kirf resumed, informing Alex.

"Based on my assessment and other factors, headquarters will promote you and reward you accordingly," Agent Kirf stated, then asked, "Do you understand?"

"Understood, sir," Alex acknowledged, realizing that this would be akin to a practical examination.

"Very well," Agent Kirf nodded.

"You will be participating in an undercover mission with me," Agent Kirf disclosed, revealing Alex's next assignment.

Curious, Alex inquired, "May I know what kind of mission, sir?"

"Not yet. But before we proceed, we need to put you through a preliminary test," Agent Kirf responded, rising from his seat and heading outside.

"Follow me," Agent Kirf ordered.

Lost in his thoughts, Alex began to trail behind Agent Kirf, his mind racing with curiosity. 'What kind of test is he referring to?' he wondered.

Seeking clarification, Alex decided to inquire, "Sir, could you please provide more information about the nature of this test?"

Agent Kirf came to a halt on the second floor, just outside a door, and turned to face Alex. A hint of annoyance tinged his voice as he remarked, "You seem rather impatient, don't you?"

Agent Kirf offered a cold piece of advice, "Impatience is not a desirable trait for an agent." He then turned the doorknob and entered the room.

Internally grumbling, Alex thought, 'Would it hurt to give a straightforward answer?' Nevertheless, he responded humbly, "Thank you for your advice, sir. I will take it into careful consideration." Alex proceeded to follow Agent Kirf and entered the room.

Upon entering the room, Alex was confronted with a startling sight. The walls and floor of the room were painted white, adorned with crimson patches that seemed to scream in contrast. As Alex's gaze roamed the room, he became aware of the presence of other individuals.

A black-haired girl, clad in a tight uniform, leaned against one of the walls, while another person, with a naked and deformed appearance, was chained to a chair.

Carefully scrutinizing the chained figure and the state of the room, Alex felt an overwhelming urge to vomit. 'Isn't this a fucking torture room?' the thought involuntarily raced through Alex's mind.

Struggling to maintain composure and suppress the urge, Alex's attention was seized by the black-haired woman who addressed him.

"You don't need to look so disgusted," Agent Eris uttered, her tone filled with hurt. "You might hurt someone's feelings, you know."

Observing the pained expression on Agent Eris' face, Alex inquired, "Is this your doing?"

A wicked smile played across Agent Eris' lips as she responded, "Oh, you're quite perceptive."

"Yes, how did you find my art?" Agent Eris inquired, but upon seeing the expression on Alex's face, she added, "Never mind, forget that I asked. I don't think I want to hear your answer."

'Art,' Alex thought. 'Is she some kind of psycho?' Alex contemplated but snapped out of his reverie upon hearing Agent Kirf's voice.

"I don't have all day, Agent Eris. Let's finish this quickly," Agent Kirf interjected.

"Yes, sir," Agent Eris responded, turning to Alex. "We can discuss art another time."

"Allow me to explain what your test that Agent Kirf mentioned," Agent Eris began.

"Do you see our customer sitting in that chair, refusing to leave?" Eris pointed at Thomas while speaking.

'Is this supposed to be funny? He's fucking chained to the chair,' Alex thought, glancing at Agent Eris's troubled expression.

Noticing Alex's anger, Agent Eris responded, "I know, right? It's incredibly rude, and it infuriates me too."

Agent Eris was about to make a few more remarks, but upon hearing a grumble from Agent Kirf and noticing his impatient expression, she decided to get straight to the point and explain.

Agent Eris gestured with her hand, sliding it across her throat. "Anyway, your task is simple: you just need to remove him from the chair."